Lily Rosalie Bouvier

Lily Bouvier

OOC First Name
Lily Rosalie Bouvier​
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<SIZE size="150">The Basics
Full Name: Lily Rosalie Bouvier
Meaning of first name: The flower lily is a symbol of innocence; purity and beauty.
Meaning of middle name: Flower, a Rose.
Meaning of surname: A large, powerful dog of a rough-coated breed originating in Belgium.
Thoughts on the names: Lily has no strong feelings either way on her surname, it is a typical Canadian French name after all. She does love her first name however, as it is a flower she deeply adores. Her middle name is a take on her twin's first name, and she feels this links her even more strongly to her twin.
Nicknames: She has none, as Lily is easy enough to say.
Character's Birthdate: 6th March 202?
Age: 10
Nationality: Half American, half Canadian French
Astrological Sign: Pisces -- If you happen to be born between the 1st and 10th March you love people but are particularly attached to your kith and kin and excel in sharing your love in close personal relationships. You are loyal and make everyone feel comfortable in your company. Lily feels that this does not represent her character completely. She is a party girl, and often takes on flings which she will nearly always throw away soon. She does however love her family strongly.
Birth town: Chicago
Hometown: Chicago
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Blood Status views: Lily realises that people respect pure-bloods more than half-bloods sometimes, and so she will often use it for her own ends in a fling.
Wand: Not yet bought.
<LI>[li]Flexibility: [/li][/ul]Hogwarts House: Not yet sorted
Relationships: Lily is too young to have a proper relationship yet, but she does date many boys regardless.
Broom: -- Not yet bought
Spoken languages: English and Canadian French
Health: Lily is in perfect health as of the moment.
Occupation: Lily is too young to yet have a job.

Hair: Jet Black.
Hair style: Long, hung loose over her shoulders.
Eyes: Soft, large brown eyes, with lightly fluttering eyelashes.
Shape of face: Slightly heart-shaped.
Skin tone: Pale complexion, slightly tanned from their time in Chicago.
Build and body type: Petite, but slightly taller than average for her age. Lily is slim, but not well muscled.
Height: Slightly taller than average for her age.
Weight: Lily is slim, but in the lower end of the average category.
Scars: Lily has no scars.
Smile: Lily has a strong, warm, welcoming smile which she often uses.
Right or Left Handed? Right
Piercings: Lily has had her ears pierced to allow earrings.
Tattoos: Lily has no tattoos.
Style: Punk princess, mixed with rock 'n' roll, often described as by boys as "princess and cute".
Other Distinguishing Features: Can be mistaken for her twin sister very easily.

Family And Upbringing
Mother: Jasmine Hinch Gonzalez Bouvier is a witch brought up in poor home. The youngest of four siblings, she was the only one not to attend Hogwarts, Scotland. Instead, she left for Beaxubatons, and was a rather clever, if unknown, witch there. She did however play for their Quidditch team as a beater, and she has instructed the twins on how to play as one themselves. At Beauxbatons she met her future husband, and they hit it off rather awkwardly. In fact, Alan Fournier insulted one of her only friends as a joke; they soon made up however, and now the two live happily together in a penthouse apartment in the centre of Chicago. Jasmine is an American woman, and she has lived in America for most of her life. She has no idea how she got her maiden name, but she presumes that there must be some hint of Spanish in her. Jasmine is quite the party girl, and she was the one who gave those genes onto Lily.
Father: Alan Bouvier grew up as an only child in Quebec. Born into a rich family, he and his wife were very different people. A very quiet boy, the two loved each other despite it. He spent much of his time in a muggle school, but moved to Beauxbatons at the age of eleven. There he met Jasmine, and the two married soon after school ended for them both. He is now a rather successful businessman on the muggle side, despite being a wizard. He brought up his two twins speaking French, as well as English so that they might be prepared for anything the world might throw at them.
Twin: Rose Lillian Bouvier is Lily's older identical twin sister - older by six minutes to be exact. As identical sisters go, they are even more identical than many. People have often confused them to be the other, even those whom know them closely - their parents occasionally confuse them even! Lily often takes advantage of this, and playfully messes about pretending to be Rose, until her twin tells the truth that is. The two twins are as close as can be, having done everything and anything together. Rose, however, is a completely different character inside. Lily's partying, happy-go-lucky attitude is counteracted by Rose's calm, silent composure. Extremely shy, Rose is a mute to any outside of her family. When she does speak, it is often in French to keep any conversations with Lily private. Any insults to either of the twins is taken personally by the other.
Family finances: Lily and her family have always been well off. Even with her father being a wizard, he is also a rather successful businessman in the muggle world, and therefore the family has plenty of cash spare.
Pets: Lily has a horse called Snowfall, due to her pure white hair.
School: Lily and her sister Rose attended a muggle school for primary kids on Chicago. When they turned 11, they both received letters to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand.
Popular? Lily is an extremely popular girl. She is an extrovert, and highly sociable. She has a large group of friends whom she meets regularly.

Likes And Styles
Loves: Her twin, Rose; her family; boys, especially muscular, handsome ones; her horse; Quidditch; magic; brightly coloured things; talkative people; partying; socialising; meeting new people; showing off her "attributes"; fashionable clothes; animals.
Hates: People who get annoyed by her tendencies to throw off boys; people who insult her twin.
Food: Roast goose, in an apricot sauce.
Dessert: Pumpkin pie, waffles or pancakes with raspberries.
Books: Romance novels.
Colour: Anything brightly coloured, especially fluorescent colours. She prefers bubblegum pink.
Clothing: Anything slightly punk-ish with cute themes to if; anything brightly coloured.
Sports: Horse-riding, especially eventing.
Animals: Horse
Greatest want: To marry a man she truly loves, with two children whom she adores.
Favourite saying/motto: “There's no turning back, so live life to the fullest!”
Subjects at Hogwarts: Lily does not concentrate much in many classes, preferring to be out socialising with friends. She does however love Care of Magical Creatures as she has looked after her horse well for many years and this passed onto her caring of creatures, and Defence Against the Dark Arts, even if she is not as good at it as she would like.

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
Day or night person? Night
Sexuality: Straight
Motivation: Hosting a huge party which is really successful, and which introduces her to a boy whom she will love forever, ending her bad 'dumping' days. She will have two children, perhaps even twins if possible.
Bad habits: Dumping boys as soon as she finds another that tickles her interest; thinking that looking good is the only way to impress a boy; spending lots of money on fashionable clothing; being blunt and rude at times.
Good habits: Caring for her twin and family well; looks after her horse very well.
Strengths: Loyal to her family, especially her sister; looks after animals well.
Weaknesses: Vanity; un-loyal to many boyfriends; blunt - often considered rude.
Best memory: Hosting a party where she met a particularly handsome dude, picked him up, and then got into a conversation with Rose in public. Getting her to speak was very hard.
Worst memory: Falling from her horse and breaking a leg, preventing her from going to a party she had planned.
Temperament: Lily has an easy-going temperament that has never yet been pushed to the limit. She often finds it easy to forgive, unless there was a slight against her twin.
Fears and phobias: Losing her twin, Rose, for whatever reason - especially because of her own doing.
Flaws: Un-loyal to her boys that she picks up and pretends to love; very vain; blunt when speaking to people - often construed as rude.
Secrets: Being annoyed by her sister continuing to not speak in public.
Annoyances: Her sister not speaking in public, although this is never let on to her sister; people who don't like going to parties; people who disrespect horses.
Short term goals: Finding a new boy to be entertained by, and to love for a while.
Long term goals: Settling down with a boy she truly loves, and having two children whom she looks after lavishly.
Mirror of Erised: Seeing herself in a church, getting married to a man she truly loves, two children as bridesmaids, well fed and dressed. Her twin is in the background, happy as can be, whilst behind Rose is a crowd of friends she knows.
Boggart: Her sister dying in a party, whilst she was preoccupied with dating a boy, not saving her when she could have.
Animagus: A horse.
Patronus: A horse.
Patronus memory: Galloping on a horse on an open plain, whilst her sister laughs at something she just said, clinging to her as they gallop.
Summary: Lily is a highly extroverted person, and she hopes to make a lot of friends, host a lot of parties, and generally just be known around town. She is known for her bad habit of dumping boys regularly, but she is extremely loyal to her family - especially Rose.

A Little Deeper
History: Lily and her twin Rose both grew up in a small town house near the centre of Chicago. Despite both parents being magical, she attended a muggle school because her father wished her to know all about the muggle world as well as the magical world. Their family owned a paddock outside of the city, and she travelled there every day to be with her horse. She attended many parties when she was young, and had many muggle friends, even if she was magical. At the age of eleven she received a letter to attend Hogwarts New Zealand. Upon receiving the letter, she finally found out she was magical, as her parents had never told her about it. She was angry and annoyed at first, but soon got over it.

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