Lilith Ilves

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Lilith ☾ Ilona ☾ Ilves
LILITH; ‘ belonging to the night, ’ ☾ ILONA; ‘as a joy; light’ ☾ ILVES; ‘ Lynx ’


Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart


Lilith Ilves


Aamos Ilves - father
Audrey Ilves - mother
Leo Ilves - younger brother
Leena Ilves - younger sister


best friend - Eoghan Blyth, Kuu, Victoria De Lacey
friend - Ondine Physwick, Elijah Edogawa, Felix Layton-King, Susie Lagowski
acquaintance - William Potter-Cade, Sayuri Edogawa, Amory Raven, Sybil St. James, Jasper Beese, Eurydice Nightray,

enemy - Demi Zephyr,

Romantic Interests
current - Eoghan Blyth
past - none
first kiss - Eoghan Blyth

Academic Connections

fav professor - Prof Odegrad (She is positively in love with the art of Transfiguration and does certainly not mind the professor either) Never mind 💔

Other Connections

Imogen Blyth - Boyfriend's Twin

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'Cause you are loved, you are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days to prove it so
Though your heart is far too young to realize
The unimaginable light you hold inside


Aamos Ilves - Lilith's father Aamos was born in 2026, he grew up in Finland and later on attended Hogwarts Scotland, where he met her mother. Aamos was a Gryffindor and in his time made it all the way to Prefect. He took special interest in the Muggle studies. He grew up around magic and it was all he knew so Muggle studies offered a glimpse of something new and different, which he instantly fell in love with.

Lilith is relatively close to her father, but she much preferred her grandmother aka dad's mom, though she would never tell that to either of her parents. Their relationship is normal and she calls him Sirius after a star.

Audrey Ilves - Audrey was born in 2027 in London, UK and had a twin brother. She grew up in London and attended Hogwarts Scotland where she was a Slytherin, unlike Aamos she was not a Prefect. Audrey was more or less a wild child, one for trouble most would say. However just like Aamos she fell in love with the Muggle Studies and that is how they met. They shared the passion and history of living around magic and wanting to see what life was outside the magical way, so soon after both graduated they got married and made the decision to settle down, among muggles no less. Before Lilith was born Audrey's twin, Andy died but it's not known to Lilith how.
Lilith's relationship with her mother is a 70/30, there's nothing necessarily wrong, she just gets on better with her grandmother. However there's rarely any issues and her parents are very laid back and nice so she likes both. She calls her mother Vega, after the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra.

Younger Brother
Leo Ilves - Leo is the older one of the twins and only boy in the family, so far he is also seemingly the troublemaker out of the bunch. He was born in 2054 and Lilith gave him the name Regulus, after the brightest star in their Fathers constellation Leo. The name Rēgulus in Latin means "prince" or "little king" which she saw fitting for her little brother.

Younger Sister
Leena Ilves - Leena is the younger of the twins and Lilith feels much more protective over her, most likely because Leo insists on protecting both of them. She was obviously also born in 2054 and Lilith named her Bellatrix because it means Female warrior in Latin and she hopes to see her sister grow into an amazing witch one day and be the best version of herself.


Meeri Ilves - Lilith was by far the closest to her fathers mom, her grandmother. Part of the reason was that as a kid her parents would send her to stay with Meeri especially after the twins were born. Lilith didn't mind at all, her and her grandmother were very similar. Meeri was a free soul, always searching for the lightness in the dark, she is the one who Lilith got her habit of naming people close to her after stars. Her grandmother called her Luna, because in her words "Like the moon, you wander around the darkest of nights. Shining your light on those you come across."

Her grandmother was also her only link to magical way of living growing up and she let Lilith ride her broom a few times, on the first one her broom broke. Lilith named her grandmother Altarf, the brightest star in her own constellation, Cancer. She also named her dog Meeri, after her grandmother passed in 2061.
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F I R S T ✻ Y E A R ✻ F R I E N D S H I P S


I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called Yellow


Lilith was in the public school in her hometown, but never really made any permanent friends as she preferred solidarity over groups of people.

Eoghan Blyth (Antares; Rival Of Ares)
Eoghan was one of the first two people Lilith actually spoke to after her arrival to Hogwarts. Though the boy looked less than approachable Lili felt a pull towards him. Something about his aura had called to hers as she had sat down with Demi. It didn't take long for the boy to join the conversation and soon they found out they shared a homeland and found solace in speaking their mother tongue.

Lilith's second meeting with the boy was a whirlwind of emotions. She had stumbled upon the boy by the lake, he was looking for creatures when he fell in. The girl was filled with panic in those moments before she got down to the water and reached around with her hand, hoping to somehow pull him back out. Though she thought she had done a good thing Eoghan suddenly lashed out on her and Lilith left the scene with tears in her eyes. After a few days he apologized and Lilith had no reason to hold a grudge.

The two have become increasingly close during these initial months and she considers him to be her best friend, she even named him Antares, after her favourite star. Lilith often thinks that his eyes resemble those dozens of stars in the night sky or maybe the moon. At times when her mind slips into daydreams Eoghan seems to be her only anchor currently and able to bring her back to focus. Though the tides have been changing after she abruptly kissed him. Now she has noticed some protective traits but believes herself to be somewhat delusional to think he'd ever be interested in someone like her, they are just best friends... Right?

Demi Zephyr (Calaeno; The Dark One)
Demi was the first person she actually talked to in their common room, she found the girl very enticing. There was something about her, where Lilith is more introverted Demi seemed to challenge it in her extroverted ways and Lilith found that to be interesting combination. She of course shares a dorm with her, but is very much looking forward to hopefully more meetings between the two.

Ondine Pshywick (Taygeta; Companion of Artemis 'Mistress of Animals')
Lilith met Ondine for the first time one on one in the owlery, though a bit meek she was still someone she found quite intriguing. She had a sense of calmness to her, yet there was something else too.

Elijah Edogawa (Meissa; The Shining One)
Elijah is one of Lilith's classmates and housemates. She finds him quite enticing and kind hearted. Lilith named Elijah 'Meissa' which is a star in the constellation of Orion. Her choosing for this nickname was simple. It comes from the Arabic word Al-Maisan and means "The Shining One" and Lilith wants the name to be a reminder how brightly he shines even when he does not see it himself. Lili sees Eli putting in a lot of effort to help his siblings but also sees he seems to be doubting himself. She is glad he feels comfortable enough to speak to her and open up his mind and takes her opinions into consideration. Towards the end of the year Lilith found herself trusting him more too, she thinks he is a good friend and is glad to have met him.




So then I took my turn
Oh, what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow


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Nickname Directory
Here is listed every star name and the deeper meaning behind them that Lilith has given out to those closest to her.
Eoghan Blyth (Antares; Rival Of Ares) Lilith chose this name for Eoghan, because it is her favourite star. Antares is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius, which was her grandmother's zodiac constellation. Therefore it bore a significant meaning for her and she had always saved it up for the right person. After meeting Eoghan who reminded her a lot of her late grandmother, his words echoing those of hers, Lilith knew there'd never be anyone else that she'd feel the name would fit. Throughout the evolvement of their relationship the feeling that this name was always meant to be his has grown stronger and stronger, he has again and again proved himself to be someone she can look for and that he is there to stay.

Audrey Ilves (Vega) This name Lilith chose for her mum because it is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and the brightest in the constellation of Lyra.

Aamos Ilves (Sirius) This much like her mum's was picked for the fact that it is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, only unlike Vega Sirius is the brightest star.

Leo Ilves (Regulus; Little King) Unlike her parents stars for her little siblings Lilith picked names that bear a meaning she saw fitting for her siblings. Her brothers Rēgulus in Latin means "prince" or "little king" which she saw fitting for her little brother. It is also the brightest star in their fathers constellation Leo.

Leena Ilves (Bellatrix; Female warrior) Lilith named her Bellatrix because it means Female warrior in Latin and she hopes to see her sister grow into an amazing witch one day and be the best version of herself.

Meeri Ilves (Altarf; End) For her grandmother Lilith gave the name Altarf after the brightest star in her own constellation Cancer, which can be translated from the Arabic as "end" or "edge". To her at the end of it all her grandmother will always be there waiting for her and cheering her on. No matter where she goes and what she does.

Elijah Edogawa (Meissa; The Shining One) Lilith named Elijah 'Meissa' which is a star in the constellation of Orion. Her choosing for this nickname was simple. It comes from the Arabic word Al-Maisan and means "The Shining One" and Lilith wants the name to be a reminder how brightly he shines even when he does not see it himself. Lili sees Eli putting in a lot of effort to help his siblings but also sees he seems to be doubting himself, so she wanted to name him something that will remind him of how brightly he too can shine.

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