Lilith Ashling Koshiba

Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
~The Name~
Full Name:
Lilith Ashling Koshiba

~The Vitals~

November 13 2012
Blood Status:

Slytherin left Hogwarts in 2028. Returned to Hogwarts for her Seventh Year on the order of her older sister.

~Background Information~
<COLOR color="#000033">Hometown:
Three Kings Island, New Zealand
Devon England
Five words that best describe your character:
Bubbly, Charming, Dorky, Outging, Sweetheart

~The Look~

Hair Color:
Brown or Blonde but always long
Hair Style:
Loose and wavy

Eye color:

Other distinguishing details:
Lilith's bright purple eyes always seem to catch someones eye and the fact that she has a smile on her face most of the time.

~At Hogwarts~

<COLOR color="#330033">Best subject(s):
Ancient Runes
Your worst subject"
History of Magic. Can you say boring?
Extracurricular activities:
Caption of one of the Quidditch teams at Beauxbatons.
Favorite place at Hogwarts:
It was the North Tower but now that she attends Beauxbatons it would have to be the secret lounge.
Least favorite place at Hogwarts:
The Slytherin Commonroom. As for her new school Lilith loves all of it.
Do any of the staff members scare you?
Professor Styx but that is only because he is so creepy.
Do any inspire you?
Not really Lilith didn't know any of them well enough for them to have any real sort of impact on her life.


One Sphynx cat named Mischief. He started out as Eden's pet but soon became Lilith's.
Special abilities:
Lilith is the only one not a Seer out of her family. Which she thinks makes her pretty darn special
Quidditch, Quidditch, and more Quidditch. Oh and when she has some free time. Quidditch
What you might like to do after Hogwarts:
Lilith would like to be a part of the Wizengamot and also maybe play Quidditch professionally.
Someone you look up to:
Her older sister Eden. After the women who they thought was there mother Alexia died. Eden got a job to make sure there was food on the table and than soon after that made sure they where adopted by the Koshiba family.

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