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Theodore Harper

"theo" 🎸 eldest harper 🎸 laidback 🎸 alt chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Chestnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
12 (09/2051)
Theo had kept his promise to send letters to his younger siblings most of the time when he could. He had missed his younger siblings if he was being honest, but he also liked the experience without them from time to time, even though he felt guilty for thinking that. But he also couldn't wait for Ollie and Riley to experience Hogwarts when they could. Theo made his way to the Owlery. It was still a bit odd to see so many owls in this place. The Ravenclaw made his way to one of the owls, as he tried his best to secure his letter onto the owl, though he felt a sharp pain on the tip of his finger. "Ouch" Theo muttered, as he waved his hand to ease off the pain, he wished the owls stopped doing that to him, maybe he was doing something wrong.
Doyle didn't really understand how owls were supposed to deliver mail. Sure they could fly and letters weren't particularly heavy but he was sure he had seen one drop off quite a large box the other day during breakfast which seemed quite impressive even for the larger birds. But he wanted to speak to his dad and this was the only way he could unless he figured out some way to configure his radio to send signals as well as receive them but that was well beyond his skills. So he'd have to settle for snail mail....or owl mail which at least did sound faster. He found his way up to the Owlery and noticed there was already another boy there. Doyle shuffled his feet as he looked up at all the owls, their eyes staring at him made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. But when he heard the other boy make a pained sound he was able to tear his eyes away. "Are you ok?" he asked with genuine concern as he slowly walked towards him, scared to take any sudden movements in case the birds could sense his unease.

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