Lian Aylmer

Lian Aylmer

New Member
Mahogany and Ashwinder Ash, 11 inches
Full Name: Lian (pronounced Lee-in) Marie Aylmer

Date of Birth: 1/15/89

Current Age: 21

Basic Appearance: Lian has long black hair that is usually hanging down her back in waves. She has a bright smile; a shadow of a grin is usually dancing on her face. She is naturally tanned and has a slim yet athletic build. Her eyes are a deep blue, but depending on the light, they often seem more indigo. She is just tall enough to seem imposing, standing at 5'9''. There is a thin scar running the length of her left jawbone; the result of a spell gone awry.

Personality: She is very energetic, and always raring to go and do something. She often seems childish, with her boundless amounts of energy. She is quite sensible, yet often impulsive.

Family: Father: Pierre Elias Aylmer; French, Half-Blood, went to the original Hogwarts, healer. Mother: Anita Walsh; native New Zealander, Half-blood, wizarding robes designer.

Pets: A devoted German Shepherd named Akiva, and a barred owl named Sofia.

Area of Residence: Personal Residence: Brightstone Village; Family Home: Toulouse, France

Blood Status: Mixed-Blood

Heritage: Her mother is a native New Zealander. Her father comes from a strictly French family.

Special Abilities: She is quite good at defensive spells, and excells in almost every sport she tries.

Wand: Mahogany and Ashwinder Ash, 11 inches

Describe your character in three words: Energetic, Impulsive, Clever

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Best school subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms

Worst school subjects: Potions, Divination

Current Job: Magical Law Enforcement Squad

Your Patronus: Golden Eagle

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