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Alexandria Emerson Edwards
running through the heat

running through the heat
Full Name:
Alexandria 'Lexie' Emerson Edwards
Date of Birth:
1st January
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Lexie stands at five foot seven inches, with a weight of one-hundred and thirty-seven pounds. Her hair is blonde, and falls to her chest. It is usually curly, unless she straightens it. Her skin is mildly tanned, and her eyes are a dark brown. She has a typical hourglass figure, with long legs.
Lexie is very enthusiastic, and that seems the only appropriate way to describe her. She is very fast, and tends to speak a little too much, and can be barely understood, the way she talks so fast. Despite a rather rocky start in life, she is an optimist, and always has been. She lives by the morale that everything is ok in the end and if its not ok it is not the end. She likes to always have a laugh, and will always try to lighten every situation, unless she knows it is inappropriate. While she always wants to have fun and be happy and whatnot, she is very good at comforting people, and will go out of her way to do so. Believing that nobody should be sad, she does get a little bit of aching cheeks from grinning so much. She is very caring, and always shows concern when people she knows on good terms are down or upset for any reason. In all honesty, she could not really care less about the people who do not like her. She has this habit that when she is nervous, she bites the skin of her bottom lip, and fidgets where she stands.
She has anxiety, which not many people notice because she masks it so well. Lexie gets nervous a lot simply because of the way she was passed around as a child from family to family, and so she gets worried that her friends will do the same. She knows this is irrational, but she cannot help but get nervous when this happens, and this is rather understandable. However, while she appears to have a rather sunny outlook on life, she does also have her moments where she is very down and very sad. This mainly happens when she reflects, so she tries to keep looking forward and never back, if that makes sense. That is mainly why she is so optimistic. However, she does sometimes get a little touchy on the subject of family, even though she has one now. Usually when people start mentioning things from when they were young, she would just go to leave the conversation or try and change it to something else to prevent herself from thinking about the memories that were not so good.
Lexie loves her guitar. It is an acoustic, which she has affectionately called Jensen and she plays it everywhere. Dormitory, Common Room, Great Hall, the whole lot. She enjoys singing, and uses it as a way to almost vent. However, she never sings loudly, only quietly to make sure that nobody can hear her. She has a few self-confidence issues, and has a little bit of low self-esteem, but she has a habit of managing to keep it under control, and forces herself in big social situations so she can get over it. Lexie does not celebrate her birthday, though, and does not actually tell anybody when her birthday is, mainly because she thinks there is nothing to really celebrate. It is just a normal day. However, sometimes her family will give her a present, to which she will give them the look, which is a cross between a pout and a glare.
Academically, Lexie is not exactly a brain. She is not dumb by most standards. Her skills are fairly average, if anything low, but she is quite good with Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. With the exception of those two, she is closer to the slower part of the class, mainly due to the fact she does not really pay attention does not really help.
Steven Edwards: Adopted Father
Jolene Edwards: Adopted Mother
Jerome 'Jem' Edwards (Fletcher): Adopted Brother
Tyson Edwards (Libbey): Adopted Brother
Schylar Edwards (Hartman): Adopted Sister
German Shepherd called Mason
Area of Residence:
Ashburton, New Zealand
Blood Status:
Unknown - Mixed Blood
Special Abilities:
"... Does eating count?"
Interests or Hobbies:
She likes playing guitar and singing, and she also enjoys running.
Describe your character in three words:
Enthusiastic, Misunderstood, Optimist
Favourite place to be:
Best school subjects:
Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures
Worst school subjects:
Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts
Extracurricular Activities:
"None of your goddamn business!"
Current Job:
Music Store Clerk
Plans for your future:
"HA! God knows!"
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Being adopted.
Your Boggart:
Being alone again.
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Her family.