Lexi Rodriguez

Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
__________Basic of my life ,,,,,​
</i><COLOR color="#D462FF"><FONT font="Georgia">
Full Name: Lexi Clarissa Rodriguez
Birth Date: August 18 2009
<B>- Age: 16 years old
- Birth Place: London, England
- Current Residence: Napier, New Zealand

Blood Status: Half Blood
- Blood Origin: Muggle Born Father and Half Blood Mother
- Heritage: Half British, Half Hispanic and Half Chinese

Civil Status: Single
Current School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry New Zealand
- School House: Slytherin

Hair Style:
<SIZE size="50">- Armpit Length
- Curly V-cut
- Dirty Blond

Eye Appearance:
- Hazel nut shape
- Emerald green

- Models Body
- Caucasian but lightly tan
- Tall of 5'4

Hobbies: Lexi likes to play her violin and read books on the school library, she also loves cooking which she got from her mother.

Personality: Lexi is a spoiled, evil and selfish girl. She will do anything just to get what she wanted or else she will ruin your lives which she nejoys ruining.

Likes: Torturing students, Shopping and family

Dislikes: GLAM SQUAD, dirty bloods and wannabe's

History: Lexi is a typical girl with a bad attitude. She was born in London, England to proud parents William and Jasmin Rodriguez. Lexi has one sister and one adopted brother. A smart active girl in the age of 6-10 years old. When she was 6 years old, an accident happen while she and her father flew in her father's broomstick. It was 15 feet high and it all happen in a just a sec. Lexi was emerge in St. Mungos hospital where she was 50/50 and almost die. For almost 1 month, her father was always there for her while her mother was always praying. After 4 years her life was back to normal, when another accident came to her. that's why she hate Parseltongue people and she has phobia's on snake. Lexi was bitten once by the poisonous snake and almost die but got a fast remedie.

When the time came she was eleven, two letter's from different schools of wizardry arrived by owl. One from Beauxbatons and one from Hogwarts New Zealand. Her mom wants her to enrolled at Beauxbatons because Jasmin was an alumni in the said school. But her heart was pointed in Hogwarts New Zealand where she can find peace and be alone and her life is away from her dear mother. Her first year was a bit drastic but she met some friends that she could trust, her first best friend/ or rather friend is Andromeda Fiorelli, then she stopped for half of the semester and came back three years later for her second year. Her attitude then became more evil, she became like her mother more whose cruel and evil. On her back to school treat, she made up chaos and drowned the slytherin house points.
__________Family Pictures ,,,,,


Rodriguez Family

(From Left to Right)
Father's Name: William Joshua Rodriguez
Age: 43 years old
Birth Date: May 15 1981
Birth Place: Madrid, Spain
School Attended: Hogwarts Scotland (Gryffindor)
Current Work: Muggle and Wizarding Business man

Mother's Name: Jasmin Marigar Rodriguez
Age: 42 years old
Birth Date: January 23 1982
Birth Place: Beijing, China
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic
Current Work: Hogwarts New Zealand Professor

Sister's Name: Alexia Rowena Rodriguez Dead
Age: 14 years old
Birth Date: March 18 2010
Birth Place: London, England
School Attending: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Brother's Name: Angelbert Jason Swift/ Rodriguez
Age: 14 years old
Birth Date: August 20 2010
Birth Place: Oxford, England
School Attending; Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Cole Family (Father's Side)

(From Left to Right)
Uncle's Name: Ashton Jake Rodriguez Cole
Birth Place: Valencia, Spain
School Attended: University of the Philippines

Aunt's Name: Elleine Ash Rouge Cole
Birth Place: New Forest, England
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Cousin's Name: Llheione Ash Rouge Cole
Birth Date: July 31 2011
Birth Place: London, England
School Attending: Hogwarts New Zealand (Ravenclaw)

Chang Family (Mother's side)

(From Left to Right)
Uncle's Name: Kyle Kim Chang
Birth Place: Beijing, China
School Attended: Durmstrang Institute

Aunt's Name: Jean Cy Kwen Chang
Birth Place: Beijing, China
School Attended: Home

Cousin's Name: Kim Soo Chang
Birth Place: Beijing, China
School Attended: Durmstrang Institute

Owen Family (Mother's side)

(From Left to Right)
Uncle's Name: Gabrielle Josh Owen
Birth Place: Bude, England
School Attended: Hogwarts Scotland (Ravenclaw)

Aunt's Name: Allen Tasha Owen
Birth Place: Beijing, China
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Cousin's Name: Natasha Cecily Owen
Birth Place: Bude, England
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Cousin's Name: Mae Margarette Owen
Birth Place: Bude, England
School Attended: Home


(From Left to Right)
Uncle's Name: Kale James Bishops
Birth Place: Bristol, England
School Attended: Durmstrang Institute for Magic

Aunt's Name: Kathy Ysabella Bishops
Birth Place: Beijing China
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Cousin's Name: Katherine Marian Bishops
Birth Place: London, England
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Cousin's Name: Raffael Nicholas Bishops
Birth Place: London, England
School Attended: Durmstrang Institute for Magic

Cousin's Name: Amber Rose Bishops
Birth Place: London, England
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

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