- Messages
- 48
- OOC First Name
- Teigs
- Age
- 3/2012

Have you lost your way?
Livin' in the shadow of the messes that you made,
Full Name: Lewis Peter Davids
Pronunciation: LOO-iss, PEE-ter, DAY-vids
Nicknames: Lewy, Davids, Loo
Name Origins: Lewis is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Lewis is "famous warrior".
Peter is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Peter is "rock".
Davids is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of David is "beloved".
Date of Birth: 8th March, 2012
Current Age: Currently twenty seven</FONT>
Basic Appearance: --
Personality: Lewis is a down to earth kind of guy and he likes to have a laugh sometimes. Hes very determined and loves math and sports. He has a great love of music, but is unable to play an instrument himself. Instead he appreciates the music of others. He is very good at helping others and is known to do favours for others with no expectations of repayment. However he is also known to hold a grudge if someone wrongs him or someone he cares about. Hes menial and quite good with his hands, though he is nowhere near unskilled. He likes to make sure that the details most forget are perfect. He is a practicing Catholic and believes quite strongly in his religion. He doesnt like having his beliefs challenged, as he believes he should be allowed the right to believe in his own thoughts as others do with science. Lewis has mostly given up on magic as he lives in the muggle world with a muggle job and doesnt see much need for it with regards to his life. He loves meeting new people and is usually the first person to speak when a question is asked. He loves his work and will do anything to become a Doctor, as he wants to help his mother however he can. He has a strong appreciation of beauty and excellence and likes to make sure that people know theyve done a good job. He always perseveres in whatever he does and doesnt give up easily.
Family: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Pets: --
School: --
Blood Status: --
Heritage: --
Interests or Hobbies: --
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Describe your character in five words: --
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: --
Plans for the future: --
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --<i></i>
Pronunciation: LOO-iss, PEE-ter, DAY-vids
Nicknames: Lewy, Davids, Loo
Name Origins: Lewis is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Lewis is "famous warrior".
Peter is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Peter is "rock".
Davids is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of David is "beloved".
Date of Birth: 8th March, 2012
Current Age: Currently twenty seven</FONT>
And so it goes,
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow.
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow.
Basic Appearance: --
Personality: Lewis is a down to earth kind of guy and he likes to have a laugh sometimes. Hes very determined and loves math and sports. He has a great love of music, but is unable to play an instrument himself. Instead he appreciates the music of others. He is very good at helping others and is known to do favours for others with no expectations of repayment. However he is also known to hold a grudge if someone wrongs him or someone he cares about. Hes menial and quite good with his hands, though he is nowhere near unskilled. He likes to make sure that the details most forget are perfect. He is a practicing Catholic and believes quite strongly in his religion. He doesnt like having his beliefs challenged, as he believes he should be allowed the right to believe in his own thoughts as others do with science. Lewis has mostly given up on magic as he lives in the muggle world with a muggle job and doesnt see much need for it with regards to his life. He loves meeting new people and is usually the first person to speak when a question is asked. He loves his work and will do anything to become a Doctor, as he wants to help his mother however he can. He has a strong appreciation of beauty and excellence and likes to make sure that people know theyve done a good job. He always perseveres in whatever he does and doesnt give up easily.
Family: --</SIZE></SIZE>
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
Into the colors that you seek,
Pets: --
School: --
Blood Status: --
Heritage: --
Interests or Hobbies: --
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
You'll get back what you give away,
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> So don't look back on yesterday!
</COLOR><i></i><i></i> So don't look back on yesterday!
Describe your character in five words: --
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: --
Plans for the future: --
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --<i></i>
<COLOR color="#000"> Wanna scream out, <i></i><i></i>
No more hiding,
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"> No more hiding,
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Aftermath" by Adam Lambert.