Levi Maya Itzel

Levi Maya Itzel

New Member
OOC First Name

Bold ll Passionate





Name: Levi Maya Itzel

Age: 11

Nicknames: Lev, Zel, Pretzel

Birth Date: 7 June, 2028

Astronomical Sign: Gemini

Nationality: Italian, Canadian

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Orientation: Heterosexual

Virgin: Yes, saving until marriage.

Religion: Polytheistic

Mental Illness: Autistic (Mild)

Blood Type: B Negative

Voice: She has a thicker Italian with a hint of Canadian. It is slightly higher pitched and cracks when she is angry. She uses slang and cursing at times; but prefers to be proper most of the time.

Dominant Hand: Left


Marital Status: Single




Hair Hue: Shoulder blade length apple red hair with Chocolate brown roots; copper tints from being out in the sun.

Hair Style & Length: It is naturally wavy unless she straightens it; and then her hair ends a little past the middle of her back. She sometimes puts it into a messy bun (Usually in the summertime to keep the hair from sticking to her skin.) Or ponytail when her hair isn't seeming to cooperate with her.

Eye Hue & Shape: She has almond shaped harlequin green eyes with a smidge of dull blue within them.

Complexion: She has lightly tanned skin from working on her parent's ranch when she isn't at Hogwarts; a thin (barely visible) coat of freckles adorning her face and arms.

Height: 5ft || 152.5 cm. - 5ft || (First year - Second year)
5ft3in || 160 cm. - 53 || (Third year)
5ft5in || 165 cm. (Fourth year - After Hogwarts)

Weight: 86 lb. || 39.0089 kg. (First year - Second year)
100 lb. - 105 lb. || 45.3592 kg. - 47.6272 kg. (Third year)
115 lb. - 130 lb. || 52.1631 kg. - 58.967 kg. (Fourth year - After Hogwarts)


Body Shape: Proportionate

Scent: Vanilla, Strawberries; earthy (from working on a farm) and mint (from her toothpaste)

Nails: She kept them long at all times in case she needed to defend herself from vindictive girls while at school. She never paints them; nor does she paint her toenails, but she does keep her toe nails trimmed.

Make-up: She usually has mascara, eyeliner, maybe a little eye shadow for special occasions.

Piercings: She has two in each ear; her cartilage in her right ear. She also has a small piercing in her nose.

Scars: A scar that runs along her arm from an accident with farm equipment.


Clothing Style: Her taste in clothing are snug fitting clothes. She is quite the clutz and prefers clothes that hug her body so they don't get ripped in case she snags it on something. She prefers t-shirts with funny slogans or a cute picture on them; skinny jeans (both faded and dark denim) and purple converse.

School Uniform: She wears the regular House vest, and a long sleeved shirt underneath that she rolls up to her elbows. She wears the regular skirt and ankle-high socks, and Purple or black sneakers Converse or high tops.

Weekend Attire: She wears whatever she finds, usually. It depends on the season; for instance, if it was winter, she would wear a sweater that would be two sizes too big, jeans, and sneakers, but if it was close to the end of the school year, she would wear a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.





Personality: Extremely confident, loud, dramatic and vivacious; she isn't afraid to get in your face as she gets a kick out of people squirming. Highly valuing honesty, she is not afraid to tell the truth whether it hurts a person or not, she's overly honest and straight-forward to friends and strangers alike, which does get her into trouble at times but she believes that the truth is better known rather than kept to oneself because the consequences may be greater in the long run.

She may not always play by the rules but she doesn't do it to annoy anyone in particular. She does it because she believes that it is the right thing to do in her mind causing her to disregard what is proper at times. People label her as trouble and disrespectful to her elders and authority figures, which is really the last thing she wants to be but she would rather be that than change herself for them. To people who are close to her, they see that she has no intention of hurting anybody by her words and actions.

Although, she may make people uncomfortable or annoyed, she isn't antisocial and does not always deliberately do things to cause a negative reaction. Most of the time she is just trying to help and do what she believes is the right thing. She values the friends she makes and she does have high values and expectations of how a person should act. If a person is rude or disrespectful, especially without any proper reasoning behind it, she will confront and speak up about it. She would prefer them not like her for it rather than them thinking they can get away with it whenever they feel like it. When you make a friend out of her you can always count on her to have your back. She isn't afraid to get physical but she does enjoy shouting angrily at people as well; it depends on whatever may come first if they don't both come at the same time.

Due to the way she was raised and influenced by her parents she walks around as though the world is at her feet holding a great confidence in herself and her abilities. Her parents always taught her to be herself, and to not let anybody force her to stop or change the way she is as long as she believed what she was doing felt right. There are things in her life that are more important like her individuality for example. It is rare to see her steer away from her own beliefs and it would take a lot to make her change them.

If a person wanted to make something of her attitude she wouldn't back down from the challenge, but would rather relish the opportunity to kick butt (not so much if it was her butt that was kicked). She will do pretty much anything, planned or spontaneous just for kicks and giggles. She is outrageous and loves to just laugh. She has been known to do just about anything, even compromise her dignity if she believed the situation called for it.


Quirks: Is a sniffler even when she is healthy; double jointed; smirks when she knows she's right.

Habits: - Does stupid dares for a fair amount of money; even though she is a Ravenclaw.

- Goes looking for people to hang out with just for the mere fact she doesn't like to be alone.

Likes: joking, pranking, laughing, reading, music

Dislikes: Slytherins, Vindictive girls, failing a class

Hobbies: Singing and drawing. She picked these hobbies up at the farm because she was miles away from civilization and needed to keep herself happily occupied.

Fears: darkness, contained areas, being betrayed, being abandoned, the people she loves dying

Worst Fear: She will never wake up from a nightmare.

Guilty Pleasure: Jalepeno poppers

Talents: Archery, Contortionist, Drawing

Passionate Love: Music




Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Food: Chicken n' Rice

Favorite Drink: Dark Hot Chocolate

Favorite Candy: Licorice

Favorite Flower: Iris

Favorite Aroma: A burning match

Favorite View: The night sky

Favorite Animal: Thestrals

Favorite Season: Spring

Favorite Weather: Stormy




Wizarding School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Blood Purity: Half-blood

Parseltongue: No

Metamorphmagus: No

Thestrals Visibility: Yes, she had seen her mother being killed.

Future Occupation: Auror

House Elf: Yes

Quidditch: No

Pet: Siamese Cat called Nebula

Animagus: I would picture a fox.

Boggart: Iscolation

Patronus: I would picture a horse.


Amortentia: Mint, Men's aftershave, kind of fruity and earthy.

Mirror of Erised Imagine: That her mother was alive.

Favorite Spell(s)

Offensive: Confrigo
Defensive: Aguementi
Non-Duelling: Orchideous

Favorite Potion: Felix Felicis




Birth Place: Sicily, Italy

Current Location: Toronto, Canada

Future Location: Heraklion, Greece

Fluent Languages: English, Italian, French (Due to some parts of Canada that remain under French rule)



Parents: Scott Itzel ll Father
Nikki Itzel (nee Campbell) ll Mother

Siblings: Matthew Haiden Iztel || Five years younger than her
Catherine Ann Itzel || Three years younger than her

Grandparents: Constance Campbell || Maternal Grandmother
John Campbell || Maternal Grandfather

Luigi Itzel || Paternal Grandfather
Marcella Itzel || Paternal Grandmother

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