Closed Letters to Mum

Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (14)
Apolline had decided to write to her mother very early on in her arriving back at school, to tell her about the new head of house which she had, and to keep her informed about everything else that she was doing. But she'd been a little busy and hadn't really gotten to it, not like she had meant to, but if she didn't send it that day then it would be a little while longer before she could send anything more. So she'd come to the owlery, with her owl beside her and was trying to figure out what she could say to her mum, how best to write it down. It was just surprisingly hard.
Jean Lancaster-Snow truly missed his big brother at the school, but there was nothing that could be done to fix that. He just had to go on with his life, as if Avery was never there. He would still write to him, which was why he was heading up to the owlery now. He hoped that Avery would find the letter fun to read - if he could read it. Jean's handwriting was a bit messy and atrocious. It changed sizes throughout each line. Bigger, smaller, bigger, scribbles. Jean needed to practice his penmanship. He arrived at the owlery and immediately perked up from his down mood when he saw Apolline. "Hey, how is it going so far?" Jean figured that he might have annoyed her since he preferred to sit next to her in every class.
Apolline glanced at the boy who walked in and a smile graced her lips. She hadn't spent nearly as much time with him as she had both wanted or planned to, but was happy to see him there. "Hey," she greeted happily in response. "It's going, I'm just trying to figure out how to talk about the new head of house," Apolline said, "Though I'm sure my mother knew about it before I arrived at school." she added with a little pause. "You?"
"Oh yeah, he is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor that came in last year. He must be good to get that position so quickly. We can learn more from him in our fifth year." Jean was not sure if he would keep with that class, but he might anyway just to give it his best shot. That was all that was expected about him. "I miss my brother more than ever now that he is out of school. My dad admitted that he jinxed my broom to make it go slower." Jean could hardly believe his dad, but at the same time, he could.
Apolline nodded in agreement, he must be good, or have don a few good things to have let this be something which happened to him. The gryffindor gave a little raised eyebow at what she said, having not realised that was something that could be done to a broom, though she knew it had been his concen fo a while. "Oh, did he say why?" she asked, wondering why he would be so concerned for him flying too fast, from what she knew about his family, that wasn't completely uncommon to have professional players, so why was it different here with him. "Did he remove it?"
Did his dad say why? Jean shook his head since Lucien Snow could very well be stubborn. Even when he was not around. Jean thought about it, and came out with his own theories. "I think it is because I was named after my uncle that died while playing Professional Quidditch. So, he might be overprotective." Jean had not tried his broom since he found out about the jinx, since he was sure that it was still on there. "I don't think so. So, what I am going to do is buy a new one without him knowing." Jean wondered if he could ask Apolline if her mom could make it illegal to put jinxes on a broom to make it slower. Protection or not, it wasn't fair!

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