Letter From Home

Alyssa Chevalier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Veela Hair
Alyssa sighed and ran pale fingers through her light blonde hair as she trudged her way up to the Owlery. She had been told that a letter had arrived for her today and that it was urgent that she read it.

Alyssa wondered what could have been so important that her parents demand she come out here in the cold to read the letter. Once inside the Owlery Alyssa immediantly spotted the Family Snowy Owl Babette. It sat pearched on the furthest side of the room with a cream colored envelope sucurely inside it's beak.

"Hey girl..." She patted the birds head as it dropped the envelope into her hands. She qwuickly pulled out a treat and fed it to Babette before she took a step back and examined the letter.

One the front was only her name written in fnacy cursive handwriting.
'Must've been mother that had written this. Father's handwriting has never been this neat.' Alyssa noted to herself. As she turned it over she noticed the usual deep white 'S' Symbol that sealed the letter shut. It was the snow's family seal.

Moving he rhands to the back she carefully pealed the letter open, removed the parchment and made sure to unfold it carefully. She then carefully began to read the letter her mothe rhad obviously written.

Dearest Lyssa,

Your father and I have missed you so much sweetheart! It has been far too lonely around the house without you hear to keep us company. Were sorry this letter has come so late in the year but many things have happened that had kept us from writing you.
Your father was estatic that both you and Theodore were both sorted into Slytherin. I still however wish you would've attened Beauxbatons. But if your happy here I will not complain. Has anything excited happened at school recently?
Another reason I am writing you is because I have some news.
The first is that I regret to have to inform you that your dear uncle Léon is was taken to Azkaban a wee ago. Your father has attempted to deal with the problem. But has had no luck. I'm sure he will try anything he possibly can to brign his brother out of that dreadful place.
Theodore and his family have already been informed. And reta ssured they will be living within our home until Léon's safe return.
Another set of news I would like to inform you of is that I recently discovered that I am currently with child! That's right! Your going to have a new brother or sister, how exciting! I plan to write you another letter oon with updates on this.
Please write back soon to decide wether you want to come home for Christmas or remain here at Hogwarts. Whatever you choose is fine.

Remember that well all love. And wish you good luck in school.

Much Love,

Immediantly after reading the letter Alyssa put it away in her pocket. She felt immensly saddend that her uncle /Theodore's father/ wa sin Azkaban. No one from the Snow family had ever been sent to Azkaban before. She hoped that her father could get him out.
Alyssa also was unsure about the baby news. She had never really wanted a brother or sister. But maybe she could change her mind.
She sighed heavily and ran walked out of the owlery. She decided she was going to see how Theodore was doing.
Alyssa wasted no time in deciding to write her mother back. She had many things to tell and ask her. She felt it was important that she keep contact with her family. She missed a lot and it sometimes felt lonely. Even with the amazing frinds she had.


Oh wow. I can't believe I'm going to be having a little brother or sister! Will I still be the favorite of the family?....
I'm just kidding, it doesn't matter. It'll be a bit more fun to have someone that looks up to you. I've never had anyone like that in my life. Being a big sister sounds like hard work as well. But I know I'm up for the challenge.
It's amazing here mother. Your invatation to Beauxbatons was kind enough. But I love it here. I've made so many friends. They are Isabella, Aiden, Annamarie, Angus, Henri, Bianca, I even hang out with Theodore most of the the time as well. They are all such amazing friends, they always know how to make me smile.

Did you know that were hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year?! We've already finished the first task, and the second is well under way. This weekend even happens to be the Yule Ball.
My date's name is Aiden Lorka. He's absolutely adorable and he's such a gentlemen! I'm so glad he asked me!
Well mother. I know this letter was short. But I must admit that the exams have me really tired lately. SoI must go. Write me soon alright.

Much Love-

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