Letter from home

Kelsia Gray

Well-Known Member
Kelsia walked up the stairs to the Owlery. She wondered if she would get any letters today. An owl flew in and landed beside her, holding out a letter. She took the letter and opened it eagerly.
To my darlings: Jasmin and Kelsia.

By the time you get this, I shall be dead.
All your posseions will be sent to the Bell's house. Both of you shall stay with Natasha and her family, unless something else can be sorted out.
P.S I am not afraid of death, so don't go looking for a ghost of me.

All my love

Kelsia stared at the letter, for what seemed an eternity. She saw a note attached.
Official Death.
Name: Luna Rose Gray.
Cause of death: Unknown.
Relitives: Kelsia and Jasmin Gray, daughers attending Hogwarts school of wichcraft and wizardry. Eldest daugher dead.

"So it is true. Mama's dead." A tear rolled down her cheek. She didn't see the last line "Eldest daugher dead." Kelsia began to sob uncontrollably.
Natasha walked up the many steps to the owlery. She saw a red-haired girl sobbing on the floor. "Kelsia?" she asked, wondering what twin it was. She walked up closer to see the braid on the left side of her hair that confirmed it was Kelsia. "Kels? Are you alright?" she asked, concerned.

Kelsia couldn't talk, she was sobbing so much. She pushed both letters over to Natasha for her to read.
Natasha read the letter. She was shocked. She sat still for a moment, watching Kelsia. She reached out and touched Kelsia's arm. "C'mon, lets get you to the hospital wing." she said gentely.

(I'll start a thread in the hospital wing)

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