Let the Deliveries Begin

Sara Benivieni

class of 2050 • wizarding examinations authority
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Looking) (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
8/2032 (18)
After consulting with her cousin Lavinia about who this first year was, she had been told she was a Ravenclaw and Sara decided the common room would be the first place she would look. Hopefully, the young girl would be there. She finally arrived to the top and she took a moment to catch her breath before she knocked on the door, and then asked someone to call someone by the name Kira for her, so she could give her the candy cane.
Kira looked up from her place on the couch as an older student came and told her that a Slytherin girl was at the door for her. Her brow furrowed and she set her book down, confused. Kira walked out to the Slytherin, brushing her chocolate bangs behind her ear.

She smiled cautiously at the older girl. "Yes?"
Sara had been waiting for a few minutes when finally someone walked out, and she immediately smiled when the younger girl confirmed it was her. Sara indicated to the candy cane with a note in her hand before she said, "These are for you." She hoped the other girl would accept them, because Sara had no idea what would happen to them if she didn't. She certainly wasn't going to keep them.
Quiet girl

We should go in the village together for some sweets after the holidays. Merry Christmas!

Kira was honestly surprised to get a candy cane. She had heard about it, but had been too shy to send one to anybody. She smiled at the other girl and took the treat from her. "Thank you. I'm Kira, though I guess you knew that. What's your name?"
Sara chuckled as the younger girl took the candy and the note and she nodded, knowing her name but now she could match the name to a face as opposed to not knowing previously what the girl looked like. "It's nice to meet you Kira, I'm Sara. Are you a first year? Enjoying Hogwarts so far?" she asked, not wanting to end the conversation there awkwardly.
Kira nodded, relieved that Sara was a bit more sociable than she was. "Oh yes. It's odd being away from home but there's so much to learn, and I think I made a friend or two." Kira smiled at the older girl, before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a Taffy.

"Here," She offered Sara. "Delivering sweets must not be any fun without one of your own."
Sara nodded, happy for the girl that she had made friends already. She knew not everyone always made friends straight away, so it was good to hear. Everything was better with friends. "Yeah, learning is the best part," she told Kira. "Besides being around your friends of course," she added, thinking of her set that, she hadn't in fact spoken to in a while. Except for Elly. What happened next surprised the third year and not wanting to be rude and refuse the chewy delicacy she was given, she thanked Kira before placing it in her pocket. "Thank you, you didn't have to. Is Taffy your favourite sweet?"
Kira smiled as Sara took the taffy from her. She giggled a little when the older girl asked if it was her favorite. "Oh, no. I don't particularly care for a lot of sweets, but my sister keeps sending me candy. Anyway, thank you for the candy cane. I'll let you get back to your deliveries." She waved a little at the older girl. "It was wonderful meeting you."
"Me neither!" Sara hardly ate sweets, but she was exposed to them and sometimes tempted by them when Leo bought them and secretly sneaked them into her room when she was younger. She smiled as the first year, and said a quick 'you're welcome' to her. "Have a wonderful day!" she called, waving to her as she went on with her day.

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