let me be easy to love !

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Indianna Lee

Well-Known Member
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather

well i was the one who showed you the sky

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sup brosephs ?! haha hey guys, so i’m posting here for my former beauxbatons character who has
just transferred to hogwarts new zealand for her final year of school. her name is indianna grace
lee and apart from her gorgeous boyfriend, sam prince, the poor thing knows just about nobody.
so of course, she will need some friends, acquaintances, enemies even... you name it. though first
and foremost, the basics. indianna is quite an intelligent girl, she is a ravenclaw after all, however
although she exceeds in all her classes, she would rather put her inquisitive mind to her creative
pursuits such as music and art as opposed to flogging it studying. as indianna is the daughter of an
abusive father, she learnt from a very young age to be careful with her heart and who she opened
it up to. naturally, she’s rather shy upon first meetings but if she feels that she can trust you, she
will warm up to you easily enough. that being said, she’s also very easily intimidated and quick to
severe ties when people get too close. but in moving on to what i’m actually looking for, friends is
a must. so long as they’re kind to her at first. i can see her being intimidated by the sheer idea of
slytherins so it would be best to avoid them, unless one super, sugar sweet one is able to prove
her entirely wrong cx enemies aren’t as relevant so much as just extraordinarily beautiful and
popular girls are. i can’t exactly see indianna doing anything to have people hating on her (except
perhaps the occasional case of accidental boyfriend stealing cx) and as for lovers, she is all set in
that area ♥ i’d appreciate it if you were a reasonably experienced roleplayer, because i tend to
post into the quadruple digits if i have enough to work with. that doesn’t mean i’m not open to
anybody though. and sorry about the post, i don’t actually know if that made much sense... way
too tired and sick but if you have any better ideas, please let me know :) thank you so much guys.

<COLOR color="#000">hey em! so i have a few characters to offer you today. the first being jennifer
. she is besties with mister sam prince, so i'm thinking that they could
be friends as long as indi doesn't mind that she and sam once dated and still hug
and are buds because she isn't going to change just for some girl that sam is
dating. i imagine that sam talked a bunch about indianna so when they meet, i
think she might give her a big ol' hug and be like "so your the girl my sammy
has been talking about like mad... he was right you are cute!" next, i have my
girl megara bennett. she, like indi, is a transfer. and although they are in different
school years, meg is turning sixteen shortly so she isn't that much younger than
indi so i'm thinking that if they met she might play a small prank on her but be
friendly anyway. she kind of loves to be the center of attention so she'll do crazy
things so i'm thinking that indi and meg might not be the best of friends because
indi is shy but acquaintances at the least. let me know what you think!
jennifer & indianna
these two. definitely :) indi's not exactly the psycho, jealous type so i'm sure they'd get along
famously. and plus, she'd be all super cutely excited to meet some of sam's friends. perhaps
she might be a little intimidated by jenn's appearance at first but she would warm up to her in
an instant. n'aww, indi would be all crazy blushing. they'd be so ka-yoot !
megara & indianna
mkay, so meg i'm thinking would remind indi a lot of her best friend, audrey, who stayed back
in beauxbatons. she always wanted to be the centre of attention too so these two might just
click a little better than what one would assume. of course i don't think they'd be best friends,
but definitely friends. so we could do a topic for either or both of these two, whatever suits :)

<COLOR color="#000">that's awesome jennifer wilkonson needs more girl friends anyways. do you want
to have a roleplay? and for megara bennett and indi that sounds awesome.
riley & kalani & indianna
i seem to remember us discussing this once upon a time, but i definately think it
would be funny to have an awkward mix-up between these three or something?
my mind is shooting blanks right now though.

riley & indianna
these guys need to sort themselves out! i can't see them ever being biffles, but
they are both adorable and just need a little kick up the butt from sam so they can
get along in harmony and what not. i can imagine friction again (riley gets more
than just a little heated up sometimes, especially lately) but perhaps they just need
something to force them together XD oh and of course there was always that fly-off
we joked about, seeing as sam had taught indi to fly. anyways, let me know what
you think.
I have Makaylah Makwa who can look up to her? She full blooded native American, from the Makah tribe, is usually consider to be awkward or stubborn little girl. She probably can't relate to Indi background, but she like a bolt of energy and eager to learn anything new. She will probably follow Indi, like an admiration type thing :3
jennifer & indianna
i'll start one up for them when i can :)
riley & indianna
oh my goodness, XD riley is probably like indi's number one fear at the moment. i think she's
glad that she wasn't sorted into hufflepuff so she didn't have to bump into her in the common
room or something. but she's going to have to face her fear some time... still when they meet
indi will be all omgomgomg. teehee maybe they can meet on the pitch or something and have
that fly-off. or maybe they have a class together and riley whispers about her to a friend and
indi's all *takes a deep breath and puffs up her chest* "if you want to say something, can you
please just say it to my face?" but yupp, i'd love to see them reaccquaint themselves in a civil
way. they are both such cuties. and the kalani thing, maybe we could do it one brightstone
weekend and indi goes into their store and gets super confused because kalani is being really
super sweet to her. the poor girl XD

makaylah & indianna
this would be cute :) indi's a pretty cool chick too, she can play guitar and draw, she can kick
ass on a broomstick now thanks to sam. plus she's very studious so i'm assuming she would be
a good influence on makaylah. and hey who knows, maybe makaylah can teach indianna a few
things too. we could do something for them in the common room if that's cool with you ?

Indianna Lee said:
makaylah & indianna
this would be cute :) indi's a pretty cool chick too, she can play guitar and draw, she can kick
ass on a broomstick now thanks to sam. plus she's very studious so i'm assuming she would be
a good influence on makaylah. and hey who knows, maybe makaylah can teach indianna a few
things too. we could do something for them in the common room if that's cool with you ?


I started one in the girls room 3, if you want to join that one, well be my guest! :) I haven't done much with Makaylah, but that all sounds fantastic. She has an older sister who was born a squib, and Leah very stubborn so she never had an actual connection with Makaylah. Indi will make up for that, and maybe teach Makaylah that Leah being a squib isn't all that bad? She still doesn't get it :x
Hey Em. ^_^

I have Sirius here whom I can offer as a friend to Ms. Lee. Sirius is an outgoing person, very kind at heart, and looks out for all of his friends no matter what situation may arise. Since Indi is new to the school, Sirius can help her with getting to know things around the school and what not. Whatever ideas you may have, do share. :D

makaylah & indianna
sounds good! and i'll reply to that tonight hopefully if i get the time :)

sirius & indianna
m'kay indi might take a little longer to warm up to sirius simply because he's a guy and indianna
hasn't long conquered her serious trust issues with them. but he sounds like a really sweet guy
and she'll definitely get over her shyness soon enough. especially when she sees how genuine
he is. if you could start an rp hamza, that would be fantastic and i'll reply when i get the time :)

Will do. I'll post here or shoot you a pm once I've got a topic setup. ^_^
Ummm so obvious much? :p Scorpius would
love to meet Indi once he hears about her! :frantics:
He'll pretty much love her once he meets her
and stuff, I don't think Scorpius is pretty hard
to get along with. ^_^

scorpius & indianna
n'awww. indi will be so super excited to meet all of sam's biffles! :') it'll be so cuteee ♥ ooh ooh
i have an idea... maybe scorp could chime in on the indi & jenn topic, so it'd be like bam! two at
once, twice the excitement cx it's in the library if you wanted to join, i'm sure alexis won't mind.

Indianna Lee said:

scorpius & indianna
n'awww. indi will be so super excited to meet all of sam's biffles! :') it'll be so cuteee ♥ ooh ooh
i have an idea... maybe scorp could chime in on the indi & jenn topic, so it'd be like bam! two at
once, twice the excitement cx it's in the library if you wanted to join, i'm sure alexis won't mind.

jenn would flip her poop, ngl. ♥ scorpius was missed
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