Leonzio Aiello

Leonzio Aiello

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OOC First Name
Ash Wood-13 3/4 inches -- Fire crab jewel core
Leonzio Aiello

The Basics
Character's Name: Leonzio Gustavo Aiello
Age: 31
Character's Birthdate: 6th of August, 2004
Hometown: San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy.
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Ash Wood of 13 3/4 inches with the core of a fire crab jewel.
Educated At: Stregheria House: Trinacria Color: Red, yellow. Mascot: The Centaur. Traits: Dedication, Hard Work, Patience
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Auror

Hair: Long, dark brown.
Eyes: Dark brown.
Height: 6'5''
Build: Muscular
Other Distinguishing Features: Beard, Wide Jaw, Aquiline Nose, Broad-shouldered, Olive Skin.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Positives: - Leonzio is hard-working and determined. Not the kind of person that gives up easily. He's the visionary who can see amazing futures while others only see roadblocks.

- Leonzio is a determined individual, able to set emotion aside, analyze a situation or action and weigh whether it brings him closer to his goal. He can make decisions and create realistic goals and objectives, and work toward them step by step.

- Wise, far-seeing and intelligent. He can remove himself emotionally from a situation and is skilled at providing insight and details that will help others make decisions that will best serve the greater good, or the good of all. He's a natural peacemakers and he tends to not let passion rule him. He's careful with his words and will seek out information, investigate, gather intelligence and obtain feedback before weighing in or offering potential solutions. He's supportive, loyal and trustworthy.

Negatives: - He runs the risk of putting their goals above everything else, including the people or priorities in life that should come first.

- Narrow focus and sometimes he doesn't see how his actions affect others.

- Sometimes he can be viewed as cold or emotionless, because of his ability to take a situation with real human costs and whittle it down to a set of choices or possible outcomes.

Special Talents/Abilities: Non-verbal magic, wandless magic, elemental magic.

History: Born in 6th of August, 2004 at San Vito Lo Capo in Sicily, Italy. His father, Giacomo Aiello is a muggle policeman and his mother, Alessandra Meucci was a healer at St Cosmas, a local healing center. Leonzio's father was unaware of his wife magical status until Leonzio was five years old when he unexpectadly found it out and abandoned his family. Leonzio was brought up entirely by his witch mother and attended Stregheria magic school in Italy. At the age of fifteen, his mother died from a rare disease. He was left to fend for himself alone and he learnt how to survive on his own, searching for different lodgings during holidays. After his graduation, he attended a school for aspiring aurors. While studying for his dream job of helping innocents and catching the bad guys, he decided to search for his muggle father. Despite the years that had passed and being son and father, Leonzio wasn't accepted. He also found out that his father had another son named Elbio with another witch. She had left them short after giving birth and their father left Elbio to an orphanage. Leonzio tracked down his half-brother's location and while being already an adult and financially independent, he took over his half-brother's upbringing while himself was 24 years old. He never revealed to Elbio that they were half-brothers. Instead of hurting Elbio by telling him the cold truth, he decided to tell his baby brother that their mother died of sickness and that their muggle father was so narrow-minded to deal with his magical children. Leonzio found his dream job at New Zealand's Ministry of Magic where he still works as an auror. He moved there with his younger brother and enrolled him at the local branch of Hogwarts school for his education. The two brothers currently reside at penthouse apartment in Auckland.

Family: Father: - Giacomo Aiello {63, Policeman, Muggle, Leonzio keeps a typical touch with his father but doesn't let him haunt the life he has created for him and Elbio.}

- Alessandra Meucci {Died at age of 47, Healer, Half-blood, Leonzio had a soft spot for his mother and took him years to get over her death.}

- Elbio Aiello {17, Student/ Photographer, Half-blood, Leonzio is overprotective his brother and sometimes pressures him for certain life choices. There have been a lot of argument about Elbio's decision to become a photographer with Leonzio insisting on a more profitable job but in the end they are both supportive to each other.}

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