Leonardo De La Cruz

Leonardo De La Cruz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


Full Name:

Leonardo De La Cruz
Birth Date: February 18 2009- Age: 16 years old
- Birth Place: Sardinia, Italy
- Current Residence:
Sardinia, Italy

Blood Status: Mixed Blood
- Blood Origin:
Half Blood Father and Mixed Born Mother
- Heritage: Italian and Latino

Civil Status: Single| Bisexual
Current School: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic


Leonardo De La Cruz was born on February 18, 2009 to Maria Gallo and Rafael De La Cruz. He grow up at Sardinia, Italy and is the only son from both his parents. His Mother Maria and his Grandparents own a restaurant and a vineyard in Sardinia. His biological father (Rafael) had nothing to do with him growing up. Maria his mother, step father Luis Rizzo, and his grandparents were the ones that raise Leonardo. He grew up near a grape vineyard fields and his family shares a Villa together, never wanting to be separated from each other. They also owned and establish an Italian restaurant just below his families house.

Leonardo favorite past time growing up was riding the horses in the fields and working part time for his family, for they believe he would learn the vaule of work at such a young age, and was taught many lessons while growing up. One of his biggest influence in his life is grandpapa Alonso. He taught him to be brave and if trouble ever comes that don't be afraid to back down. Think wise before you act as well, which Leonardo always took his words at heart.

Leonardo never grew knowing the man that made him. Maria told him briefly shorts stories of how Leonardo came about. Maria never agreed with Rafael lifestyle, but still Leo was given his name. He still doesn't acknowledge his father at age sixteen now, yet to find out that he has two siblings roaming this earth. Both are females, one full Blooded Latino, another mixed from America. Both their names are Esme Makwa and Willow Paradox.

Leonardo is now studying at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and its on his 6th year. He is also fluent in speaking spanish, italian, english and french.

Not a bad side but the side preventing:

Leonardo was told all his life that he was a handsome young boy by many woman of all ages. His mother fear that Leonardo would up being like his father Rafael. A womanizer. Though he hadn't told Maria yet, he recently came out being gay. Leonardo discover this part of himself at a young age of twelve. He just was never the type to influence the feminine looks or act the way some "Gays" are label. Leonardo stills considers himself normal just like anyone else.

The other bad side; the influence by others around him. Dark arts is very tempting and because his mother Maria once fell in that category, she's afraid he will end up the same way. Alonso his grandfather tries to prevent from the dark arts tempting his grandson, they feel strongly about this, because Death Eaters live in a nearby region. There was even rumors that death eater live nearby his home. Alonso is a great wizard back in his day. He will do anything to protect the corruption of innocent blood, he done it before with Maria. Who once fell to their whim, it had been battle of heat, Alonso won his daughter over again.


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