Leon Messier

Leonidas Rigel Messier

Active Member
Sexual Orientation
Looking | Bisexual
10" beech with dragon heart string core

Date of Birth: 10th April 2005
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hometown: Broxton , Oxford
Residence: Pickering Gallows, D'Urville Island, South Island New Zealand
Bloodstatus: halfblood

Coffee / Tea
rock & roll
playing on his drums
his family
his job
long showers
rowing / boating

his parents
his brothers in-laws
burnt toast
stepping in puddles
shouting but does it so well</COLOR>

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 82 kg
Hair: dark brown
Eye Colour: blue
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Distinctive Features:
Body builder type build || various tattoos over back, arms, chest and legs || raspy voice

Wand: 10" beech with dragon heart string core
Broom: Nimbus Galactica 2040

Occupation: Department for the Regulation of Magical Creatures: Beast Division:- Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau

Academic Achievements:
Charms - EE
Ancient Runes - A
Potions - O
Herbology - EE

Skills / Abilities: strong, quick thinking, excellent at wards, protection spells and restraining spells.
patronus - Bear
Apparation license

Boggart: lethifold

Amortentia aroma: fresh coffee beans, sea air, eucalyptus


Youngest son to Marissa and Daniel Messier, Leon grew up in a contented hard working home, his parents were killed in two separate incidents in the line of duty as members of the British Magical Law Enforcement. Leon's older brother Gregory who was 19 took guardianship of his younger brother. Leon grew up in Oxford in England, he attended Hogwarts Scotland and after getting fairly decent grades in his OWLs, he was not completely certain what he wanted to do with his life afterwards. The Care of Magical Creatures professor told him that he was always fantastic with the beasts and beings in his class and perhaps he would consider keeping the subject on for NEWT level. He did and during the next summer while on summer break he got a part-time job in a Magi-Zoo outside of London. It was fantastic and after working with strange fantastical yet dangerous creatures he knew that he wanted to work with magical creatures in any capacity.

When he told his brother , Gregory insisted that after his NEWTs that Leon apply to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Gregory was now engaged to be married to Carragh Walker a New Zealander who had come to England backpacking the summer before, bumped into Gregory and stayed. Leon got the grades he needed for the department but was sorely disappointed, he was first put into an office to simply attend to paper work for the Office for House-Elf Relocation, six months after that, he was put into the field to work with the Goblin Liaison office, it was difficult work but he did enjoy it and he found that he had an ability to communicate with non-magical human folk that others in his department just could not comprehend.

Because of his physical build, he was soon moved to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures but he absolutely loathed this position as it was either killing innocent though exceptionally dangerous creatures to filling up one report after another. When he turned 26 he was put into the Werewolf Capture Unit and excelled there for a period of four years before a position came up in the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. He applied for the position but there were so many other applicants for the part that he genuinely didn't think he would get it.

He got the position and though over the years he has had the opportunity for promotion to even head of the department, he has turned them all down. He loves this job and has compiled three bestselling books from his research into Dragons and the best and safest ways in which to restrain them.

He got his own place after three years of working at the department, a one bedroom flat over the quidditch supply store in Diagan Alley. It was perfect for his needs. Gregory and Carragh were married and their first child was due by the time that Leon was moved to the Disposal of Dangerous creatures committee. Unfortunately, Carragh died in childbirth and Gregory was so distraught that Leon moved back to the family home to be there for him and his niece Reisha Lurianne Messier.

[li]Mother; Marissa Burke - half blood - deceased - Hufflepuff Alumni - occupation: Magical law enforement
[li]Father; <COLOR color="firebrick">Daniel Messier - half blood - deceased - Gryffindor Alumni - occupation: magical law enforcement</LI>
[li]Brother; Gregory Messier - half blood - deceased - Gryffindor Alumni - occupation: alchemist
[li]Sister-in-law; Carragh Walker - half blood - deceased - Mahoutokoro Alumni - Gold robe - occupation: Global History of Magic researcher
<LI>[li]Niece; Reisha Lurianne Messier - half blood - Hogwarts Scotland - 4th year - Gryffindor - prefect



Leon has an endless supply of dedication and needs that more than ever now as he becomes guardian to his niece. He has always trusted in his own intuition and has a positive outlook on what is possible to be achieved. He is energetic, takes the initiative in work and home life and prefers to act rather than plan. He can be quite analytical, very critical, has great discipline, is tolerant and amiable.

Aries - the Ram - masculine sign
Chinese zodiac - the Rooster - characteristics - organized, inflexible, independent and extravagant.

Adaptable to change || Goal orientated || Hard worker || Protective || Sincere || Loyal

Critical, often thinking he is right || Can be positive but selfish || Narrow- minded || Hot tempered


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