Leila Iv Hazel Walden

Leila Walden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Leila Ivy Hazel Walden

Character's Name: Leila Ivy Hazel Walden
Leila Lay-La Feminine. Arabic/English. Meaning "night" in Arabic.
Ivy eye-vee Feminine. English. From the English word for the climbing plant that has small yellow flowers.
Hazel Hay-zul Feminine. English. From the English word hazel for the tree or the light brown colour.
Walden Wall-den Masculine. Anglo Saxon origins, old english words for foreigner and valley.

Leila doesn't really have a nickname as it is hard to shorten her full name. Her sister, however, calls her 'little one' affectionately which Leila pretends to hate but secretly loves.
Although, not strictly speaking a shortened version of her name, but she has been called Laylz.

Character's Birthdate: 23rd June 2032
Character's Starsign: Cancer. The Crab. Cardinal, water, yin - planetary ruler: the Moon. Keywords: "I FEEL".
Cancer Gryffindors
Gryffindors born under the sign of Cancer will root for the home team until their throats are raw. They are deeply loyal to their House (and also to any friends outside of their House, although these may take a back seat to Gryffindor loyalties). Make a friend with a Gryffindor Cancer, and you've made a friend for life. Cancer is a sentimental, yet high achieving sign that dreams often, and dreams big; this combined with the Gryffindor romantic streak creates a quixotic, almost anachronistically chivalrous temperament.

Hair: Long, dark brown hair that falls past her shoulders. Often worn wavy and down.
Eyes: Big hazel coloured eyes with long eyelashes.
Height: 4"8. Smaller than her average peers.
Style: Leila wears comfortable clothes and likes to wear dresses and skirts the most.
Other Distinguishing Features: Dark and full eyebrows and prominent cheekbones.
Playby: Lucy Hale

Hometown: Christchurch, NZ. [/closer]
Previous Residence: Hertfordshire, England. [/closer]
Why the Move?
One of the reasons why the Walden's moved from England to New Zealand was because Maddie's mother had quit her job at the British Ministry of Magic to work as a farmer with her husband full time. Their farm in Hertfordshire was quite small and they were looking to upgrade and New Zealand offered very appealing move. Their farm in Christchurch is a lot bigger which means they can farm more crops and hold more animals which can turn over more a profit than what they could get in England.
Lives with? Leila lives wither her three siblings (Madeline, Aaron and Benajmin), her parents (Charles and Nancy) and her second cousin; Honoria. There are also a plethora of animals that live on the farm.

Blood Status: Half blood. Witch mother and muggle father.
Wand: Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Pear is a spectacularly magical wandwood which binds itself to the pure of heart, generous, and wise - it is not known to choose practitioners of the dark arts.
Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities. Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.
Flexibility: Sturdy; A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Favourite Professor: -
Favourite Subject: -
Least Favourite Subject: -
Boggart: -
Patronus Form: Dolphin
Patronus Memory: -
Mirror of Erised -
Dementor Memory: -
Veritaserum: -

Positive Personality Traits:

Negative Personality Traits:
Impulsive Reckless Naive Over emotional Worrier
Clingy Annoying Drama Queen People pleaser Day Dreamer

Personality Type: ENFP; The Campaigner .

Best Friends:
Jess Cade, Geo Volt and Elly Chatwin
Dislikes: -
First Kiss: -
First Love: -
First Time: -
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Favourite colour: Pastel Pink
Favourite animal: Owl
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite holiday: Christmas
Favourite food: Chocolate cake
Favourite drink: Lemonade

Coming soon



Charles (Charlie) Walden
Father: 42, Muggle, Farmer.​

<B>Nancy Walden​
Mother: 40, Half blood, Part Time Farmer

Madeline (Maddie) Walden
Sister: 15, Fifth Year Gryffindor, Student​

Aaron Walden
<SIZE size="50">Brother: 13, Third Year Gryffindor Student​

Benjamin (Benji) Walden
Brother: 9, Magical?, Student​

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