Leia Lucia Evans

Leia Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand, 15 1/2", Tail of Charmed Newt
|The Basics:blank:
Name: Leia Lucia Evans [pronounced LAY-uh, not LEE-uh]
House & Why: Hufflepuff - because she is a mix of bravery, ambition, and creative curiosity, therefore Hufflepuff isn't the house of the 'leftovers' but rather the house with the balance of all other characteristics of the other houses ;)
Birthday: November 30, 2010
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius--Independent, honest, optimistic, friendly, driven, freewheeling, free spirit, good-humored, casual, forthright, philosophical, restless, un-inhibited, adventurous, intuitive, but can be self-righteous, rebellious, irresponsible, careless, inaccurate, superficial, impulsive, outspoken, candid
Hometown: Born and raised in Manhattan, New York; currently live in Sydney, Australia; origins in Vila Real, Portugal
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born: Very mixed, there is Veela blood all in her family.
Five words that best describe your character: Loyal, Mysterious, Independent, Strongwilled, Friendly

Hair Color: Ranges from light brown with golden honey highlights to pitch black. When she is turning on her Veela charm, it can go either way, glowing with golden hues or shimmering black.
Hair Style: Leia always wears her hair down in soft loose waves. Occasionally she'll straighten it for a different look. She almost always has a flower in her hair in some way - large flowers on one side, a few flowers scattered in her hair, a headband or halo of flowers, or a flower braided into her hair, she just loves them.
Personally Leia prefers her hair UP in a messy bun with stray curls hanging, but her mother thinks she looks better with her hair down so Leia always keeps it down to please her mother. When she finally does put her hair up around a person, it is a sign that she feels really comfortable around you.
Eye color: Chocolate
Height: About 5'2"
Other distinguishing details: Half-Veela, Leia's only just learned about her Veela blood so she's still pretty clueless and naive about just how strongly her blood attracts people. Leia's favorite feature is her set of pearly whites. Since she has grown up in the 'public eye' of New York, she has perfected her dazzling smile and is always seen smiling even if sad or upset.

Father's name: Javier Evans
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Mixed blood, 1/2 Veela, 35 years old, born in Vila Real, Portugal, went to the Salem Institute of Magic in Boston, Massachusetts (he liked to travel) - currently works in the Transportation Department in the Australian Ministry of Magic. He has one more daughter, Cynthia Evans, with another woman Riley though they aren't together. Cynthia visits him during holidays.

Mother's name: Leonor Evans

Brief description (occupation, blood, etc): Mixed blood, 1/2 Veela, 33 years old, born in Vila Real, Portugal, went to the Salem Institute of Magic in Boston, Massachusetts, currently lives in New York working as a world famous fashion designer. Despite their last names, she and Javier have never married, just a coincidence. When they were younger their parents arranged their marriage without their knowledge or consent because they want to keep the Veela blood as strong as possible within their region. The two actually began liking each other in school but when Leonor got pregnant at age 20, she began having doubts about their relationship. When Javier's parents revealed to him that they had originally planned to arrange their marriage, Javier didn't mind it, but Leonor did. She knew that being stuck in Portugal with a baby was not her dream, she wanted to stay in the U.S. East coast and start her fashion line there. So, four months pregnant on her wedding day, Leonor Apparated away to New York and didn't contact Javier until Leia was born.
Siblings (names and descriptions): A half sister named Cynthia Evans, 7 years old
Other key family members: --

|At Hogwarts:blank:
Your best subject: Charms
Your worst subject: History of Magic and Astronomy
Extracurricular activities: Fashion Research and Design Club, Hogwarts Monthly, Cheerleader Hopeful
Favorite place at Hogwarts: Her dorm room, gardens
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: None yet
Do any of the staff members scare you?: None yet
Do any inspire you?:

Interests/hobbies: Fashion since I've grown up around it, sports, journalism, reading, writing, gardening
What you might like to do after Hogwarts: Undecided, for now. I think I would like to do fashion like my mother but then again I've seen what the industry is like so I don't know.
Someone you look up to: My mom, Leonor Evans

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