Leia Evans

Leia Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand, 15 1/2", Tail of Charmed Newt

Full Name: Leia Lucia Evans (pronounced LAY-uh, not LEE-uh)

Birth Date: November 30, 2010
Current Age: 11

Basic Appearance: Leia has extremely long, thick locks of hair that hang in loose curls around her face. Her hair is so dark it appears pitch black yet after spending so much time under the sun you can see golden honey hues in it now. Although Leia loves her hair to be let down freely, she personally prefers it up in a messy bun though rarely does have it up. When she lets her hair up around you, you know it's a sign she really likes and/or trusts you. Her almond shaped eyes are a deep chocolate brown and her favorite feature is her set of pearly whites, which light up a room and seem to get her out of trouble, although often times is the opposite with her mother. Leia is almost always smiling, even when she isn't happy, she's learned to keep her emotions hidden like that thanks to her mother. Another thing, Leia loves putting flowers in her hair whenever and however she can! Tucking it behind her ear, pinning them, braiding them in, any way she can!
A visual of Leia's hair up.

Background/Personality: Leia has grown up in New York with her famous fashion designer mother, and she’s used to all the attention and fame (though that doesn't mean she likes it). Because of this, she’ll shut people out of her life, feeling like the only reason people talk to her is to get the perks of befriending "Leonor Evans’ daughter". This, coupled with loneliness, would cause Leia to be cold towards people and not trust them despite their good intentions.
But Leia truly is a good person at heart, so after someone shows an interest in getting to really know her, she’d eventually open up to them. She’ll feel like their persistence to get to know her would show her that they are genuine about befriending her for her, and not who her mother is. Living in a lifestyle like that of the fame and glory has made her appreciate the simplicities that people take for granted like friendships, that is what Leia is all about deep down inside, simplicity in life and friends.

Parents: Leonor Evans; 33, born in Vila Real, Portugal, never married, famous fashion designer living in New York City

Javier Evans; 35, born in Vila Real, Portugal, never married, living in Sydney, Australia, working in Transportation Department in Australian Ministry of Magic
-picture still to be decided-

Their History: Despite Leonors last name, she and Javier never married; their last name was just a happy coincidence. Their families knew each other before they grew up and as they got older, their marriage was planned without their consent. When both kids got old enough they began going to the Salem Institute of Magic in Boston, Massachusetts. The two actually began liking each other in Javier's last year of school (whereas Leonor still had 2 more to go). By then Leonor was in love with the U.S. east coast and had big plans for her fashion line. Javier however, knew about their parents arranged marriage so, since the two were so big on traveling, he convinced her to move to Spain with and start her line there instead and that way they'd still be close to their family. Leonor was 20 when she found out she was pregnant. Javier and his family, as well as hers, were all extremely excited, while Leonor was feeling apprehensive and scared. Before long, she found out about the arranged marriage (gossip had spread saying that they were doing things out of order but the marriage was still on) and at the time, Leonor had absolutely no knowledge of Javier even preparing to propose! When she finally got all the details on the arranged marriage, and Javier's knowledge of it the entire time, Leonor grew furious but didn't mention anything. She accepted his offer when he proposed in front of the entire city even though she knew she wasn't ready to get married. On her wedding day, Leonor was only 4 months pregnant and still had big plans to move to the U.S. She knew that getting married to Javier so young with a baby would tie her down to Spain forever. She loved her country but she wanted to travel, as did Javier. While she was left unattended for merely a few seconds on her wedding day, Leonor apparated away to New York, leaving Javier at the alter. It wasn't until Leia was born that she contacted him.

Siblings, if any: A half-sibling from her father's side of the family, 7 years old named Cynthia Evans who visits frequently though Leia has never really met her. Cynthia's mother (Riley) and Javier are not married either but are on good terms unlike Leonor and Javier.
May be Cynthia

Pets, if any: One black toy poodle named Shadow, gift from her mother's assistants on her 10th birthday

Area of Residence: Born and raised in Manhattan, New York; currently living in Sydney, Australia; origins in Vila Real, Portugal

Blood status: Unknown as of yet...

(If your character is a sorted student:)-
Hogwarts House (And why): N/A
Best school subjects (And why): n/a
Worst school subjects (And why): n/a

(all characters:)-
What would their Patronus be? A lynx (or Wildcat :woot: ) (reason below)

What would their Boggart be? It may sound dumb but simply put, spiders. :mellow:

What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A lynx because the animals are described as mostly solitary until they find a group to hunt with. Leia's personality can be the same, she would prefer to keep to herself until she finds the friends she'd like to be with. Their fur is also multicolored yet unique so that they may camoflauge when necessary yet still be visible when needed; Leia knows all too well how to do that too.

What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her mother being proud of her and accepting of her for exactly who she is what she likes, nothing other than just being Leia.

What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Her first time visiting Bondi Beach with her father. Sydney feels more like her home than New York ever did

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,

I caused another set of cameras to "magically" combust today on my way to school. I don't get it, my mother wasn't even walking me to school this morning, why do they still insist on taking pictures of me? As soon as my mom found out, she got mad at me, as usual. She told me that photographers were calling her all morning and afternoon asking to schedule appearances for me as if I were walking to school again. Isn't that about the dumbest thing ever? She told me I needed to learn to control my anger because my magic is starting to kick in strongly by now. I haven't told her about the plan I had formed with Dad, about moving to Australia, and going to that magic school he said was in New Zealand...I just know her reaction already, and it's not pretty. I don't know why she likes to pretend she isn't a witch, just because she lives in the Muggle world! I see her secretly at night, using her wand to magick on buttons and trim the hems of dresses, but I don't let her know. I just wish she would tell me why she doesn't want me learning magic so much...Maybe I'll ask her when I finally tell her my plans. But, just to be safe, I'm gonna tell her in public, like a restaurant, that way she can't yell at me and cause a scene hehe. Wish me luck,


The beginning of my sample roleplay (submitted for my Veela app)
Leia Evans walked down the noisy, congested sidewalks of Manhattan, hand-in-hand with world famous fashion designer Leonor Evans, otherwise known to Leia as her mother. The pair were walking to Leia’s favorite restaurant requested by the eleven-year-old because she had something important to tell her mother.
They had only walked a few blocks from their overpriced condo when Leia saw a crowd of photographers fast approaching. She groaned inaudibly as the first to arrive grinned manically in triumph which disgusted Leia, and instantly snapped a photo. Leia scowled and rolled her dark chocolate colored eyes, glad that her dark-tinted sunglasses prevented others from seeing her rude gesture. Her mother had taught her the trick of never leaving the house without sunglasses early on, to prevent there from being a bad photo, or for Leia, to prevent them from seeing just how much she hated the photographers.
Leia adjusted her trusty aviator sunglasses smoothly as she brushed a few of her dark locks out of her face as she and her mother both flashed their winning signature smiles. The smile Leia wore on her face looked worn out, never quite reaching her eyes, she had done this millions of times before so that the smile held no sincerity in it anymore. Leia felt herself becoming colder and colder to everyone lately, shutting them out completely so that she was completely friendless, clearly something was wrong in the eleven-year-old’s life; which is why she had requested this urgent meeting with her mother.
Leia heard many murmurs and loud whispers of “gorgeous” as she and her mother continued to walk to the restaurant and Leia glanced at her mother, wondering how she’d react to that. Leia wholeheartedly agreed that her mother was gorgeous, and beamed when someone told her she looked like her. The comment didn’t phase Leonor in the slightest, as Leia had expected, the thirty-three year old woman, who looked much younger, was well used to it by now.
Sometimes Leia couldn’t help but feel like the comments were directed towards her as well. Even as an infant, people had described her as “gorgeous.” She always found it completely odd that one would describe a baby as “gorgeous” rather than “adorable” or simply, “cute.” However, whenever she too received the compliment, Leia just smiled appreciatively, feeling extremely lucky that she received some good genes from two extremely good-looking parents.
The other New Yorkers continued to stare and gawk open-mouthed, many even stopping in their tracks as they did double takes, which bothered Leia to no end, couldn’t they show a little courtesy or respect? One particular onlooker actually began to walk backwards, just so he could have a clear view of the brunette duo. Leia saw this coming a mile away and before she could even think anything else, the poor guy toppled over a photographer and fell on his back, bringing a few others down with him. Immediately, Leia did what any normal eleven-year-old girl would do, she burst out laughing.
A second later her laughter was stifled by a wince in pain as her mother squeezed her hand tightly and shot her a death glare. Leia groaned inaudibly because she knew those were her mother’s nonverbal ways of threatening ‘You’re going to get it when we get home.’ Leia quickly stopped laughing but it was too late, the paparazzi were going crazy snapping away back and forth from Leia to the poor guy, humiliated on the floor. She knew the reason her mother was so upset was because tomorrow there’d be headlines that read ”Leonor’s insensitive daughter laughs at innocent victim”; “Is fashion mogul Leonor Evans forgetting to teach her daughter manners?” accompanied with a photo of Leia’s laughing, probably twisted and taken out of context.
This was one of the many times in which Leia hated her mother’s fame, and living in New York, the gossip capital of the world, didn’t make things any better. Leia silently fumed inside as she thought of what her mother was going to say to her ‘when they got home’, the same thing she told her every time she slipped up in front of the paparazzi. She was going to be grounded for making her ‘look bad’ yet Leia hardly saw any difference between being grounded and not. No matter what her mother said, Leia had absolutely no freedom when it came to going out and doing things for fun. It wasn’t as if Leia had any place to go, there weren’t many places for eleven-year-olds to go to at night in New York. That, coupled with the fact that Leia had yet to make any friends made her life in New York miserable. The petite brunette child had pushed away everyone who tried to be her friend. Somehow they all seemed mesmerized with her, which scared her and made her think that the only reason they were interested in befriending her was due to her mother’s fame. These thoughts only made Leia speed up towards the restaurant the entire way there, keeping her head hung low the rest of the way.

-Entire content may be edited, pending Veela application status-
Hey Abby :woot: Hope I can help ^_^

Just to start, yes your DOB is correct :p

Does it annoy you if people pronounce your name LEE-uh and not LAY-uh?
If she likes her hair up so much, why do you not do it more often?
Is she a closed person when it comes to showing emotions?
If so, why?
Does your mother have huge influence on you?
Does she ever wish her parents got married?
What does Leia think about the arranged marriage or does she know about it?
Is she happy with her mothers choice?
Does Leia usually receive presents from her mother's assistants?
If so how does she feel about this?
Does she get to spend a lot of time with her mother?
Does she enjoy spending time with her mother?
Any pref as to which house you want/do not want to be placed in?
Any idea what her fav/least fav classes would be?
Looking forward/not looking forward to any classes?
Why does she prefer Sydney to NY?
Which parent does she prefer living with?

As always answer IC or OOC your choice and feel free to leave an questions out which you feel you have answered and I just probably missed :p
Ah it'll be half OOC half IC :lol:

Does it annoy you if people pronounce your name LEE-uh and not LAY-uh? Well most of the time when I meet people I say it the way it's pronounced so I rarely have that problem and when I do I just politely correct them, though the thing that does annoy me slightly is the misspelling of my name.
If she likes her hair up so much, why do you not do it more often? Her mother. :oy: Her mother told her that she looks like a little girl with a messy hairdo like that and that she should keep it down because she looks better that way. Because her mother is always in the public eye, Leia is very selfconscious of how she looks and what her mother tells her to look like so she obeys her.
Is she a closed person when it comes to showing emotions? Yes, simply because of her mother's publicity. She has been 'brainwashed' to always smile even when she's mad or sad, etc.
If so, why? Oh, I answered above lol.
Does your mother have huge influence on you? As you can see from above, yes. She tries very hard to get her mother's approval.
Does she ever wish her parents got married? When she was younger she did, but then she began visiting her dad when she got older and she realized how different they were and how demanding her mother was. Now she knows that if they were to be married, her mother would change her father from the man he is and she'd hate that. Plus, her mother would've pressured her father to live in NY with them, thus she would've never gotten to live in Australia.
What does Leia think about the arranged marriage or does she know about it? No she doesn't know about it. Leia's mom was very strict with her father not to mention it when she moved to live with him.
Is she happy with her mothers choice? Yes just because she likes her parents seperately for the above reasons.
Does Leia usually receive presents from her mother's assistants? Every so often, especially when they feel Leia's been through a lot or if she's feeling rather sad. They sometimes tell her they're from her mother but she knows better, she still plays along though. :p
If so how does she feel about this? It's a bit depressing really, it's like her mom's too busy for her!
Does she get to spend a lot of time with her mother? Not as much as she'd like. Leia often goes to work with her mother just to be around her since if she didn't, she'd rarely see her.
Does she enjoy spending time with her mother? She does, I mean as I mentioned she goes with her to work just to be around her. There are rare moments when her mother stays home for a week with minimal interruptions and they do fun stuff so those are the times when it's worth it, hanging around her mother.
Any pref as to which house you want/do not want to be placed in? Hufflepuff seems fitting for Leia because she's a kind person at heart and values loyalty and friendship. ^_^ Here's my big reason for why she should be in Hufflepuff: Leia feels like she has a great deal of courage, intelligence, and ambition like the other three houses, but she knows Hufflepuff is the place for her because she has ALL of those qualities. Meaning that she feels like Hufflepuff house isn't a house of pushovers or leftovers but rather the "BEST of both worlds" (though in this case three).
Any idea what her fav/least fav classes would be? Her favorite would be Transfiguration and Charms because those are the two types of magic where you need to use your wand and she loves that, because growing up she rarely ever saw magic. Her least favorite would be Astronomy because she doesn't want to know the scientific facts behind the sky, she just likes knowing it's beautiful.
Looking forward/not looking forward to any classes? I think this question is very similar to the first so my answer will be the same. ;)
Why does she prefer Sydney to NY? New York was a cold hard place for her and she just never felt comfortable there, and it didn't help that she was constantly photographed. When she moved to Sydney she felt free like she could just be herself and not worry about people not liking her and it being a big deal. She just knew that Sydney was her home, she felt it.
Which parent does she prefer living with? Although she loves her mother unconditionally, she prefers living with her father because he's accepting of her and doesn't make her be someone she's not and he lives in Sydney, duh!

I hope I answered these okay. :unsure: Feel free to ask more questions! ^_^

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