🌹 Rose Giving Left On Red

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
red rose for @Eurydice Nightray

Audrey was committed to running this smarter, not harder. She knew that she and Lucy had at least one of the same people to deliver to, and she'd seen her friend duck into the Student Lounge. It paid off, as Lucy delivered a rose to Eurydice. Or, to Eurydice via some weird staff member. At least, presumably a staff member. Unless Eurydice was from one of those super pretentious families and had somehow hired a bodyguard. Sure, the tug of war had been awkward but surely a second year didn't need a bodyguard, so maybe she was just flexing. Audrey shrugged, and stepped over once Lucy had finished her delivery. "Don't go anywhere, I've also got a rose for you!" she said, cheerfully, looking through her basket. "Somebody's popular," she added, lightly teasing.
Eurydice had appreciated the rose from her brother, and it made her feel a little bad about not telling him anything that had been going on with her in school. Specifically what had been happening with Vanity and Morrie. It was sort of amusing though that Tizi-nii had decided to just pluck the note from her before deeming it "safe". She'd just been about to go back to reading when another girl - one from Heta Omega came over, which made her tense up a little. She smiled at the older girl rather awkwardly, "Another one?" she asked rather curiously. The one from Kael-nii had been unexpected so she wondered who else had decided to give her roses. Well, she was maybe hoping for one particular rose. She did blush a little when the older girl commented on her being popular, especially since Eury hadn't really felt that way.
"Mm-hmm!" She double checked the note to ensure it was the right one, and handed it over alongside the red rose to the younger girl. "Red too, you lucky thing. Happy Valentines!" She hadn't read any of the notes, despite her curiosity, and honestly felt like she probably deserved some sort of award for that.

Eury grinned as she took the red rose from the older girl, a blush on her features as she wondered who it could possibly from. Of course, Tizi-nii being the @ss that he was however plucked the note out of her hand before she could read it and then announced that it was from none other than Rose. "It's from my cousin," she rolled her eyes though obviously amused as she inspected the rose. "Happy Valentine's Day and thank you."

GM approved/requested by @Tiziano Edogawa

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