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Full Name: Laurie Anne Jennings
- Birth Date: 9th of April, 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Laurie has long medium brown hair that sits half way between her shoulders and elboww. It's naturally wavy, and she mostly leaves it that way! She has dark brown eyes which compliment her tanned skin, and is rather small for her age. She's petite.
- Parents: George and Maria Jennings (Deceased, February 2013, r.i.p)
- Siblings, if any: Sydney and Tamsin Jennings (twins, 10).
- History: Laurie was born it Kentucky, in the Southern States of the United States. Her parents, George and Maria, died when she was 3. They were attending a dinner part at a friends house when the house went up in flames, killing both Laurie's parents and there two friends, Anette and Thomas. Laurie moved in with her Granny and Grandpa, Annie and Frank, her only other relatives (George's parents! Maria's mother died giving birth to her and her father died of natural causes). Her Granny and Grandpa are all that's left of her Dad's side, Annie is a half-blood, Frank a muggleborn. Laurie's mother was a muggle-born too, so Laurie's mixed blood. After having George, Laurie's grandparents found out that Annie could no longer concieve, so they began to look into fostering, but ofcourse, being wizards they had to go through the Ministry and wait until a magical orphan came along. That finally happened when Laurie was one! Many said that Annie and Frank were too old to be adopting, but they still counted 40 0dd as young, and so they went ahead with the adoption, adopting two newborn twins who had been abandoned. They called them Sydney and Tamsin Jenning's (They'll be starting Hogwarts a year after Laurie) and Laurie has called them her sisters since she was 3 and they were 2, when she started living with her Grandpa and Granny. Laurie's family lives in the countryside of Kentucky, in a little cottage they call 'Pinecone Cottage', due to the fact that Pinecone's grow all year round in the trees that surround there house.
- Pets, if any: A ginger kitten called Hob-Nob, and a Golden Labrador called Wuggie.
- Area of Residence: Kentucky, Laurie has a strong souhern accent.
- Blood status: Half-Blood.
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
God i am so excited! Granny was making me, Sydney and Tamsin pancakes and syrup when Grampa rushed in with a letter for me. I found it strange, I never get letters due to the fact were pretty much in the middle of nowere out here and there's nowun for atleast 50km, I like it like that but, It's peaceful! So anyway, I opened the letter, and guess what.. IT'S MY HOGWARTS LETTER! I jumped about so much I nearly caused a mini earthquake. I didn't think i was ever gonna get that letter! Saying that, I've been hoping it would come since May! Stupid now I think about it, that's when this years first years would have gotten theres, I dont start until this august. I really dont think I can wait that long! I really need to calm down a bit, Granny keeps asking me if im sure theres no ants in my pants, I'm jumping in my seat as I write this! Gosh, so much stuff to get for starting. I was all for rushing off to Diagon Alley right now, but Granny say's I've got months to wait. Again, CAN NOT WAIT THAT LONG. I'm gonna end up killing myself with excitement before I even get my first wand... MY VERY FIRST WAND, I'll be getting it soon! Oh god god god, so excitinggggg. Tamsin and Sydney have gone all jelouse like, HA, ha de ha ha. They don't start till next year, and they keep moaning at me for going on and on about it, but hey, I've had to wait this long, now they'll know how it feels!
Well i guess i better go now, I promised Tam and Syd I'd help them re-decorate the tree house today, bye bye butterfly.
- Birth Date: 9th of April, 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Laurie has long medium brown hair that sits half way between her shoulders and elboww. It's naturally wavy, and she mostly leaves it that way! She has dark brown eyes which compliment her tanned skin, and is rather small for her age. She's petite.
- Parents: George and Maria Jennings (Deceased, February 2013, r.i.p)
- Siblings, if any: Sydney and Tamsin Jennings (twins, 10).
- History: Laurie was born it Kentucky, in the Southern States of the United States. Her parents, George and Maria, died when she was 3. They were attending a dinner part at a friends house when the house went up in flames, killing both Laurie's parents and there two friends, Anette and Thomas. Laurie moved in with her Granny and Grandpa, Annie and Frank, her only other relatives (George's parents! Maria's mother died giving birth to her and her father died of natural causes). Her Granny and Grandpa are all that's left of her Dad's side, Annie is a half-blood, Frank a muggleborn. Laurie's mother was a muggle-born too, so Laurie's mixed blood. After having George, Laurie's grandparents found out that Annie could no longer concieve, so they began to look into fostering, but ofcourse, being wizards they had to go through the Ministry and wait until a magical orphan came along. That finally happened when Laurie was one! Many said that Annie and Frank were too old to be adopting, but they still counted 40 0dd as young, and so they went ahead with the adoption, adopting two newborn twins who had been abandoned. They called them Sydney and Tamsin Jenning's (They'll be starting Hogwarts a year after Laurie) and Laurie has called them her sisters since she was 3 and they were 2, when she started living with her Grandpa and Granny. Laurie's family lives in the countryside of Kentucky, in a little cottage they call 'Pinecone Cottage', due to the fact that Pinecone's grow all year round in the trees that surround there house.
- Pets, if any: A ginger kitten called Hob-Nob, and a Golden Labrador called Wuggie.
- Area of Residence: Kentucky, Laurie has a strong souhern accent.
- Blood status: Half-Blood.
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
God i am so excited! Granny was making me, Sydney and Tamsin pancakes and syrup when Grampa rushed in with a letter for me. I found it strange, I never get letters due to the fact were pretty much in the middle of nowere out here and there's nowun for atleast 50km, I like it like that but, It's peaceful! So anyway, I opened the letter, and guess what.. IT'S MY HOGWARTS LETTER! I jumped about so much I nearly caused a mini earthquake. I didn't think i was ever gonna get that letter! Saying that, I've been hoping it would come since May! Stupid now I think about it, that's when this years first years would have gotten theres, I dont start until this august. I really dont think I can wait that long! I really need to calm down a bit, Granny keeps asking me if im sure theres no ants in my pants, I'm jumping in my seat as I write this! Gosh, so much stuff to get for starting. I was all for rushing off to Diagon Alley right now, but Granny say's I've got months to wait. Again, CAN NOT WAIT THAT LONG. I'm gonna end up killing myself with excitement before I even get my first wand... MY VERY FIRST WAND, I'll be getting it soon! Oh god god god, so excitinggggg. Tamsin and Sydney have gone all jelouse like, HA, ha de ha ha. They don't start till next year, and they keep moaning at me for going on and on about it, but hey, I've had to wait this long, now they'll know how it feels!
Well i guess i better go now, I promised Tam and Syd I'd help them re-decorate the tree house today, bye bye butterfly.