Laura Hennesy

Laura Hennessy

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laurs ^^
Full Name:
- Laura Agnes Hennessy
The name Laura derives from Laura's mother's desire to have a name both pronouncable and easy to spell. Agnes, in keeping with family tradition, was the name of Laura's great-grandmother.

Date of Birth:
- December 3rd, 2017.

Current Age:
- 10 years old

Basic Appearance:
- Light brown hair with a fringe, which she is growing out, and blue eyes. Laura is also tall for her age, at 5'5". She is sometimes self-conscious about her height, though this is rarely seen. Laura's hair is naturally curly, but she much prefers it straight. She also sometimes feels bare without eyeliner. She wishes to dye her hair in the near future, possibly before she goes to school. Laura has a very relaxed style of clothing, with a punk touch, wearing jeans and Converse a lot of the time. She has a long thin mark on the side of her face, from when her step-father hit her with a leather belt.

- Laura's very bubbly. She enjoys joking around and having fun with friends. While she is intelligent - self-branded a geek - and works hard, Laura very much follows her heart instead of her head. Her impulsiveness often lands her in trouble with her peers. However, adults seem to like her; she is very much eager to please and thrives on praise. As such, she cannot take criticism very well. She hides this amongst her peers, however. Laura oftens shows signs of obsessive compulsion, but she can ignore this with a little effort. She is also a very talkative person - often critcised for talking too much. She speaks her mind and doesn't hold back; often makes her appear a little *****y, but she's just honest.

Laura on bad days, however, is moody, snappy, generally angry and not a girl to be messed with. She lashes out at people, and comes to regret it later. Her crash days are days that it is best she's left alone to brood on the people that have hurt her, namely Pat O'Connor.

- Lucille (Lucy) Hennessy - mother: A Muggle-born witch, Lucy was just out of Hogwarts Scotland when Laura was born. Very much the outcast of her family after her powers were discovered, Lucy lived with her half-blood friend during the school holiday.
- Patrick O'Connor - step-father (deceased): Muggle. As Laura has never known her father, Pat was the next best thing in her mother's opinion. He and Lucy married when Laura was eight, and he died in a car crash two years later. Laura never really got on with him, him having hit her when they argued, and though it was a shock that he died, it was a slightly pleasant one.
- Laura has no siblings, and likes it that way, though it can be lonely at times.

- Dog: Miniature Dachshund named Oscar. Often Laura's only friend.

Area of Residence:
- Formerly Cork, Ireland, Laura has recently moved to New Zealand, near Obsidian Harbour, so she can attend the Hogwarts there.

Blood Status:
- Technically Muggle-born, though Laura's father is unknown.

- Laura has been raised in a true wizarding fashion, but has never met her grandparents and considers her mother her only family. Her family is fully Irish and has had no recorded wizarding blood, apart from her mother.

Special Abilities:
- N/A.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Laura loves to read. It was often her only form of escape as a child, and still is to this day. Laura also enjoys sport and physical activity, like hockey, and soccer. She has developed a recent obsession with music, particularly rock music. She enjoys the loudness and the rawness, as it helps her to express anger. Her favourite band is A Day To Remember.

Additional Skills:
- Laura has a skill where things she read can stick in her head easily. She finds it easy to remember things, which is a great aid in school. Laura is partly fluent in Irish, due to her Muggle education, and knows a little German, as well. Laura has also been taught to fly a broom by her mother, and enjoys flying.

- Laura can often see people for what they truly are, instead of how they act. She is also confident and has faith in herself and her abilities. Laura also has few problems when it comes to making friends. She easily makes conversation with others and tries her best to relate to others.

- Laura cannot take criticism very well. She sees it as a personal insult and tends not to listen. Laura also needs all schoolwork to be perfect, and this results in breakdowns and touchiness when it comes to homework. Laura also has a pretty bad temper and can make some rash decisions.

Describe your character in three words:
- Outgoing, bright, friendly.

Favourite place to be:
- A quiet park, where she can relax and read, or mull things over, as she has a habit of doing. She enjoys being in touch with nature and likes looking at the sky from the grass.

- Non-applicable. Laura left the few friends she had in Ireland and realises it will be impossible to keep in contact.

Hogwarts House:
- Laura hopes to be in Gryffindor. She feels her confidence and general outlook will get her in there, and she follows her heart rather than her head.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Laura hopes to get good grades, become a Prefect and hopefully become Head Girl. She wants to gain friends and gain some insight into what she would like to be when she is older.

Plans for your future:
- Laura is very unsure as what she wants to be; despite having a mother as a witch, she hasn't really heard of a career that appeals to her yet.

Your Patronus:
- German Shepherd, as she is faithful to those she loves most and she has endless energy. She can also bite pretty hard.

Your Patronus memory:
- Flying with her mother, before her step-father arrived. This is Laura's happiest memory as she felt her life was pretty much perfect then, with no real worries. She misses that and hopes New Zealand will hold happiness for her.

Your Boggart:
- All alone, with bad grades, no friends and nothing to stand for.

Your Animagus:
- German Shepherd, for the same reasons as her Patronus.

Mirror of Erised:
- Her with her mother, happy and content, before things changed.

A page from your diary:
Hey Log,

Just moved to New Zealand today. Pretty long haul journey, and I'm wrecked. Mom seemed to be a little happier the further we moved away from home, though. Pat still seems to hang over her...surely two years is enough to grieve, right? I refuse to let it get me down. This is a new start for me (in New Zealand...hehehe.) and I will make the most of it. Just gonna throw myself into everything here, and hope for the best. There is that saying to look before you leap, but life's too short to be careful.

There's a really pretty park here. That'll be cool for reading. Maybe I'll make some friends here. Imma try and be optimistic, even though I miss home...won't miss the rain though. That's for sure.
For now, fare-thee-well.

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