Closed Last Resort

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro's head and heart were heavy, not in the sense he was exhausted, but more so in the sense he was overwhelmed with too much information in front of him and little capacity to retain said information. Information he had been trying to learn to no avail, letters and words on parchment covering the table in front of him feeling like they were about to jump off of the page and float into the air because they were so foreign to him. He had been behind on his classes, and this was more so a fact than a realization that had become all the more apparent to Miro after his meeting with Professor Carter. It had in a sense, felt like a wake up call to have the professor try to support him in his trouble learning, the professor seeming intent to help Miro break his newly formed habit of skipping classes because they were too difficult to keep up with. Miro felt like it was supposed to be a kick in the right direction, and away from the path he had been following that had made him skip any and all of his classes because it was easier. As a result of this, and in what Miro had begun to think was likely a wasted feeling of hopefulness had asked his friend Lucy, the Ravenclaw, aka the only friend he knew that he thought of as 'studious' enough to actually help him catch up on all the lessons and subjects he had missed throughout the last year.

As the afternoon progressed and his head began to feel heavier, Miro felt as if it was amounting to too much work to catch up, too much work he had hardly prepared himself for and too much work he wasn't prepared to fully bother with. He groaned out of inwardly directed frustration, leaning back on his chair and moving to rub one of his eyes with his hand in annoyance. "I can't do this." Miro admitted, both out loud to Lucy and to himself. "It's too hard, why can't the professors just make it all fun?" He asked rhetorically, already assuming the answer to the question even if he wished there was a real excuse for the subjects not being fun. He knew in theory school wasn't supposed to be fun, but that didn't mean he couldn't wish and hope they were for his own sake and sanity. "Is there anything easy we can start with, instead of the stuff that's hard? Is there anything you can help me learn that's fun?" Miro then asked Lucy, hoping that among the subjects they had shared there would be at least one thing that was somewhat easy to learn, a cornerstone subject he could use to try and convince himself catching up was worth the effort he was making.​

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