Larissa Sedgwick

Larissa Sedgwick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beth / Bethy
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Full Name:
Larissa Mortion Sedgwick
Larissa - After her mother
Mortion - Originally going to be Mortician (her father's idea) but Larissa's mother decided that wouldn't be fair and preferred Morticia. They compromised on Mortion.
Sedgwick - Her biological father's surname.

Date of Birth:
5th August, 2009

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Long platinum blonde hair, 5'8", Blue/grey eyes, dark clothes, often described as gothic.
Small scar on right side of face beside eye (from incident as a baby), occasionally has streak of pink in her hair or has it black (because she likes to be outlandish).

Artistic - Always has been. Larissa enjoys expressing herself through art, clothes, hair, e.t.c. She enjoys writing stories and can keep herself entertained, with such, for hours.
Mischievous - Larissa doesn't wait for trouble to find her and she purposely goes out into the world seeking such thrills. She's developed a knack for avoiding capture and upon capture, a large mental list of excuses to get her out of trouble.
Tease - Larissa often teases people in good ways and bad. She will tease people in a friendly way which is fine but she gets more fun out of teasing those who annoy her, often befriending them first and learning their weaknesses to use against them. It is in this way that Larissa is also cunning.
Protective - Most people would not think of Larissa as being a protective person but she is. However, this only counts for those she holds dear such as Mark, Grakul, Adrianne, Lorin and, secretly, Liberty. She is the sort of person who would die to protect these people from harm. Larissa would never openly admit such a thing and would probably beat the daylights out of anyone who suggested it. Or, at least, fix them with a good hard glare.
Loyal - Mostly covered under protective. Larissa remains loyal to her friends and- though she may be caught 'befriending' the enemy (see Tease)- she will always value the loyalty among friends. She rarely strays to a new set of friends and has, in fact, hung around with the same few people since at least her first year.
Confident - Larissa has no fear in strutting about in studded black bother boots and a dainty dress. She doesn't suffer from social anxiety which results in her taking no issue in walking up to a girl she finds annoying and slapping her round the face.
Strong - Physically, Larissa is a very skinny and pale being but her mental strength exceeds most. She does suffer from mild depression but it is this which keeps her battling on through thick and thin. Her wand work is powerful and with further training could be even more so.
Posionous - Larissa has a knack for 'poisoning' people's views with her own. She has learnt how to manipulate a situation to go exactly as she wants it to. She can also convince people to do her bidding. In this way she is also influential.
Witty - Larissa has a wicked sense of humor and enjoys pranking people. When she is not pranking them, Larissa is finding subtle and witty ways to insult people. She's quite good at this and when her wit strikes, it stings.
Flirtacious - Larissa will flirt with anyone. Enemies, friends, male, female, other species. She's a terrible flirt and she knows it, often working it in her favor. Her veela side may be the cause of her confidence, flirtatiousness and such forth. Naturally, Larissa enjoys flirting with other girl's boyfriends and making them jealous. She's cruel in this way.

Larissa Gellantara (mother) - Recently divorced from Grakul, Larissa reported her husband to the Aurors and had him thrown in Azkaban. For this reason, Larissa despises her mother.
Godric Sedgwick (father) - Larissa dearly misses her father who died in September of her first year at Hogwarts.
Davmorn Sedgwick (brother) - Larissa and Davmorn argue a lot, often getting into scraps over nothing.
Emerald Bones (grandmother) - Larissa likes her slightly psychotic veela grandmother.
Andros Carter (Cousin) - As an Auror who gets on well with Larissa's mum and is attempting to convert Larissa, they don't always see eye to eye.
Grakul Gellantara (Ex-step-father) - Larissa likes Grakul and hates her mum for what happened. She thinks of him as her father and loves the fact that he is a Death Eater.
Adrianne Finch (grandfather's secret grandchild) - Larissa and Adrianne get on very well, both sharing a strong belief in dark magic.
Lorin Finch (Adrianne's son) - Finds him annoying at times but has felt like he was her brother ever since she witnessed his birth.
- What where the reactions to your character receiving their letter from Hogwarts?

Larissa (in her first year) had a two-headed black snake named Jet and also a Pygmy Puff named Gerald. Gerald was actually female and ended up having babies- all of which were eaten by Jet who died from it.
In Larissa's second year, she bought a pet Raven named Ted. Ted often finds Larissa and sits on her shoulder, digging in his talons until she gives him a treat. Larissa loves Ted dearly and he has delivered many important letters.

Area of Residence:
Born - England
Live - New Zealand

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood - 1/4 Veela

Her mother's side is mostly French and her father's Scottish. Larissa, however, was born and raised in England.

Special Abilities:
Part-Veela. Technically a quarter. Her mother is half veela and her grandmother, a veela.

Interests or Hobbies:
Wind people up for fun
Play Quidditch on the Slytherin team but more as a hobby
Reading - Sometimes Larissa likes to escape the world. Reading constantly is often a sign of a minor breakdown on the way.
Making a mess and playing pranks because she finds it amusing.
Upsetting the stuck-up first years because she feels it her duty to put them in their place.
Wizard Chess if she is really very bored.
Writing Stories for personal entertainment.

Larissa likes the Weird Sisters even though their music is considered 'retro' and 'outdated'.
Her favourite Weird Sisters song is 'This is the Night'.
She enjoys mostly wrock music but some muggle genres such as heavy metal, industrial and Experimental Rock.

Additional Skills:
Acting - Just sort of picked it up as a byproduct of lying.
Slow Dancing - Learnt from observing others at the first Yule Ball she attended.
Reading Body Language - Larissa gets this talent from her father. She is highly observant and notices if there is a sudden shift in atmosphere.
Fast Reactions - Larissa can swerve to avoid a bludger within second of sighting it.

Larissa is very talented on a broom. She owned a small one as a child and so is no stranger to the world of Quidditch.
She has played in many team matches as various positions such as Keeper, Beater and, most played, Chaser.

Strong flyer
Good at influencing people
Can put up a good fight

Doesn't make friends easily
Gets stressed from school work overloads

Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:
Forbidden Forest (because it's usually student free) or Library (because it's easier to study and work)

Close Friends:
Hoshi Koshiba - First friend made at Hogwarts.
Adira Ater - Became friends in second year via Hoshi.
Liberty Barnett - Became friends prior to Hogwarts, are on/off friends.

Hogwarts House:
Slytherin - Larissa does what it takes to get where she wants to be.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Larissa hopes to become a Prefect at some point. She wants to receive high level N.E.W.Ts. If there was ever another Triwizard Tournament, Larissa would want to be a champion.
Larissa is a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team as an alternative. She was once asked to be part-time co-captain.

Best school subjects:
Charms - She finds the subject interesting.
Transfiguration - Larissa finds it amusing.
Potions - Larissa has never been fond of the subject but is very talented in it.

Worst school subjects:
Astronomy - She had trouble staying awake.
Muggle Studies - She doesn't like muggles.
Divination - She had trouble staying awake and didn't exactly get on with the Professor.

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:
Assistant at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.

Plans for your future:
Get married
Get a job
Have children
Grow old
Spoil and corrupt grandchildren

Your Patronus:
Currently Unknown.

Your Patronus memory:
Probably would be meeting Mark for the first time.

Your Boggart:
Recently changed to a dead version of Mark.

Your Animagus:
Would probably be a raven because they are loud, mischievous and thought of as gothic.

Mirror of Erised:
Probably Grakul (ex-step-father) encouraging her.
Okay just a few questions for the last part mostly.

1. Why does she want to achieve in becoming a perfect if she hates the other class?
2. She wants to be perfect but her future doesn't seem so set, just basic, so why become perfect at all?
3. If there was any job, and I mean any Job beyond the boards regulation, what would it be?
4. Can you ever see yourself as Minister of magic? A professor?

Thanks that's it for now!

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