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- 73
Full Name:
- Lamia Brittany Lewis
Lamia - Greek myth name of an evil spirit who abducts and devours children, meaning "Large Shark". The name means "vampire" in Latin, and "fiend" in Arabic.
Brittany - From Britain. Brittany was Lamia's original name, but Lamia's attitude had her parents change her name at age six.
Lewis - Fame and war
Date of Birth:
- August 31st 2022
Current Age:
- 10
Basic Appearance:
- Thin, almond shaped eyes.
- Brown coloured eyes
- Black Hair
- Slim build
- High Cheek bones
- Average height for age.
- Lamia has no filter; she will tell anyone what she thinks. She acts first, and thinks later. She is condescending, fearless, and persistent. She keeps it real and honest. Lamia is not afraid to get into a fight (often starting the fight herself), and will keep fighting regardless of any pain. Lamia is very sarcastic, and will always bite back.
- Natalie Lewis; Mother, Witch.
- Bruno Lewis; Father, Wizard.
- Zilch
- Most of her family was born and raised in Lima, Ohio.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Dancing
- Cheerleading
- Writing
- Gossip
Additional Skills:
- Rock Climbing
- Persistent (Though that could also be seen as a weakness haha)
- Fearless
- Honesty
- Trust issues
- Quick Tempered
Describe your character in three words:
- Persistent, Fearless, Condescending.
Favourite place to be:
- None as of yet
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To experiment with as much as she can
Best school subjects:
- DADA, Charms
Worst school subjects:
- 2040
Your Patronus:
- Hawk
Few people can miss the grace with which hawks carry themselves. Their intelligence is incredibly refined. Seldom do they back down from a bad situation.
Your Patronus memory:
- A brief moment where she remembers her mother truly loving her.
Your Boggart:
- To be old, and alone.
Your Animagus:
- Fox
Cunning and intelligent.
Mirror of Erised:
- To be famous and popular.
- Lamia Brittany Lewis
Lamia - Greek myth name of an evil spirit who abducts and devours children, meaning "Large Shark". The name means "vampire" in Latin, and "fiend" in Arabic.
Brittany - From Britain. Brittany was Lamia's original name, but Lamia's attitude had her parents change her name at age six.
Lewis - Fame and war
Date of Birth:
- August 31st 2022
Current Age:
- 10
Basic Appearance:
- Thin, almond shaped eyes.
- Brown coloured eyes
- Black Hair
- Slim build
- High Cheek bones
- Average height for age.
- Lamia has no filter; she will tell anyone what she thinks. She acts first, and thinks later. She is condescending, fearless, and persistent. She keeps it real and honest. Lamia is not afraid to get into a fight (often starting the fight herself), and will keep fighting regardless of any pain. Lamia is very sarcastic, and will always bite back.
- Natalie Lewis; Mother, Witch.
- Bruno Lewis; Father, Wizard.
- Zilch
- Most of her family was born and raised in Lima, Ohio.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Dancing
- Cheerleading
- Writing
- Gossip
Additional Skills:
- Rock Climbing
- Persistent (Though that could also be seen as a weakness haha)
- Fearless
- Honesty
- Trust issues
- Quick Tempered
Describe your character in three words:
- Persistent, Fearless, Condescending.
Favourite place to be:
- None as of yet
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To experiment with as much as she can
Best school subjects:
- DADA, Charms
Worst school subjects:
- 2040
Your Patronus:
- Hawk
Few people can miss the grace with which hawks carry themselves. Their intelligence is incredibly refined. Seldom do they back down from a bad situation.
Your Patronus memory:
- A brief moment where she remembers her mother truly loving her.
Your Boggart:
- To be old, and alone.
Your Animagus:
- Fox
Cunning and intelligent.
Mirror of Erised:
- To be famous and popular.