Lakeside Relaxation

Eleona Bexley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4 Essence of a Dragons Heartstring
Eleona did what she would do every time she was in deep thought, she drew and sang. Her sketch pad was a bit old, but it was still useful. Her pencil barely touched the paper, making light lines of gray. Eventually these lines matched with what was before her eyes. Then when she was coloring it, she smiled.
"Give me more lovin then I've ever had. Make it all better when i'm feelin sad.
Tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not. Make me feel good when i hurt so bad. Barely gettin mad, I'm so glad i found you. I love bein around you."
She sang softly to herself and smiled. She kept drawing and just waited for someone to come along.
Hamza was picking up a few beautiful leaves to give to Maria when he saw someone sitting around relaxing and softly singing at the same time. Hamza's ears were very sensitive, he could hear people talk from quite a bit of distance, and so he heard her as well, catching his attention. Hamza started to walk over and saw that it was Eleona. He really didn't want to disturb her, so he quitley started to walk away when he stepped on a piece of wood, which pinched him a little bit and said, "Ouch. That hurt" said Hamza out loud. He instantly covered his mouth because he didn't want to disturb Eleona.
"Oh... Hi Hamza." She laughed, tilting her head back a bit. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, "You ok?" She noticed his funny expression and laughed, "Oh yeah... I have to thank you." She quietly mumbled, then blushed. With this she went back to her spot near the lake and patted the area next to her. Without knowing she started to hum again, then waited for Hamza to sit with her.
"Oh... Hi Hamza." She laughed, tilting her head back a bit. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, "You ok?" She noticed his funny expression and laughed, "Oh yeah... I have to thank you." She quietly mumbled, then blushed. With this she went back to her spot near the lake and patted the area next to her. Without knowing she started to hum again, then waited for Hamza to sit with her.
Hamza was quite embarrassed at him yelling after he slightly hurt himself. "Hey there Eleona, sorry if I disturbed you, that was not my intention." said Hamza while holding his arm. Hamza heard her say that she had to thank him for something and said, "Thank me? for what?" said Hamza. Hamza then went down and sat next to Eleona. "What are you doing there Eleona? Writing poems and singing?" said Hamza with a smile.
Eleona smiled, "You didn't disturb me..." She let out a small cough and resumed with her sketch, "Are you alright?" When he asked her why to thank him she smiled and bit her lip, "Well, Xavier and I really care about eachother... And you're the one who kind of set us up." She lifted her left hand and showed off the gold band, "And I'm just drawing and singing to myself. Since there's no gym here I can't do gymnastics. It's my way of getting feelings out."
"Yep, I'm fine, thanks for asking" said Hamza with a smile. "I set you guys up? No, no. You guys setup yourself in common terms." said Hamza. "Still don't understand?", Hamza took a small pause and then said, "Well, truth is, I only greeted you two, just to become friends and what not, whatever you guys did after that does not credit me." said Hamza with a smile. "How's he treating you? How far have you guys gone? I'm guessing you guys are still dating?" said Hamza, he took a small pause and said, "Cool, drawing and singing. Do you mind if I take a look at your drawing?" said Hamza while sitting next to Eleona.
"Sure I guess." She tossed her sketchpad towards him, she smiled when he questioned about her and Xavier, "Well... He's been treating me great. He's like my other half. As for how far we've gone, just kissing... And yes, we're still dating." She smiled and dipped her feet in the lake, "You know what? I think I'm going to jump in."
Xavier held the drawing book that Eleona had been drawing in and said, "These drawings looks beautiful, very lovely pieces of work you have here." said Hamza with a smile and being impressed. "Kissing you say? I see something else Eleona, look at your hand." said Hamza while pointing towards the gold ring that was around her finger. "What do we have here?" said Hamza while showing Eleona a smug face. "I don't think I really want to get wet right now. I can probably put my feet in." said Hamza with a smile.
Eleona smiled and took off her ring, "Well if you must know we're engaged. And If you're not going to get wet then hold my ring for me." She handed him the small gold band and went back a few meters. Eleona took a big breath, took off her sweater, and dove in. The water was freezing, but totally refreshing.
Eleona handed Hamza the ring that Xavier had given her in engagement and said, "Wow, you guys are engaged, that's cool." said Hamza with a smile. He saw Eleona take off the ground and took a dive into the water. As she came back up to the top, he said, "So, do you love Xavier? From your heart? or are you just using him for your enjoyment?" said Hamza.
Eleona raised an eyebrow, "Of course I love him. I'm not a stupid gold digger or anything." She floated on her back, "Using someone like that is so wrong it makes me sick to my stomach." Eleona splashed the boy and fake scowled, "I can't believe you would ask that! I am extremely hurt~" She hopped out of the water and shivered.
Right when she said she loved him and was not using him, Hamza got a big smile on his face and said, "My heart was telling me that you loved Xavier and weren't using him, I just had to make sure." said Hamza. "I apologize for my rude question, but I have seen people use Xavier for their own purposes before, and I can't really see him in that depressed again. Surely you understand. I mean you no harm." said Hamza
Eleona furrowed her eyebrows, "People have used him before?" She felt a pang of sadness, due to the fact that she had been used at one point in her life.
Yea, he has been. He would help people with their matter's, but when the time came when he needed help, no one helped him and all backed out, leaving him is depression." said Hamza. "Btw, reason why I asked you about if you loved him or not is because I heard the event that too place between you and another guy. After all, me and Xavier can sense each other's feelings." said Hamza.
"Man... I hate people like that. They just take whatever they want from a person, then don't give anything in return-" She bit her tongue and turned to Hamza when he mentioned the business with another guy, "Yeah... I guess that's valid reason. But if anything it just kind of helped me realize how much I do love Xavier. I guess it's one of those things where you don't know what you have until it can leave you." She smiled a bit, "And it's really cool how you two are so close."
Hamza was happy to hear that it made her realize how much more she had loved Xavier from the event that had happened earlier. "Yea, we are like brother. We share everything with each other, if we aren't close to one another, we can talk through our thoughts." said Hamza with a smile.
Eleona smiled and then stuck her tongue out a bit, "That's kind of like how I am with my friend Emilie. We do ballet with each other back in Paris... I kind of miss her a lot." She shivered and smiled, "I hope she took my place... I was after all the prima ballerina!" Eleona of course didn't mean this is a bragging way, but smiled none the less.

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