Lakefront Spells

Immy thought, she liked a lot of colours. It would be a hard choice. Immy didn't even know if she had an outright favourite.Immy gave a small laugh at her inability to pick a colour she liked.

"I don't know. It's so hard to choose." Immy said she gave it one last thought. "I like deep blue. Like the colour of deep water in the sea. It's a nice calming colour. Is there a colour you hate?"
Neita didnt have to think about this "I hate orange!" she scrunched up her face. "I dont know why... i just think its gross"

The hufflepuff girl pulled a face "You?" she giggled feeling like she was just repeating what Immy asked.
Immy thought, what colour did she really hate. That was clear. She really hated a colour. It wasn't the best of colours to hate but Immy couldn't stand it.

"I don't mind orange. I really hate gold. Argh, it's just horrible."Immy said. "I really don't like it. It's just so blah." Immy thought that she must sound both weird and random to the older girl but Immy really hated the colour gold.
Neita nodded, she'd never been the biggest fan of gold. Suddenly a thought came to her "Isn't gold, one of griffindors colours?" the hufflepuff asked confused and amused.
Immy thought for a second and then began to laugh. It was. Immy hadn't seen much gold but it was a well known fact that gold was a Gryffindor colour. Immy thought it almost ridiculous that she hated one of the colours she was suppose to like.

"Yeah." Immy said admittedly. "I'll never change my mind about gold. Hate it with a passion. I like oranges, as in the fruit Oranges."
Neita laughed as Immy realized gold was a griffindor colour and laughed. "I dont mind oranges..." The second year decided it was her turn to be random "Whats your favorite food?" she asked
Immy brought and hand to her chin and pretended to stroke a beard as she thought of her favourite food. It was a clear winner in her mind but she hadn't eaten them in a long while.

"Scones, with little chocolate bit's inside. My mum used to make them for me all the time. I've never been able to get the recipe right." Immy said smiling bright as she thought of the taste. "What about you? Favourite food?"
Neita felt her mouth water. "Yummm..." she said imagining the taste. "Simple chocolate fudge brownies. They drive me crazy all the time" Neita said with a giggle.
Immy smiled at the thought of brownies. The general thought of food made Immy smile, though she'd found less and less time to sit down and eat a proper meal. Immy much preferred to cook food too. It felt more rewarding.

"Hmmm. Sounds lovely." Immy gave a smile and then heard her stomach quite loudly rumble. She blushed a light pink. "All this talk of food is making me hungry." Immy said with a small giggle.
Neita heard her stomach grumble and she began to giggle. "Favorite place at hogwarts?" Neita asked.
Immy didn't even have to think about this question. Unlike everything else there was no competition. She was always there, she didn't seem to every go anywhere else.

"The grounds. Anywhere which has not got 4 walls and a roof."Immy said automatically. "Okay what's your favourite and least favourite place in hogwarts?"
Neita answered automatically "A tie between here," she motioned at the lake, "and the north tower" she said with a grin. Her facials turned sour "Least favorite would be... the duelling chamber.... and the dungeons... well the whole slytherin teritory" she sighed

She gave Immy a small smile "Your least favorite place?"
Immy thought, she was a little unsure of this. She'd not spent too much time down in the dungeons and had never heard of the dueling chamber so she couldn't say as to whether or not she liked them. Immy finally made her choice.

"The Great Hall. It's lovely in all, but I can't stand the amount of people in the hall at the one time. I'm not the greatest person in crowds of that size. I'll have breakfast earlier and dinner later. Lunch doesn't really matter" Immy said thinking that the older girl she now considered a friend must think of Immy as very weird. "Favourite Song of all time?"
Neita was quiet for a moment, thinking and then she nodded a bit "Suprisingly I can see why you dont like the great hall..." she drifted off thinking about how when she first arrived at hogwarts she was always nervous in the great hall.

When asked what her favorite song was the second year scrunched up her face, "Dunno if you'll know it..."she hesitated "Cause its a muggle song." she gave a small sheepish smile "And if you do, dont laugh because its so old school" she gave a huge grin "Heart by Paramore. Whats yours?" she asked quickly changing the subject hoping Immy wouldnt laugh at her choice of song.
Immy smiled. She'd not really ever listened to Paramore.They had a cd of the band lying around in the house but she'd never listened to it. Immy smiled. Her choice of song, was old too. Immy loved music and she was finding it hard to pick a song she liked the most.

"Mine are muggle too and old, Leave out all the rest by Linkin Park or Speed of Sound by Coldplay." Immy said brightly. She was not embarrassed by her taste in music, though saying that her favourite songs where two quite old ones made her feel a little embarrassed. "Is Paramore your favourite singer too?"
Neita grinned "Wow! I love both Linkin Park and Coldplay" she said excitedly, glad to find her new friend had similar interests to her.

She thought for a moment on how to respond as she was asked if paramore was her favorite singer. Neita scrunched up her face. "Im not sure.. I like sooo many different artists... its hard to chose.."
Immy nodded. She liked those artist but she would not be able to say they were her favourite. She had lots of artists she enjoyed. Those songs were just the best.

"I'm the same. I like too many artists." Immy said smiling. "What time is it?"
Neita glanced down at the watch could never live without. Her eyes widened in shock "Wow, its six forty five" Neita winced then giggle "We really lost track of time didnt we? We should probably get going" She grinned at Immy "It was really nice meeting you, we should definately hang out sometime soon"

Imogen was surprised. She had not expected time to fly so quickly. Immy giggled slightly. She was glad to have met Neita. She agreed that they should head inside. Immy had homework she was meant to be doing.

"Yeah, it was really nice to meet you too." Imogen said with a bright smile. "Shall we?" Immy said standing.
Neita stood "Definately" she said as she held out her hand to the first year again. "See you around aye?" she said with a friendly smile.
Imogen nodded in agreement. She smiled brightly.

"Definately" Immy repeated standing up. She took the older girls hand while smiling a friendly smile.

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