Lakefront Lounge

Francesca Grimm

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Francesca skipped down the Hogwarts Grounds excitedly. Her robes were coloured green, her hair was done up in a nice, pretty, flower-filled style. She was so happy to be here, and in her new house! Slytherin. She liked the sound, and the colour was nice. She had yet to really pay attention to her fellow housemates, as she was too busy getting her nose into everything. She was first thinking about all the places they were told not to go. Everything was more interesting if you were forbidden from going somewhere. She was told that the forest was dangerous - but just how dangerous was it? She wished to know, but not today. Today she was planning to just walk around to get a feel for where everything was. She had to see everything first before she did reckless things - even though she was tempted to just bypass all of this and go to the forest, she promised her Grandma that she would be 'responsible', and that was what she was going to do, for a time. She loved her grandma and treat to keep promises to her, but, admittedly, even Francis realised that she was totally unreliable.

Francis walked towards the lake. It was a beautiful lake, all she had a home was a pool that never worked. She wanted her own lakes. Lakes were cool! She began to run towards the lake, and tore her shoes from her feet and flung them along the shore, without checking if there was someone in their path. She jumped into the shallow water, and continued walking until the water was a few inches before her skirt. She grinned, and looked at the horizon. She knew that she was going to love it here.
Being from a family that craved the outdoors, Maya loved being outside. Although the heat waves in Alice Springs right now kept them from doing much, she was still a very comfortable outdoors kind of girl. However, seeing as she was not as dark as the rest of her family, when she was at home, she was often having to wear sunscreen. Her brothers out rightly refused to wear it and there was not anything that Maya could do to make them wear it, though she did however laugh at Corey when he got sunburnt. That had been pretty funny. Grinning, Maya made her way around the grounds of the school. She was looking around at everything it was all so interesting to her. This castle was so big, Maya was sure that she would get lost, she was always getting lost. Usually it was only on her way to school, but after a while she had learned what way to go. As it had turned out she was terrible with directions and would be a terrible tracker. She smiled to herself before turning her attentions to the lake.

Heading down towards the lake, Maya grinned as she noticed that someone else was there as well. A girl, from what she could tell. The lake was beautiful and Maya had rarely seen so much water. There was that one time when she was on a plane, because she was flying to Wellington to see her Grandparents on her father's side, but there had not been a lot of water for her to see. It was a particularly cloudy day at that point. She didn't like her fathers parents. They were mean. They didn't like her mum, so she didn't like them. When she got to the lake, Maya sat on the bank. She wasn't exactly appropriately attired to go walkabout in the water. Maya watched as the girl pulled her shoes off and ran into the water. "Ow! Shoes?" Maya looked at what hit her, noting that it seemed to be the girls shoes. Well, that was pleasant. She rubbed her temple as she kept watching the girl. "Hey! You're shoes are missiles!"
Francesca released a sigh of content as she felt the soothing water brush against her lakes. It was settled. She really needed her own lake, it was a must. However, her solitude was interrupted by someone yelling about missiles? What missiles? She turned to look, and blushed slightly as she saw her shoes suspiciously close to the girl, who had a red mark on her head. Oopsay. She grinned sheepishly, and began to run awkwardly back through the water. Water was really hard to run through, it always managed to pull her back a little bit each time, and running on the smooth lake bed was no easy task either, she kept going to slip or something, and while she thought that her balance was pretty good, it only took a a second or one little misstep before she found herself spiralling towards the water. And just as she thought that she was completely safe from this happening, it happened.

Francis belly-flopped the water so fast she barely had time to blink or register what was actually happening. She pushed her self up on her knees and hands, and frowned slightly when she saw her hair streaked along her face and the pretty floral decorations now in the water. "Oh..." She whispered, brushing her hair back, and then grinning at the girl. "I'm Francesca!" She called, waving her hands like a madwoman to gain the girls attention. "Hi!" She knew that if she got talking to someone,she would feel less upset. So she set out to talk to the girl she had just clocked in the head.
Maya smiled warmly at the girl. It was obvious to her now that the girl had attacked her on purpose so she wasn't upset by it or anything. Watching the girl, Maya noted that she was very strange, but it was a good strange! When the girl waved her arms madly and called out her name, Maya jumped up and copied the girl's movements, waving her arms around like a weirdo madly. "Hi! I'm Maya! You sure like to wave your arms around huh?!" She called, staying away from the water, she wasn't really appropriately dressed for the water today, shame, it looked really good too. Maya continued to wave her arms even though they were getting a little tired. Eventually though she dropped her arms to her sides and sat back on the ground exhausted. Wow, that was exhausting! Maya looked up at the girl, Francesca and smiled. "How's the water today?"

It definitely looked pretty good. Maya looked around for a second and looked down at her clothes. She was in her uniform, though her robes were still in the common room as it had been to warm to wear them. Smiling to herself and kicking off her shoes, Maya ran over to the water and jumped in. Oh it was glorious. She was going to try and only get her feet wet though, she didn't want to feel like she was lugging an elephant around that would be way too heavy for her. "Oh it is nice isn't it!" Maya looked down into the water and saw what looked like hair flowers, she leaned down and scooped some of them up, frowning. "Are these yours?" She asked, looking between the ruined hair flowers and her new friend. Being a kid was nice every once and a while. Maya was going to enjoy this.

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