Lady Georgina de Lacey

Georgina de Lacey

Exiled | Resilient | Mother of 2 | Photographer
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
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Full Name: Georgina de Lacy
Nicknames: Georgie
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 18 2028
Age: 12
Blood Type: A-
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Languages Spoken: English, French, German
Heritage: English
Wand: Curly 13 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Broom: None
Occupation: Student


Hair: Wavy Brunette
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5ft 6
Build: Slim
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None


Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Season: Autumn
Favourite Month: February
Favourite Holiday: Halloween
Favourite Country: England
Favourite Animal: Dalmatian
Favourite Sport: Football
Favourite Place to be: The garden at the family estate

A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper|A Bit Deeper

Likes: Football, Chocolate, Country music, Astronomy, Crime fiction, Candles, Coffee.
Dislikes: Nuts, Studying, Lying.
Erised: Returning to her family.
Boggart: Her father permanently disowning her.
Dementor: Her most painful memory is when she was six and her older brother fell ill with cancer. He later recovered but Georgina got her first taste of what It would be like to lose someone.
Patronus Memory:
Patronus Form: Would be a Dalmatian
Animagus: N/A
Veritaserum: Georgina hates being a witch.
Strengths: Empathy, Keen attention to detail, reading.
Weaknesses: Stubbornness, Entitlement,
Goals: To return a position of prominence within her family when she graduates Hogwarts.


Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual
Crushes: None yet
Relationship Status: Too young to care
How Long for: N/A
Feelings: N/A
Past Relationships: None
Past Flings: None
Innocence: Still innocent
First Kiss: N/A
Aphrodisiacs: Burning candle, smell of coffee, sound of a crackling fire.
Turn Ons: Confidence.
Turn Offs: Indecisiveness, Shyness.
Ideal Man/Women: Confident, Mischievous, Ambitious, Playful
Thoughts on Romance: None


School Attended: Hogwarts New Zealand
Titles: Lady
Graduation: N/A
Best Subject: Defence against the Dark Arts
Favourite Class: Potions
Worst Subject: Charms
Least Favourite Class: Charms

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<SIZE size="50">Family|Family|Family​

Birth Parents:

Father: Lord Allister de Lacey, Earl of Lincoln. A member of the British Peerage and peer in the House of Lords. He maintains residence in London and in Lincoln, his family mostly resides in Lincoln in a country estate. Allister is a peer of the Conservative part and wields considerable influence in the palace of Westminster. When he found out about Georgina’s ‘condition’ he took steps to have his daughter removed from the country and placed with a witch nanny in New Zealand and forbade Georgina to return home. While he made it clear that wanted to distance himself and his family from his daughter he does still love and care for her deeply so took steps to ensure she was cared for thoroughly in her new home.

Mother: Dr Lady Elizabeth de Lacey (nee Williams), Countess of Lincoln. Daughter of a prominent London business man Elizabeth grew up privileged and was no stranger to celebrities and royalty growing up. She graduated from Oxford University with a degree in medicine. This was also where she met Allister who would later become Earl of Lincoln. Despite marrying young Elizabeth began practicing as a cardiothoracic surgeon and continues to do so much the dismay of her husband. Elizabeth was confused by Georgina’s Hogwarts letter but was distraught by Allister’s decision to send he away and fought with her husband fiercely in an attempt to stop him sending their daughter away permanently. She was unable to change his mind, however the move caused serious damage to their relationship.

Other Family

Lord Henry de Lacey - Brother: Henry is Georgina’s oldest brother and first born in the de Lacey family. He is five years older than her and was sixteen when she received her letter. The notion of why he wasn’t a wizard never occurred to him and instead choice to take his father’s attitude and refers to Georgina’s magic as her ‘condition’ and agreed that sending her away permanently was the best course of action for the family.

The Honourable Edward de Lacey - Brother: Edward (Eddie) is the second child in the de Lacey family. Eddie was thirteen when Georgina received her letter making him two years older than his sister. He was far more sympathetic towards his sister when he heard the news and did not shun her at first. When it came to his father’s decision he neither agreed nor disagreed and chose to remain neutral in what was a difficult situation.

The Lady Asha de Lacey - Sister: Asha is the fourth child and Georgina’s younger and only sister. She is the polar opposite of Georgina in many ways, she doesn’t understand why people think of her as better than anyone else and wants to treat everyone equally. Asha was eight years old when Georgina received her letter making her three years younger. Unlike her older brothers and parents, Asha did not resent her sister but was in fact jealous of her and harbours hopes that she too will be a witch. Despite strict instructions from her father not to do so Asha, along with her younger brother Austin, maintain regular written contact with Georgina.

The Honourable Austin de Lacey - Brother: Austin is the youngest child of the de Lacey family and perhaps the one most confused by the incident with Georgina. Too young to really understand, his father attempted to keep the incident from him and his sister Asha, despite this Georgina kept her younger siblings informed. As he is too young to truly resent or envy his sister he mostly just misses his sister when she leaves. Like Asha, he maintains contact with his sister behind their father’s back.

Pet: Smokey. A male Dalmatian. As the dog was a gift to her she was permitted to take him to New Zealand with her. He remains at her New Zealand residence.

Birthplace: Lincoln, United Kingdom.

Current Residence: Wellington, New Zealand (Holidays), Hogwarts New Zealand (Term Time)

History: Georgina is the third born and eldest daughter of Lord Allister de Lacey, the Earl of Lincoln and Lady Dr Elizabeth de Lacey, the Countess of Lincoln. Growing up Georgina was told stories about her family history going back centuries but they always bored her and she instead turned her attention to stories of magic and folklore. She would read stories about Merlin and King Arthur and other mythologies and wish that she could be like Merlin when she grew up. Much to her surprise on her eleventh birthday her wish came true when she found out that was a witch and had a place at Hogwarts New Zealand. The news came as a massive shock to her family and in the months following her birthday her family seemed to turn on her in attempt to suppress the news. It became clear to her father that her ‘condition’ couldn’t be suppressed so he reluctantly agreed to allow her to attend Hogwarts under the condition that she doesn’t return to England. Effectively exiling her. Allister, Georgina’s father, arranged for accommodation to be purchased and through the school arranged for a magical nanny to be hired to take care of Georgina while she was away from the school.

Georgina’s attitude to her new world was dramatically changed, first by her families’ actions and later by the early events of her first year. She was very bitter about being exiled by her family, although her resentment only extended to her parents and two older brothers. Georgina remained on good terms with her two younger siblings and even remains in contact with them behind their father’s back. Once she arrived at Hogwarts Georgina was sorted into Slytherin and within the first week of term got into some trouble, after misjudging a conversation between two fellow first years and intervening the situation quickly turned on her and Georgina found herself being attacked by first year Slytherin Rome Savage. Later after stumbling upon a dungbomb dropped by Link Potter in the dungeon and standing up to Gryffindor Prefect James Adams she got into hot water with her head of house Professor Styx and her own house prefect. The events of her early first year have led to her hating Hogwarts for the most part although her friendships with Lyra and Link Potter and Charlotte Owens and Marcella Benivieni have offered some hope that she might enjoy her time at the school.

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