Kyoko Sato

Kyoko Sato

Active Member
OOC First Name
it's my life....

~That my name is...~
Kyoko Sato

~That I was born on the...~
24th October . Age 26

~That my zodiac signs are...~
Star Sign ; Scorpio
Stone ; Topaz and Opal
Color ; Black and Dark Red
Planet ; Water
Element ; Mars
Lucky Number ; 8 and 53

~That my blood status is...~

~That my blood type is...~

it's in the eyes...

~That my hair is...~
Dark brown, it naturally falls straight.

~That my eyes are...~
Dark brown, like my hair.

~That my face is...~
Small with the usually features common among Japanese people. Also a has childish looking face that denies her real age and gives her an appearance of immaturity and innocence.

~That I am...~
Of average height and weight, being somewhat on the petite side.

~That I wear...~
Clothes fit for a work environment. Working in the Department of Mysteries business fashion was as a rule what I wore, becoming rather talented at running and maneuvering in high heeled shoes. In off time I prefer to wear more casual clothes, sticking with the basic jeans and a nice shirt.

~That I look like...~
Erika Sawajiri

it's in the heart...

~That i have...~
A dark personality. I am proud, and at times can be bossy and stubborn. I am unforgiving to all who cross me and can be rather vengeful and aggressive when people get on the wrong side of me. My appearance is innocent looking and contrasts with my not-so innocent personality traits and people often underestimate me. I am methodical in my daily life and very organised.

~That I'm best discribed as...~
Vengeful, Methodical, Underestimated, Controlling, Determined

~That I love...~
Going out and doing things. I have been known to orchestrate drama and fights for amusement. I dislike being bored and having noting to entertain myself with, in moment like that I choose to go out to the town, go to the gym or host a party, anything to keep me doing things.

~That I dislike...~
When my schedule is disrupted. I stick to a very tight schedule that always keeps me active and busy and when this is ruined I can get quite angry.

~That I am strong because I am...~
Strong willed and do not quit. I am determined to get what I want and will try hard to get it.

~That I fear...~
Being alone. I fear having nothing to do and being nothing, that is why I always keep busy and going.

it's in the blood...

Orphan in my own mind. I lived with her mother and father in Japan until my mother died and father did not want me so he abandoned me at an orphanage. The only family that counts is the New Zealand family that adopted me when I was eight.

~That my adopted father is...~
Andrew Gilbert, who is half-blood wizard from Australia. He is an author who currently works in a muggle restaurant as part of a book on muggle studies that he is writing. His parents both died 10 years ago and left him and his wife a large sum of money. Even with this inheritance they still chose to live modestly and the money helps them with the charity work they do for orphaned wizards and witches. He is a kind gentle man, never have I seen him loose his temper or get angry. Though once we went to a pond in the park to race muggle boats on the water and his boat wouldn't work. He got very frustrated and when the boat began to sink I thought he was going to loose it.. but then he turned and looked at me and laughed and when I looked back his boat was floating perfectly fine and poking out from beneath his sleeve was the end of his wand, we both laughed so much.

~That my adopted mother is...~
Laura Gilbert, who is a pure blood witch who is stay at home mum and works casual hours unpaid at the local orphanage that she and Andrew opened many years ago. Before the orphanage opened she had already adopted myself and Matt, on occasion I asked her why us and she just smiled and said "why not?". She is a very kind and caring woman, often stern when it came to chores and manners but always loving. I owe her and Andrew everything for all they did for myself and for Matt.

~That my adopted brother is...~
Matt Mason-Gilbert, He was only young when he moved in with us and I was 11, just starting at Hogwarts. Because I was away at school for so long and he was so young we never really had a relationship. But when he was 11 and got his letter from Hogwarts our relationship strengthened as he often came to me for advice about school. I left school the year before he started and worried a lot about his time at school. I had friends in a lower class year and I warned them to look after him. He is now 17 years-old and in his final year at Hogwarts, he only once ever needed help from the people in the upper classes and to this day he does not know I was behind his support group. Me and Matt are extremely close and I love him more than anyone else in the world, he is everything that I am not, he is everything good in the world rolled up into one person. Matt took the last name Gilbert when he was 5 because he asked Andrew if he could do that.

it's in the past...

~That I am from...~
Japan. I cannot speak the language anymore nor do I have an accent, I have full New Zealand citizenship and in my heart I am a New Zealander. I have no memory at all of living in Japan or anything about my biological parents or my old life there. Sometimes I wonder about my real parents and wish to know about them as to know more about myself, however I am happy where I am now and do not mind not knowing about my parents

~That I loved when...~
I went back to Japan after I graduated from Hogwarts. I heard back from some people I contacted about looking for my mother and I had found a lead. Andrew and Laura helped me raise the money during my last year of school. I worked in the restaurant with Andrew over the holiday breaks and at the end of the year I was still a few hundred off the cost but they paid for it as my graduation present and as a reward for being to diligent working in the restaurant. My search for my mother was successful. Within the first week of being in Japan I had found my mother, however not as I would have liked. She had died a few years ago, but I went and paid my respects, although I was sad, I was also happy that I had found her.

~That I hated the time when...~
I was nine and I had only been living with Andrew and Laura for a short time and was quite sad all the time. It was the middle of autumn and it was starting to get very cold outside and I got into an argument with Laura over something really stupid that I cannot remember. I ran away from home that night and went to the forest in our back year. The forest is huge and I ran in without thinking. I sat and cried for a while before trying to find my way back home. However I had got lost. I spent almost 12 hours by myself in the darkness of the forest. When the rescuers found me sometime the next morning I was so glad to be home and with Laura and Andrew I cried so much and told them I loved them, it was the first time I had said that to them and they were so overwhelmed. I vowed never to run away again.

~That i attended...~
Hogwarts New Zealand

~That i was in...~
Ravenclaw house

~That my NEWT results were...~
Ancient Runes: Acceptable
Charms: Exceeds Expectations
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding
Herbology: Exceeds Expectations
Potions: Outstanding
Trasfiguration: Acceptable

it's in the present...

~That I work as a...~
Ministry Official in the Department of Mysteries Unspeakables Office. However after doing this job for quite some time I feel a job change might be in order.

~That I live...~
In New Zealand

~That my protronus is...~
A raccoon dog

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