Kylie Ortiz

Kylie Ortiz

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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bi-ro & Heterosexual
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.
KYLIE meaning: a boomerang
LÍDIA meaning: born by god.
ORTIZ meaning: son of orti; brave, strong, fortunate.
NICKNAMES kee-kee.
ACADEMY years 1 to 4: brazilian wizarding academy. years 5 - 7: tbd.
BIRTHDAY october 17, 2024.
STAR SIGN</FONT><i></i> libra.
NATIONALITY<i></i> mexican.
HERITAGE<i></i> brazilian, american, mexican and new zealander.
ACCENT<i></i> hispanic.
WAND<i></i> curved 13 1/2 inch sturdy pear wand with mermaid scale core.
LENGTH<i></i> 13 1/2 inches is a strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
STYLE<i></i> curved wands bend to the side, this makes it more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
CORE<i></i> mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as care of magical creatures and water-based spells. though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand.
WOOD<i></i> pear is a spectacularly magical wandwood which binds itself to the pure of heart, generous, and wise - it is not known to choose practitioners of the dark arts.
FLEXIBILITY<i></i> a study wand is a solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

FACE CLAIM lindsey marie morgan.
<FONT font="courier new">HEIGHT<i></i> 5'6".
WEIGHT<i></i> 115 lbs.
HAIR<i></i> kylie's hair is dark brown and very healthy thanks to her determination to keep it in good care. her hair is naturally wavy although she does often curl it or make it straight with the help of potions.
EYES<i></i> a dark brown that kylie is only learning to love after being exposed to both wizarding and muggle magazines and tourists with blue and green eyes being so romanticized over her particular eye colour.
OTHER FEATURES<i></i> kylie has a mismatch of tan lines as it is so sunny and warm in brazil and mexico. she also has a large scar running across the palm of her right hand after a particularly nasty fall she took while hiking.

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