Kylie Lidia Ortiz

Kylie Ortiz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bi-ro & Heterosexual
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.

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they said if you don't let it out you're gonna let it eat you away well
be a cannibal, baby, animals like me don't talk anyway i feel like an

Originating from the Australian Aborigine word meaning "boomerang" which is believed to be an English corruption of the Noongar word for the hunting stick used in warfare and for hunting animals. This name became popular after the rise in fame of a muggle singer. The name Kylie is also a feminization of the name Kyle, a strong, simple name which has Gaelic roots meaning "narrow strait". Her parents gave her this name due to the rise in popularity during the time of her mother's pregnancy as Kylie's mother is Mexican-American. The name Kylie indicates a person's inner desire for travel and adventure and often people with this name choose a lifestyle that may be unexpected.
The name Lidia is of Spanish origin meaning Woman from Lydia and Born by God. The Biblical narrative is that of Lydia of Thyatira who is thought to be the first European convert to Christianity. People with the name Lidia often have a desire to be leaders and are independent. They may neglect their personal lives because their drive is so career focused. Kylie was given this name due to her great-grandmother Lidia - an important part of her mother's life until her death when her mother was in her early twenties. This name was always of great importance but they both decided to give her this middle name so that Kylie could be her own person without the large shadow her great-grandmother cast on her maternal family. Often it is misspelled for the anglicized Lydia which she disregards entirely.
Ortiz literally translates to "son of Orti" as a patronymic surname it may mean that there was a person in Kylie's fathers family with the name Orti. Although disputed in meaning it is typically believed to derive from fortis meaning "brave" or "strong" or on the other hand it may be from fortunius meaning "fortunate". It is a very uncommon surname in Kylie's fathers home country of Australia as his parents immigrated from Argentina shortly before his birth.
Kylie was born on October 17, 2024 at 5:24am in the General Hospital of Chetumal, Mexico. She was born three days later than expected and with zero complications to the joy and relief of her parents. Being born on October 17th makes Kylie a Libra who are meant to be gentle and kind. She also falls under the year of the Dragon on the Chinese Zodiac which is said to mean that she would be courageous and confident.
Currently Kylie lives with Pia Morales and Calum Lloyd in a comfortable sized two-bedroom apartment. As Kylie does not enjoy the company of Calum she often spends her time in her bedroom instead of enjoying the entirety of their apartment which means that she has made her room a serene location for herself and it is decorated minimally and with a fair few plants, all of which are safe for her cat, Marhsmellow.
Rosa (nee. Valesquez) and Lucas Ortiz. Married at the young age of twenty and twenty-two respectively, they met just a year prior to their wedding after falling deeply in love during a trip Lucas took from his Australian home back to his motherland of Argentina where Rosa was on a vacation, similarly. Rosa is an Obliviator, first in Mexico then later in New Zealand. Lucas works for a private firm as a product engineering consultant in New Zealand after his many years of success in Mexico where his former employer's products reached all over the globe.
Curved 13 1/2 inch Sturdy Pear wand with Mermaid Scale Core. Length: 13 1/2 inches is a strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune. Style: Curved. Wood: Pear is a spectacularly magical wandwood which binds itself to the pure of heart, generous, and wise - it is not known to choose practitioners of the dark arts. Core: Mermaid scale assists wands in being helpful in classes such as care of magical creatures and water-based spells. though not a difficult core to obtain, mermaid scales must be freely given by the merperson in order to fully bond in the wand. Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
Kylie attended a small muggle school in Chetumal, Mexico prior to her magical education despite her magical blood. She was an active student taking part in a lot of team sports and events. Although she did have friends at the school she never quite fit as the muggle children could sense that she was out of place - many presumed this was due to her mixed heritage.
Castelobruxo (1st-4th): Although Kylie lived much closer to Ilvermorny or Salem than Castelobruxo she always intended on studying there as the culture was closer to her own, leaving her to believe that she would be less of an outcast there than at American academies. She did thrive at Castelobruxo where she took part in competitive duelling at the school and for the school in a youth league. Hogwarts New Zealand (5th-7th): Kylie transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand after her parents decided to move to New Zealand to lessen the strain on her parent's relationship. She was sorted into Ravenclaw alongside someone who transferred from Castelobruxo with her and became fast friends with a lot of people in her house.
At the present moment, Kylie is a line cook at a muggle restaurant in Wellington. Although she can find the work humiliating at times she is glad to have a position in her field so that she can further her career with more experience and perhaps open her own restaurant as the Head Chef one day. She has taken an apprenticeship during her off-time to help her gain more experience with many different types of cuisine.

ambulance, chaser of faith, pray I could replace her, forget the way
her tears taste, the way her tears taste put another x on the calendar

Kylie is of an average height at 5'6" but carries herself with the confidence of someone much taller, leading her to believe that she is on equal footing to those taller than her. She has always felt that were she shorter there would be very little difference as she has all the assertiveness one could ever need - although it would have made for less of a target in duelling.
Never putting any thought into her weight, Kylie doesn't know the exact number at any given time but ranges between 110 and 120lbs putting her at a healthy weight. More important than her weight is the way she feels day-in and day-out which is strong. This is due to the fact that she exercises regularly and does a lot of cardio to help with any internal stress she feels as well. After graduating from Hogwarts New Zealand, Kylie did gain more wait than expected as she briefly developed poor habits in sleeping-in and drinking but regained her health after realizing that she didn't feel as good as she normally likes to.
As Kylie does work hard for her health, she also likes to accentuate particular body parts of hers which look aesthetically pleasing so she will wear tight clothes when she is not working. She likes to dress in a way that makes her look effortlessly attractive - tighter jeans, crop tops, sundresses. A good portion of her outfits are borrowed from her flatmate, Pia Morales, in the form of leather jackets or shoes because Kylie dresses more feminine but will sometimes wish to harden her look up a little. She primarily dresses in light colours so it is always emphasized when she does. Kylie rarely dresses in wizard fashion, choosing to avoid robes as much as she can.
Her skin tone is olive - meaning she doesn't burn in the sun although she can get quite dark if she is careless. This tends to make her standout and at times she has struggled with wishing she was of a lighter skin tone but learned to love it loudly and aggressively overtime.
As a teenager, Kylie's skin was in dire straits and if it weren't for Bubotuber pus she would have had big problems looking presentable but as she is getting older her skin has evened out to a normal complexion. However due to the skin problems she did have she is very strict with her skincare only using high grade potions and creams for her skin so that it can remain healthy and youthful but is careful to avoid products with added scent for fear she irritates her skin.
Kylie grew up wearing her hair in tight ponytails per her mother's wishes then during her time in competitive duelling she would have to keep it up but lately she has tried to have her hair down so it can be healthy. Kylie's hair is often straightened with the help of potions as she feels this suits her best but her hair is not exceptionally curly. Her hair is a warm brown as she has never dyed it from her natural colour - only getting highlights to emphasize her looks. Kylie has her hair cut into long layers which frame her face nicely and allow her to put it up for work as well.
Kylie's eyes are a dark brown which sometimes make it look like she doesn't have pupils but in the sun they lighten noticeably. She has always loved her brown eyes although they are vastly under appreciated as an eye colour.
Aside from her earlobes, Kylie has her upper lobes pierced and her right ear has the anti-tragus pierced. However, Kylie has not worn anything in her anti-tragus for some time so it is likely that she would have to re-pierce her ear to wear anything but the scar tissue is visible if one looks close enough.
Kylie has a small scar on the palm of her right hand after burning herself while cooking that can be felt while holding hands with her as an abnormality. She, however, doesn't mind and is not self-conscious about it in the least. She also has a scar on her calf from a duel when she was hit and instead of going to see a healer she tried to heal herself to continue on with the duel otherwise she would have had to forfeit as the blood loss would have been great if she kept on. This scar runs about two and a half inches long and at first she was a little nervous to wear shorts and skirts with it but feels pride in her tenacity now.

there is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends and i meant
everything i said that night i will come back to life, but only for you



Kylie is in a relationship with Benito Orbon. They met as students of Castelobruxo although they were competitive to start as both duellers but both forgot about one another until a few years later during a duelling tournament when it became clear that they were attracted to one another. To start, Kylie was not interested in an actual relationship with Benito as she prefers to flirt noncommittally with people to see their reactions but after writing letters to one another they started to date during Kylie's final year at Hogwarts. They often bicker and disagree with one another, which Kylie views as passion.
Her first kiss came shortly after the news that her family would be moving from Mexico to New Zealand because she had a crush on a muggle boy from her home town who she would spend holidays with but she was too afraid prior to this news to do anything about it other than flirt with him. At fourteen she went to his house and they walked until she told him that she was moving, kissed him and for two weeks they did little other than kiss even if it was sure to be doomed as he would not be able to easily visit as a wizard might. This was her first resemblance of a relationship and they tried to keep in touch after her move but stopped writing one another about a month in as he thought the idea of communication via owl was strange.
Although she made many jokes of an adult nature with her friends, Kylie had a romantic idea of saving this intimate part of a relationship for someone she loved and although things between her and her current boyfriend, Benito Orbon, are far from perfect she shared this with him a few weeks after her graduation as they were finally able to be in close proximity to one another outside of duelling. She tried to make the moment as special as could be but it was admittedly awkward at first go.



A lioness is Kylie's patronus.


Kylie's diet is wide ranging due to her career but she primarily chooses to eat healthily as she works hard on her body with running and weight lifting. She doesn't like the idea of an unhealthy chef just as one should not have an unhealthy doctor. That said, she does not compromise flavour for health nor does she compromise her social life.
Kylie is tri-lingual, speaking Spanish, English and Brazilian Portuguese. She has a preference for Spanish as this was her first language but has high levels of proficiency in both other languages although there are times when she cannot find the word in a particular language and so will switch between them to fill in the blanks and hope that the person she is speaking with can understand her better. Kylie being a polyglot speaks to the multicultural home she grew up in but also the socio-economic status her family has which allowed her the opportunity to have the strong education in linguistics she was able to.
As Kylie grew up in a multicultural home her accent is a unique mixture although it is primarily a Hispanic accent being raised in Mexico. This accent is very clear when she speaks Portuguese while her English speaking accent mimics her father's closest which is Australian as he took care of her English lessons. All-in-all her accent leads people to be confused as to her nationality as it is never entirely clear.

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