Kyle Cavanaugh

Kyle Cavanaugh

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon

The Basics
The meaning behind the name
-'Kyle' is from Scottish surname which was derived from Gaelic meaning "narrows, channel, strait". This name was given to him by his father and it was the name of his paternal great-great grandfather who was a businessman and ran away from his home Scotland and came to London were he started his own bookshop.
- Taylor is Kyle's middle name.It is of English origin and means 'a tailor'. He has been given this name from maternal great grandfather who was a very famous seeker in the Canadian Qudditch team Stonewall Stormers.
-Cavanaugh is his family name and it is of Irish origin. Kyle parental family is believed to have originated in Ireland which moved to Scotland in the 5th century via Dál Riata.

Character's Birthdate:15th August 2019
Hometown:London,United Kingdom
Blood Status:Mixed blood
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide)
Hogwarts House:Gryffindor
Views on sorting Kyle was thrilled to be sorted into Gryffindor. His mother was in Gryffindor too and he had been hoping to land into the same house instead of Ravenclaw, like his father. He loves is house and the people and is very loyal to it.
Sexual orientation:Straight
Martial Status:Too young to care

Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Your stone: Sapphire
Life Pursuit: To do the right thing
Vibration: Compassionate and caring
Virgo's Secret Desire: To love and be loved in return

Hair:Brown hair, never dyes them or changes colour because he likes the way the natural colour is.
Hair Styles neatly combed, messy look(after long day and Qudditch games) and the most common spiked up look
Eyes: medium size, chocolate brown in colour(matches his hair).
Height: 5.2 feet. A little taller than an average first year.
~Normally wears casual muggle clothes like jeans/trousers and shirt or t-shirt with his trainers-Style 1
~Loves wearing long coats and scarfs in winter-Style 2
~Very often finds himself in suits due to all the formal events and parties that he is suppose to attend-Style 3
~Likes wearing light colours during the day and darker colours at night.
~He is sometimes seen in glasses due to his eyesight being poor but usually wears contact lenses.
~Kyle owns some very expensive and good robes and suits.
Style 4
Style 5
Other Distinguishing Features: Kyle has black rimmed pair of glasses that he would rather not wear but for his comfort, something that his lenses don't offer him, on weekdays and during lessons he wears his glasses. Kyle has a small three centimeter scar on his right leg's ankle which he got when he was eight from a scissor which he was using for arts and crafts.

A Little Deeper

Personality:Kyle is smart and friendly. He likes going on adventures. He can easily open up to people and make friends. And he cares very much about his friends like they are his siblings because as he grew up as the only child he enjoys company. On an average basis he is a good student however once in a while he wouldn't mind doing something fun and against the rules as long as no one is harmed.

Kyle was born on 15th August 2019 in a wizarding home. He is the son of Patrick Cavanaugh and Camilla Cavanaugh. Kyle was a normal baby but he was raised a little different then the other kids in town. He lived in what he first thought to be a palace. It was a mansion and the one of the biggest ones in London. It was located on the outskirts of London and far from muggle eyes and has many protective enchantments on it to allow it to remain concealed from muggles and protected by magic.

As a young child, Kyle was always with his mother as his father was constantly traveling for business. He had many expensive toys and each year he had grand birthdays. What more could a child want? Kyle was very happy with his family and thought the world of them. He usually visited his cousins in Canada, Scotland and America. Not all his cousins from his paternal family were rich but all his cousins from his maternal family were rich, however not as rich as his family.

Kyle was very pleased as he grew until his seventh birthday. This time it was celebrated in London and it was by far the most grand of all. All the kids from the neighborhood and all the kids and families who usually did business with his father's company were invited. It was then that Kyle noticed the neighborhood kids. They had something that he did not.This was not some expensive toy or a possession but it was the element of fun and friendship that they all shared. Kyle knew them but they always thought of him as the rich boy. As they laughed and played amongst themselves, Kyle realized that despite having all the expensive toys that the other kids lacked he did not have many friends. The closest thing he had to friends were his cousins and none of who actually lived with him. He also begun to notice that he was most of the time kept in his mansion were all the teachers hired by his father tutored him. He learned Math, English, Science, Geography and later other languages like French. He liked learning new things but he now envied the kids of the neighborhood who were all from wizarding families but studied together. Kyle had to do it all alone at home. He watched them play from his window and he sometimes sneaked out from the mansion to join them. He was allowed to play with them but he never really belonged as they had already marked him as 'different'.

The young boy enjoyed flying on his toy broomstick which was gifted to him by his grandfather from his maternal side. Other than flying he liked swimming, traveling with his parents and horse riding. However, he hated horse riding with his father every Sunday early in the morning. He often heard the other boys talk about relaxing on Sunday and Kyle did not count as waking up early as relaxing. He wondered why his father would not let him just be normal like the other kids for once.

Kyle loved both his parents but a he feared he might upset his father at times and so he just went along with all the rules that were set for him and was disciplined.However, being a kid, he did some trouble making too but his favorite person in the whole world, his mother always covered up his mistakes and his father was never aware of his son's adventures.

Kyle knew that he would one day be going to a wizarding school like his parents. They were hoping to secure him a place in Hogwarts Scotland so that he would stay near home but this was not something his father could buy him. As there were many students in Hogwarts Scotland he received a letter from Hogwarts New Zealand instead. Kyle was pleased even more because he knew that now he would get the chance of being normal like all the other kids without his father' influence and interference in his everyday life.


Mother: Camilla Cavanaugh
Occupation: Manager of "Thunderbroom", broomstick manufacturing company in London
Blood status: Mixed blood
Current age:31 years old

Camilla Cavanaugh is a very nice, friendly, caring and lovely person. She loves her husband and her son very much. She balances her work together with the house work very well as she has learned those skills from her own mother. She comes from a rich wizarding family in Canada who are some of the finest broomstick manufacturers in the wizarding community. She has two brothers and one sister but she is the oldest of all and her father therefore gave her the company 'Thunderbroom' as her wedding gift.

She attended Hogwarts Scotland and was in Gryffindor house. She never had much Qudditch skills which was a shame since it was suppose to be running in her family. She did however enjoy watching the game. She was intelligent, enjoyed reading and cooking. In her fifth year, she fell in love with the head boy from Ravenclaw house named Patrick Cavanaugh. She had been asked to the Yule Ball by the head boy that year and as he was handsome and charming she fell deeply in love with him.


Father:patrick Cavanaugh
Occupation:Owner/ CEO of "Thunderbroom", broomstick manufacturing company in London.
Blood status: Mixed blooded
Current age:34

Patrick Cavanaugh was smart, handsome and charming. He cared about things which would benefit him sooner or later. He was brought up in a middle class wizarding home in Scotland with three sisters and two brothers. He did get all the needs but not all his wants and from a very young age he desired to be famous, rich and powerful. Patrick's parents ran a second hand store and lived off the money that came from the store's sales. They did not have any savings and the children in the house were never offered any luxuries.

He attended Hogwarts Scotland and from the first year he was amongst the top students. His grades were excellent and so were his flying skills. He played as a Chaser in the Ravenclaw Qudditch team. He was later made Captain of his team and despite not winning that year they did fairly well and stood second. He had been selected as a Prefect from his third year and continued to remain one. He was the favourite of many Professors and enjoyed all the attention and fame.In his seventh year he was made the Head Boy and he was very pleased with himself. His elder brother and sister had just been average students and none of them had been prefects and Patrick had made his parents very proud. His younger siblings who were in third and second year during the time were average students too all being interested in reading, swimming and Qudditch at some level but never making it into the team.

During his seventh year, Patrick broke up with his girl friend who was from Hufflepuff house and was his classmate too. The break up had simply been because the adolescent teenager had developed hots for a certain female who was in her fifth year at the time. He knew very well that with his handsome face, good grades and Qudditch skills he was quite a catch so when he received a 'yes' to the Yule ball from Camilla he was not at all surprised.


Family History
As the Yule Ball happened, Patrick who was very much attracted towards Camilla as she was extremely beautiful realized that the girl had fallen in love with him. Who wouldn't? He was quite the gentleman and the perfect charmer. He begun dating her that year and three years later when Camilla was nineteen and he was twenty one he asked her hand for marriage.

During the past two years, Patrick had been working in the Ministry in the Department Magical Sports and Games, in the Qudditch League Headquarters in Scotland. He was very much at the peak of his carrier and his parents could not be more proud to have him as a son. Patrick knew that the job at the Ministry was a fine one but he had his eyes on something much more bigger. And it happened to be his luck that he got exactly what he had desired. Not only was Camilla madly in love with him and wanted to get married right away but also she was bringing the famous broomstick company with her as a wedding gift from her father. It was all perfect.

They got married in June 1981 and in the same year they were blessed with a son. As Patrick Cavanaugh took over the broomstick company as the CEO and bought himself a mansion in London where he all along wished to settle he had begun his journey on the path which lead him to fame, power and wealth. They lived happily as a family of three and had servants and house elfs to work for them. Patrick engaged himself fully in the business and it was soon expanded more than anyone had expected. It was as if the stars had decided that he was born to do this.

Camilla and Kyle were continued to be loved by Patrick but they were not given much time as he was always traveling for business. Camilla wished to have more children but Patrick has refused to that as he says that he is far too busy and he does not have enough time to give to another child. For the past four to five years their family has been known to be very happy, rich, social and powerful and Patrick is very pleased about this. Camilla has started to think differently. She craves for more children and more time and attention from her husband but fails to get any. She loves him the same way but hopes that he would give them more time.


Years At Hogwarts
First Year
Kyle was excited and nervous during his first year. He was not sure why but he was hoping to be sorted into Gryffindor like his mother and luckily it happened. It was an amazing feeling to belong to a group and share the same goal. He made a few friends and socialized with other first years. He was able to manage to find his classes without getting lost after the first two weeks and surprisingly enough he was smarter than he gave himself credit for. He was able to pass as an alternate for the Gryffindor Qudditch team and there after he got his very own first broomstick, a model that was not out in the market for sale, yet. He learned a few things in his first term which included doing his own bed, cooking some items and of course magic.

RP's in First Year
Someone New with Indiana Night
Relaxing on a Weekend with Bituin San Buenaventura
The Day Off with Tybalt Archer
Midnight snack and Oo..a Houself! with Rose Bellard
Halloween Havoc with Wes Amherst and Rose Bellard.
Half Past Midnight
For the First Time Yule Ball with Rose Bellard, met Kieran and Kelsey Adam Boneheart.
One Door Opens, other closes with Hayley Dalton.
Yaldy with Tybalt Archer
I Love Family with family members during holiday.

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