Kurtis Dowey

Kurtis Dowey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Essence of Belladonna

Kurtis Bartholomew Dowey

- Kurt
- Barty

Date of Birth:
January 3rd 2026

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:

Hair - Short and slightly floppy medium brown hair which he got from his father's side of the family. It is always being swept back out of his eyes, though he usually doesn't let someone cut it back until it really gets too bothersome for him.

Eyes - A dark brown/hazel color which can sometimes have a slight orange tint in the bright sunlight. His eyes certainly came from his mother's side of the family as all of his relatives from that side he knows of have brown eyes.

Height - Kurtis has always been large for his age, never fitting in with everyone else because he was always so tall.

Build - His mother is always fussing about him seeming so thin and insists he needs more feeding, but it just seems he is naturally quite skinny though this doesn't bother him in the slightest seeing as he's quite strong as well.

Marks - Kurtis has an almost cloud shaped birth mark about the size of a grape on the back of his left shoulder. He also has a small scar on the right side of his stomach from where he got appendicitis and his appendix had to be removed.</COLOR></FONT>


- Kurtis Bartholomew Dowey has always been rather silent, he has trouble talking to people and most of the time quite likes to just keep to himself. If anyone would have to describe him it would be anti-social, though this isn't the case at all. He does like the company of other people, he just doesn't like talking which has been a problem on many occasion and it is something his parents hope he will grow out of sooner rather than later. The only time Kurt really does start relaxing is when it either comes to Quidditch or class. He likes to think that he's clever and always near the top of the class no matter what subject it is. Being the youngest son Kurt never really get's much attention and most of it goes to his older siblings, but this suits him just fine and is okay not being pestered for things so much as his siblings are.
Amelia Grace Dowey

- Mother
- Pureblood
- Ministry Official

Alexander Ezekiel Dowey

- Father
- Half-Blood
- Muggle Biologist

Isaac Nathaniel Dowey

- Older Brother
- Mixed Blood
- Unemployed

Olivia Justine Dowey

- Older Sister
- Mixed Blood
- Hogwarts Scotland Student


- Male Irish Setter bought for Kurtis to keep him company as a child


- Female Siamese cat he bought to take to Hogwarts with him

Area of Residence:
Kingston, Tasmania

- Previously lived in Longford, Ireland before his father's work forced them to make the move.

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood



Trust Issues

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To pass all his NEWTs with flying colors

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:

Your Patronus:
An Irish Red Setter

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
Being alone for the rest of his life.

Mirror of Erised:
An image of himself exactly the same but surrounded by friends and happy faces.
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