Kovu Valinor Lothorien

Kovu Lothorien

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather

you're a diamond
basic knowledge

• name kovu valinor lothorien.
x meaning kovu: scar.
• nicknames lothorien, thor.
• gender male.
• birthday 19th november 2019.
• star sign scorpio
x traits loyal, passionate, observant, dynamic, jealous, obsessive, suspicious, manipulative, unyielding.
• blood status pureblood.
• heritage both kovu's parents are from italian background, but were raised in england.
• languages spoken english, some italian.
• hometown kent, england.
• current residence kent, england.

that i'm afraid to touch
physical attributes

• dominant hand right handed.
• height 5'9.
• body type toned, but not bulky.
• hair colour medium brown.
• hair length changes frequently, currently its grown out a few inches.
• hair type thick and worn in a stylised messy fashion. grows really quickly.
• eye colour brown.
• scars one that cuts across his left shoulder blade on his back and another near his right hipbone.
x from what play fighting with his older brother when he was younger and the one on his hip is from when he was learning martial arts with a sword.
• defining features intense eyes and an elegantly defined facial structure.

you're damn near flawless

• good traits charming, laid back, compassionate, gentle, protective.
• bad traits cocky, holds a grudge, obnoxious, womanising.
• hobbies and interests playing quidditch, reading, music, flirting.
• skills martial arts; particularly with a weapon, can play the violin.
• strengths will fight for those he is close to, has grown thick skin after being bullied in his youth and can let insults bounce off him, is comfortable with himself regardless of what others think of him.
• weaknesses is very concerned with his appearance, tends to be a sore loser.
• patronus will be a peacock.
x why peacocks are known for their pride and showing themselves off.
x memory used the day kovu's sister was born.
• fears large wild animals.
• boggart something awful happening to his family.
x why although kovu wishes to escape them a lot of the time, he is incredibly family orientated and couldn't survive without them.

and i'm sure you'd cut
relationship information

• sexual orientation heterosexual.
• relationship status single.
x reason he wants to be.
• interested in no one.
• previous relationships none.

out my eyes, my hands, my head, my heart

• father leonardo lothorien.
x birthday 3rd may 1986.
x blood status pureblood.
x education durmstrang alumni.
x occupation unspeakable for the british ministry of magic.
x personality secretive, can be strict, but tends to have a brotherly relationship with his children.
• mother shandelle lothorien.
x birthday 29th june 1986.
x blood status pureblood.
x education durmstrang alumni.
x occupation author of history books.
x personality delicate, knowledgeable, loving, laid back in her parenting techniques, wasn't very successful in disciplining the boys.
• eldest brother denethor lothorien.
x birthday 19th march 2007.
x blood status pureblood.
x education durmstrang alumni.
x occupation dragon keeper.
x personality aggressive, tends to act like the leader of the household and push his younger siblings around, answers only to his father.
• older brother luthien lothorien.
x birthday 2nd april 2010.
x blood status pureblood.
x education durmstrang alumni, captain of the quidditch team.
x occupation chaser for vratsa vultures quidditch team.
x personality quidditch obsessed, athletic, not very intellectual.
• older brother lysander lothorien.
x birthday 8th january 2012.
x blood status pureblood.
x education durmstrang.
x occupation undecided.
x personality playful, goofy, loud, has a bigger heart than kovu's other older brothers.
• younger sister scarlette lothorien.
x birthday 29th april 2021.
x blood status pureblood.
x education too young for school.
x occupation undecided.
x personality tomboyish nature, rough around the edges but has a sweet heart. kovu is closest to her as he likes being able to protect her after
being the youngest brother for so long.

• pet scoop.
x animal dog.
x breed golden retriever.
x joined family 2nd october 2020.

you tear this canvas skin apart

• school hogwarts new zealand.
x why it's a trial, because kovu had no desire to attend durmstrang with his brothers and the people who bullied him. as kovu is the most well behaved at home his parents gave him permission to attend hogwarts new zealand.
• house slytherin.
x sorting hats words you could go into nearly any house and do well, but your drive to be 'set apart' in something in your time here tips the scale in favour of slytherin!
• year first.
• titles NA.
• best subject NA.
• worst subject NA.

oh what a waste
significant role plays

of human art that would be
photo album

• pets scoop and kovu.

italics are links
lyrics by darren criss.
coding by me, please do not steal without my permission.​

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