Kovu Lothorien

Kovu Lothorien

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Full Name:
- Kovu Valinor Lothorien.

Date of Birth:
- 19th November 2013.

Current Age:
- Twelve.

Basic Appearance:
- Brown hair that is cut quite close to his head, but grows really fast.
- Brown eyes.
- 5'9 being one of tallest amongst his peers his entire life.
- A scar that cuts across his shoulder blade on his back. Got it play fighting with his brother when he was eight.

- Kovu tends to be loud and occasionally obnoxious, if only to compete with his three brothers for the attention of his parents. He's impulsive and loves himself a little too much. He also tends to hold a grudge. He doesn't like to be judged or compared to anyone else, it's only at these times will Kovu badly lose his temper. He as a certain charm around people, regardless of his cocky nature. People either love him or hate him.

- Shandelle Lothorien is Kovu's Mother. She has a kind heart, but a very laid-back approach to Motherhood. She is there for his children if they need her, but she wasn't very successful in disciplining the boys.
- Leonardo Lothorien is Kovu's Father, he is possibly the stricter of the parents but not by much. He tends to hype the kids up if anything and has a very brotherly relationship with his children.
- Rowan Lothorien is the oldest and is probably the most aggressive in nature. He tends to act like he is leader of the household instead of being a protective sibling.
- Daniel Lothorien is the second oldest brother. He is completely Quidditch obsessed.
- Demyx Lothorien is the third oldest brother and the brother Kovu gets along with the most because of the closeness in age. He's loud and goofy.
- Scarlette Lothorien is the youngest of all the siblings as well as the only girl. Because she grew up with brothers, she's developed a somewhat tomboy nature. Daniel is closest to her because he loves being the big brother to her and being able to protect her after being the little brother for so long.

- A golden retriever called Scoop. The family got it when Scarlette was only a year and a half years old. When deciding on names she kept calling out what sounded like Scoop and the family couldn't find it in them to disagree.

Area of Residence:
- Was born and raised in Kent, England.

Blood Status:
- Pure blood

- Leonardo's parents are both Italian, but before Leonardo was born they moved to England.

Special Abilities:
- None that he knows of yet.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Kovu loves to play Quidditch with his brothers and sister. The family live in a home with a large enough backyard that the family can play in. He isn't the best in his family, but that doesn't stop him from trying.
- Reading has always been one of Kovu's hobbies when he isn't completing with his brothers.

Additional Skills:

- Kovu is a very protective person and will fight for anyone that he is close to, no matter the obstacles.

- Kovu tends to be a rather sore loser because of the constant competitiveness he feels he has to maintain in his home.
- He's also far to obsessed with his appearance.

Favourite place to be:
- The tree-house his Dad built for the boys in the old oak tree at the back of their large property. All the others boys got bored with it, so Kovu likes to go there to get away from the rush that is his family every once and a while.

- Kovu had been teased most of his life and his brothers never really stood up for him (which explains his protective attitude over his sister, because he doesn't want her to suffer the way he did). He's just hoping that he can have a fresh start at school.

- He will be attending Hogwarts as a trial. Kovu is probably the best behaved in the family, so his parents have let him see how it goes. If he messes up, he will attend Durmstrang as his Father wishes. All his brothers went there because it's a disciplined school and Leonardo felt it would straighten the boys out a bit.

Best school subjects:
- Kovu believes Transfiguration will be his best subject as that is the one he is most looking forward to.

Worst school subjects:
- Unsure.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Kovu hopes to make the Quidditch team, like his brothers have before him.

Your Patronus:
- A peacock, because they have far too much pride and constantly show themselves off.

Your Patronus memory:
- The day his sister was born: his brothers, Dad and him all sat around his Mum's hospital bed and introduced Scarlette into the world.

Your Boggart:
- His family falling apart. Even though Kovu often tries to escape them, he is incredibly family orientated and couldn't bare to lose them.

Your Animagus:
- A lion.

Mirror of Erised:
- Kovu would see himself in a position of great power, being able to look back at all the people that mocked him when he was younger.
Hi Kovu,

Just a few questions...

*How does it feel to be so much taller than your peers?
*Will you miss Scoop when you attend school?
*Will you be bringing another pet to school?
*What were you feeling when you bought your wand?
*Are you happy to be part of Gryffindor?
*When did you move from London?
*Where are you living now?
*Would you have prefered to be attending Hogwarts Scotland?
Thanks Linda!

How does it feel to be so much taller than your peers?
- Kovu hates it at the moment because he was bullied for being the lanky, strange looking boy throughout his childhood. He hopes it won't make too much of an impact on him in Hogwarts.

Will you miss Scoop when you attend school?
- Kovu loves his dog, so yes he will miss Scoop very much. Whenever he was feeling lonely or neglected from his large family, he would play with Scoop.

Will you be bringing another pet to school?
- No, his parents won't allow him to get another pet.

What were you feeling when you bought your wand?
- Kovu was excited that he could finally own a wand like all his brothers had before him, but there was still a sense of failure. The fact that his brothers already had one made him feel like he had lost.

Are you happy to be part of Gryffindor?
- From the descriptions Kovu has heard of about Gryffindor, he is pleased he was selected into this house. He is definitely proud that he can say he is in the house of the brave and loyal.

Where are you living now?
- His family is still living in Kent, England. However, Kovu will most likely stay at Hogwarts throughout the holidays.

Would you have preferred to be attending Hogwarts Scotland?
- Not particularly, Kovu wasn't bothered about where he attended and his parents decided that Hogwarts New Zealand would be a better experience, so Kovu didn't really have a choice. As long as he wasn't going to Durmstrang like his brothers, he was happy.

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