Kona Mason

Kona Mason

Active Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
30.8 cm chestnut wood wand with a unicorn hair core
The Basics
Character's Name: Kona Mason
Character's Birthdate: May 2nd, 2017
Hometown: London
Blood Status:Pending (applied for pureblood)
Wand:none yet
Hogwarts House:Ravenclaw
Hair:Straight blonde hair
Height:5 foot
Style:shorts and tanks, tennis shoes.
Other Distinguishing Features:
A Little Deeper
Smart- She strives to be smart at all she can for if she doesn't she is afraid she might fail everyone.
Quiet-Kona keeps quiet in fear of being hit. She lives in a adoption center and is bouncing from foster home to foster home.
Weird/Different- She sees her world how she wishes it was. She pretends she sees all these things that don't exist and she talks to them. Kona sees these people that are a foot tall and she gets in trouble by talking to them but, they are the people of her "Kingdom". Some praise her and others mock her.
History: She has spent her whole life in foster homes and adoption centers and hopes she can finally live somewhere at the end of the school year. Kona keeps her hopes up but, she is very shy.
Helena Mason-mom-dead-21 years old when dead-died because of child birth
Chris Mason-dad-35-Put Kona in adoption home when she was a baby.
Foster Mother-Cathy Johnson-Current care taker for Kona

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