Koboshi Aiko

Koboshi Aiko

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

Full Name: Koboshi Aiko (Higuchi)

Which is Said : Kob-osh-y Ache-o

Nickname: Koshi, Koshi-San (Cousins), Koboshi-Chan (cousins)

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Like Chihiro, Koboshi was born in Tokyo, Japan.

Current Age:
She is currently 11





Basic Appearance:
Koboshi has long black hair and soft skin. She has all the appearance of a full blooded Asian. She is average height and thin. She is known as 'the beauty' of the family. She is often wearing designer clothes or her school robes. Mostly her hair is in a plait or left down.

Koboshi has a very strong personality. She is Mean-spirited and Ambitious. She tends to fight alot with her cousins, but she still loves them very dearly. She is strong-willed and cunning, Loyal and mischeivous. If you get her mad, you had better find a safe place to hide.

Koshi is a smart and well-mannered girl. Atleast thats what her parents think. Koshi has been bought up to one day take over the family buisness. She is the wealthiest of the siblings and the second oldest. Beaten for that title by Keitaro, her closest cousin. She spends alot of time with him at his house, or with Chihiro.

Things that She likes:
*Koshi likes dance, traditional Japanese dance.

*Koshi also enjoys watching Chihiro perform ballet.
*ice-cream and chocolate.
*Talking with her cousins
*Entering Beauty Pagents.


Mother- Nadeshiko
She was a dancer before she married Koboshi's father. She is skilled in traditional japanese dance and teaches her daughter. She also helps her husband run the business. She is the third youngest wife. She is also a gifted cook, and when at home in Tokyo, she often makes elaborate food for her family. She is very close to her daughter and hates leaving her to go on buisness trips


Father- Haruki
He is the second eldest son in the Higuchi family. He loves his daughter very much, but due to his buisness has absolutley no time for her. He is versed in many languages and cultures, and tries to impart his knowledge on his daughter. He wishes ofr her to take over his share of the buisness when she comes of age.


Eldest cousin-Keitaro Higuchi
Keitaro is the oldest cousin and had been acting like one for the whole time. He is a real gentleman and had been acting like a prince charming. He¡¯s a well-mannered young man who is currently the 2nd wealthiest relative Chihiro had ever had. Keitaro is very intelligent and he NEVER get a ¡°T¡± in his exams, at least not yet.


Third Eldest- Chihiro Aiko
Chihiro is very modest but not as much as Koboshi. Chihiro is identical to anything Kawaii or in English cute. Kawaii had always been her trade mark, she would choose pastel colors, baby colors over black or dark colors. Many people thought she has plastic surgery but she didn't have them, at least she couldn't remember having one. She don't know if she had them when she was a baby but she's sure that she don't have plastic surgery. She's naturally ¢¾ Kawaii ¢¾


Fourth Eldest- Kotaro Higuchi
Kotaro is known as 'the class clown'. He will do great things to make other people laugh. He likes to pull pranks and he¡¯s very good at making jokes. Kotaro will pull pranks to those who bully his cousins and wont show a mercy to them. He¡¯s not scared of anything except his father. His dad is very strict and has no sense of humor however he¡¯s rarely home so Kotaro could do anything he want when he¡¯s not in the mansion.


Youngest Cousin- Sakura Aiko
Sakura is the youngest among all.She is known as 'the Loyal One'. She has a very kind heart and a very friendly personality. Kotaro is the closest cousins she ever has since she often spend time in his mansion however; she¡¯s close to the others too and loved them with all her heart. Sakura was born during the month of the blooming of cherry blossom. And that¡¯s how she got her name, and the name suits her as well. She¡¯s sweet, and beautiful, and a graceful young lass. Her mother is often around while her father is a hard worker.

Area of Residence:
Right Now it is Hogwarts. But her family home is in Japan.

None as of yet.

Things that she dislikes are bullies. Plain and simple. She dosen't see how or why bullies do what they do. Sure she can be mean, but never a bully. She tells nothing but the truth. If she dosen't like some-one then they'll know about it plain and simple.
Hi there :)

I've got just a few questions for you about Koboshi:

Is Koboshi happy being in Slytherin?
Has she ever won a beauty pageant?
Because of her beauty, is she used to being very popular?
What is the blood status of her parents?
Does Koboshi get along with all of her family? Is there someone she likes more than the others?
How does she like New Zealand compared to Japan?
How much about the magical world does Koboshi know?
Is she looking forward to being at HNZ?
Ooh Yay an interview. hehe

Is Koboshi happy being in Slytherin? "Oh yes, I'm very happy, although I'm sure that I would be MUCH happier were All of my cousins in Slytherin, instead of being all over the place. They are speard right through all the houses you know"
Has she ever won a beauty pageant? "Are you serious? Of course I have, I mean why wouldn't I have, I'm Gorgeous. I have won many pageants and I have many awards. I could show you some-time."
Because of her beauty, is she used to being very popular? "Popular? Popular? Pfft, who needs popularity when you've got riches beyond your control and Beauty. But yes, I am popular, thanks for noticing".
What is the blood status of her parents? "My father is a Pure-blood wizard. My mother however if a muggle. She teaches me much things in the Muggle culture. I can do things from both the Muggle side of my family and my Magucal side".
Does Koboshi get along with all of her family? Is there someone she likes more than the others? "Yes, I you could say I get along well with my family, However my closest cousin is Keitaro. He is my Heart, we share much responsibilty and so we carry much pressure from our parents as we are the eldest and the heir to much family fortune."
How does she like New Zealand compared to Japan? "Hmm, compared to Japanese life, New Zealand is quite slow, but none-the-less I have found it enjoyable in most cases. I do miss my beloved Cherry Blossoms however."
How much about the magical world does Koboshi know? "Well, I have learnt enough so that I would be able to survive here, but I am more practiced in Muggle dealings as my father wishes me to take over the family buisness when I am of the right age".
Is she looking forward to being at HNZ? "Yes, I look forward to seeing my cousins on a regular basis and to go to classes and see what I have to learn."

Thankyou for your questions I enjoyed answering them :)

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