Klara Heleen Sara Verhoeven

Klara Verhoeven

Active Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Klara Heleen Sara Verhoeven

Date of Birth:
- December 24th 2015

Current Age:
- 10

Basic Appearance:
- Klara is very pale, so pale infact if it weren't for the fact that she has blue eyes instead of red people would think she was albino. Klara's eyes are silvery blue and more often then not have dark circles under them from staying up late and reading. Klara is average hight and weight for her age group, although she thinks of herself as chubby. Klara has limp white blonde hair that usually hides her face from others.

- Klara is quiet and polite, and usually has her face hidden in a book. Klara is very shy and doesn't enjoy talking to people very much. Most of the time she doesn't even leave her room unless its meal time or her family begs her. Klara has OCD so everything she does has to be in even numbers, from the steps she takes, to eating her food, to the the number of pages in a book she reads. This has often kept Klara up at night because she was counting things in her room.

- Mother: Catarina Laura Verhoeven
- Father: Aaron-Christopher Verhoeven

- None, but she has always wanted a cat.

Area of Residence:
- Queenstown New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Muggle Born

- Dutch, her parents moved to New Zealand shortly after being married.

Special Abilities:
- Speed reading, counting.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading, counting, and playing cimputer games.

Additional Skills:
- Klara is a very fast runner when she needs to be, her only downfall is that she has to do everything with even numbers so she slows down to count her steps.

- Staying silent

- Odd numbers, bullies

Describe your character in three words:
- Obeseive Compulsive Disorder

Favourite place to be:
- Her room

- Her doll Kayla

Hogwarts House:
- N/A

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Whats Hogwarts?

Best school subjects:
- English and math.

Worst school subjects:
- Science and art.

Extracurricular Activities:
- None

- N/A

Current Job:
- N/A

Plans for your future:
- To get a job one day and stop being scared of the world.

Your Patronus:
- A doe

Your Patronus memory:
- Any time shes reading, those are her happiest moments in life.

Your Boggart:
- The bullies from school.

Your Animagus:
- A doe.

Mirror of Erised:
- Klara with out OCD and having allot of friends.

A page from your diary:
- Dear Diary,

Today we started mulitplucations in math. Mom says there easy but I'm not to sure yet, they seem really hard to me. Anyways I also finished Heidi. I wish I could be like her and her grandpa, living up on the moutins with all by themselves. It sounds so peaceful and beautiful, I will live there one day you'll see. Mom says that theres lots of Mountians in Holland, I wish I could have lived there, unfortunatly we moved there before I was born. Dad says he likes it here in New Zealand much better but I don't see why... People are so mean. You know all about that though, because I tell you everything. Your the reason I got to be home schooled too, Mom found you and read about how kids were bullying me. Thanks again. I have to go to bed, good night Diary.

Love Klara.

Here's a few questions for you

1. Is Klara close to her parents??
2. Why does she want a cat??
3. Why did her parents move to New Zealand after they got married??
4. Why is her room her favourite place??
5. Why is her best friend her doll?? Does she not have any friends or something??
6. Why is her patronus and animagus a doe??

That's all I got for you for now.


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