Kira Yssobella Marie Anne Lronne

Kira Lronne


Kira Yssobella Marie Anne Lronne
December 31st, 2009
Kalininsk, Russia
Mixed Blood
Five words that best describe your character:
Secretive, Determined, Moody, Punk, and Emotional

Hair Color:

Bleach blond, sometimes with spray dyes of pinks or blue in it.
Hair Style:
It's grown down to mid back now, and is mostly worn down and strait. Every once in a while, she'll put it in a strange hair do, just to stand out a bit.
Eye Color:
Light Pink, or a pastel Rose color.
Other distinguishing details:
Her bright eyes are very distinguishing, and she also has a large scar on her upper thigh, from a fight she got into while back in school. She tends to dress in very abstract and expensive clothing, bought all over the world. ANd always carries at least one Ball-jointed doll in her bag with her.

Father's name:

Ivann Jacov Lronne
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc):
Death Eater, Mixed blood; Pure Russian, Deceased
Mother's Name:
Natalia Koiv Lronne (Maiden name: Krakof)
Brief description (occupation, blood, etc):
Dancer, Mixed blood; Half Russian Half Bulgarian, Deceased
Other key family members:
Gregoriy Markov Yoki - Gaurdian
Nadja Yvonne Yoki - Foster Sister

The Rain and thunder poured around the young couple of Natalia and Ivann. Only after on short year of Marriage, Natalia was going into labour with their first, and only child. The storm around them stopped, almost as suddenly as the child was born. This child was given a big name to carry, Kira Yssobella Marie Anne Lronne; Kira meaning a ruler of the land. Kira was an only child, not that her parents did not try having more; everything just seemed to not work out. As the years grew on, Kira showed promising abilities in her muggle school, and for a while, her family considered that she should stay in them. However, when the letters from magical schools arrived, it became Kira's choice. Kira was swamped with pressure, and finally made an irrational decisions that shocked everyone in her house hold. She tore the names off the letters, and placed them in a hat, mixing them up. She then proceeded to draw one out of the hat. she had pulled two out, with her eyes closed, and dropped one on the ground. That one, which said muggle school. She looked in her small hand and saw a sign that said The Russian Institute Of Magic. Content with her choice, that's where she decided to go.

Her first semester was easy. She wasn't pushed around, because her social status in both worlds were so high. The Muggleborns knew of her mother, just from some commercials that included a ballerina. And the pure bloods, whose father's were also death eaters, knew of her father. She made plenty of protectors among the older students, and as time flew on, she became a powerful witch in her school. Almost too powerful. Her grades showed how talent she was, and she would not settle for less then the best of grades in everything. Some students quickly became envious, and plotted against the petite girl.

At the time that the students started to be envious, Kira became top of her year. She was a fifth year before anything got the best of her in the school. She started seeing a young new teacher, knowing full and well it was against the rules. She kept her secrets hidden very well, this one included. However, word leaked out about the relationship, when a second year student, caught them out past curfew. She knew that it was only a matter of time before it got reported, and she was right. Though, him getting fired was the least of her worries. Her father found out just as quickly as the teacher had lost his job.

It wasn't until her sixth year, that Kira realized her father had known, when right before school started, he transferred her over to Durmstrang. then, her teacher friend made a mysterious disappearance. Along with her father. Her and her mother could barely take the pain of loosing someone that close to them. Kira's grades slipped gently into moderate, then failing grades. When her mother passed away, only months after her father, her grades picked up again. This time, Kira was going to prove herself. She turned down almost every guy that made a move on her, except one. And even then, she couldn't hold a meaningful relationship with this boy (and not just because he didn't want one, but because she had lost emotions like love); whom was a year younger then herself.

She graduated just recently, having perfect NEWT's, though she didn't feel as proud as when her parents were alive. Seh still visits their grave sites every summer, each on the anniversary of their deaths, their marriage, and her own birthday. She wants to prove that she still cares, even if she feels numb all the tim. And who knows, maybe her history isn't over, and maybe she'll get someone to prove to her that she's not numb.

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