- Messages
- 901
- OOC First Name
- Pat
- Sexual Orientation
- Hetrosexual
- Wand
- Chestnut Wand 13" with a core of Essence of Unicorn Hair
- Age
- 12/1998

The Basics
[Character's Name:] Kira Carter
[First name:] Kira: Sun
[Middle name:] Joanne: God is gracious
[Surname:] Carter: Guard
[Maiden Name:] Baxter: Baker
[Character's Birthdate:] December 7, 1998
[Hometown:] London, United Kindom
[Current location:] Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] Chestnut Wand 13" with a core of Essence of Unicorn Hair
[Hogwarts House:] Ravenclaw, HS
[Occupation:] Auror
[Martial Status:] Married: to Andros Carter
[Hair:] Long, blonde wavy hair with brown undertones
[Eyes:] Blue
[Height:] 5' 9"
[Style:] Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
[A Little Deeper
[Personality:] Motherly. Kind. Friendly. Hard-working. Determined.
[History:] Kira was brought up in a very loving family with two younger siblings. When Kira was 9 her father was killed in the line of duty by Death Eaters who were never caughtban. Kira never really got over it but a number of years later her mother remarried and she had two new siblings. Being a determined young woman Kira knew she had to move away once she became of age and she was sure her mother was fine with her doing so. A few years after graduating Kira moved to New Zealand and became the owner of Gambol and Japes, not something she saw herself doing but it was money that she needed to continue on in her career path. While working in the shop Kira would won on her application for the Ministry and was later accepted into the New Zealand Ministry of Magic as a member of the International Magical Office of Law. With some more money now Kira was able to sell her shop, to her brother Leo and moved into her own flat. SHe was never alone though as Leo would stay and her younger half sibling, Jasmin, would stay most of the year as her twin Josh attended Hogwarts in Scotland, but due to Jasmin being a scquib she never had the chance too and was saddened without Josh around.
Growing up she looked up to her father very much - an Auror. She always wanted to walk in her father's footsteps and decided that starting low in the Ministry would be a great way to work up to Auror position. In January 2024, Kira was officially accepted as an Auror and began her training. It was a hard job but she loved it and threw herself into in whatever possible so she could start getting her revenge on the Death Eaters that killed her father and every other one still out there. All during this time Kira had been dating Andros Carter, a fellow Auror. She was really starting to fall in love with him, he was a kind, genuine guy and Kira was beginning to think she such a person never existed. It wasn't long until their were engaged and on December 31st, 2024 they were married, not wanting to spend anymore time apart.
Despite being warned about rushing into things Kira knew what she was doing was right, with both of them being Auror's she knew all too well that their time could be limited in their job so why spend anytime apart. In late 2025 the couple were blessed with a daughter. Life was running smoothly, and Andros had been running for Minister of Magic. He did not make the post, however, but was pleased to get the chance to spend more time as a family. In June of 2028, Kira fell pregnant again but without knowning went about her field work, unfortunately she was attacked, and lost the baby. Andros began to sink into a depression, growing more and more distant. Kira grew worried about him but remained her strong self for her family. Andros soon became more like himself and the family were back on track again. In late 2029 Kira became pregnant once again and in early 2030 the young couple became parents once again, this time to a boy. The family was complete and happy once again.
[Husband] Andros Sartizan Carter
[DOB] January 11th 1999
[Blood Status] Mixed Blood]
[Occupation] Auror
[Education] Hogwarts - Hufflepuff
[Daughter] Angeline Nashira Carter
[DOB] April 21st 2026
[Blood Status] Mixed Blod
[Occupation] Too Young
[Education] Too Young
[Son] Ethan Kane Carter
[DOB] March 4th 2030
[Blood Status] Mixed Blood
[Occupation] Too Young
[Education] Too Young
[Mother] Joanne Baxter (nee: O'Neill)
[DOB] June 3rd 1978
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Muggle chef
[Education] Hogwarts, Ravenclaw
[Father] George Kelly
[DOB] November 8th 1976
[DOD] December 7th 2007
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Auror
[Education] Hogwarts, Ravenclaw
[Step Father] Jonathan Baxter
[DOB] May 11th 1977
[Blood Status] Muggle
[Occupation] Accountant
[Education] Muggle Schooling
[Brother] Leo Baxter
[DOB] May 18th 2006
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Un-Employed
[Education] Hogwarts, Gryffindor
[Sister] Karen Baxter
[DOB] March 2nd 2008
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Ministry of Magic, International Magical Law Officer
[Education] Hogwarts, Hufflepuff
[Half Brother] Josh Baxter
[DOB] April 3rd 2011
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Pro Quidditch Player
[Education] Hogwarts, Gryffindor
[Half Sister] Jasmin Baxter
[DOB] April 3rd 2011
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Photographer
[Education] Home Schooled