Kinda hungry

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden wondered into the kitchen. "Wow." Eden whispered. "This place is huge. I wonder what they have in here that I could snack on." Not wanting to seem rude and start opening stuff Eden decided to take a seat and wait to see who would pop up.
Aurora was feeling really hungry.She had missed the dinner because she had fallen asleep in the common room.It was late by the time she woke up and she felt starved so she decided to sneak into the kitchens.
She made her way into the basement and opened the door to the kitchens.It was so huge and filled with shelves that were full of food containers.She couldn't wait to get her hands on a dessert.She sneaked to the end of the room and noticed that there was a shelf labeled 'Junk Food'.That sounded great.Just as she extended her hand to grab a container,she heard the door open and a girl's voice saying 'wow' and some other stuff.She thought that it might be a prefect because it didn't sound like a professor but wondered why a prefect would be patrolling the kitchens.
"Who is that?"she said in a firm voice.She didn't want to scare anyone but also didn't want sound like she was afraid.
"Its Eden Luna. Who are you?"
Eden said wondering who would be in the kitchens at this time.
"I have not seen you before. What house are you in? If you dont mine me asking."
She had heard the girl's name during the Sorting ceremony and believed the she was in Slytherin.So she came out of the darkness."I'm Aurora Hades,Ravenclaw."she replied to the girl.She realised that she was holding the junk food container.She opened the lid and took out some cauldron cakes.They seemed hot.She put one into her mouth and offered one to Eden.
"Want a cauldron cake?"she asked.
Whammy had been with the rest of the house elfs making dinner, when he was sent to look for more ingredients. As Whammy was making his way to the back of the kitchen, he saw someone or something moving around. Whammy decided he would go and see what it was. With a small pop! he disappeared and the reappeared only a couple of feet away from the moving shadows. Whammy realized that it was only two young girls. Whammy walked over to them. Giving them a decent bow, he began to speak,"Why are the young mistresses here? looking for something?" He asked timidly.

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