Kiefer Antoinin Harris

Kiefer Harris

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt


the obvious basics .
full name,
- - Kiefer Antoinin Harris. Kiefer has multiple meanings. One can be barrel-maker, the other can be forest-dweller or it can be glutton. Antoinin has an unknown meaning but it is believed to originate from the name, Anton. Whilst Harris means home ruler, it is from Germany and is commonly used in English speaking countries.

- - February five, twenty fifteen; eight o'clock in the evening.

current age,
- - Now, he is nineteen years young.

- - Kiefer is a certified male.

sexual orientation,
- - Heterosexual : Meaning Kiefer is only attracted to the opposite gender which are females.

relationship status,
- - Single and not looking.

school & year,
- - Durmstrang (graduated)

wand info,
- - Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt : Myrtle is a haven for peace and is admired for its relative strength and sheer size. The Myrtle tree itself represents endurance and power and because of it is often struck by lightning it has been said to have the ability to attract inspiration, wisdom and illumination.

- - Members

the rugged appearance .
- - Five feet and eleven inches.

- - About a hundred and fifty five pounds

- - Tall and broad.

- - Dirty blonde. At often times, it appears to be messy and untidy.

- - Kiefer's eye colour is silver or gray - depending on the atmosphere. It it appears to be dark then gray it is. In the bright light, silver. It does not really hold any intense gazes but it has this playful twinkle all the time.

- - Often, they are chapped. Kiefer tends to nibble on his lower lip whilst judging or studying something. He tries biting the skin off for some fun. It has a dull pink colour.

skin tone,
- - Kiefer has a skin colour of a light white, just like any typical American would look like.

other distinguishing features,
- - Freckles. Kiefer has those across the bridge of his nose. They're not as evident but when looked closely, there is a small splash of it. The rest, to come. -

to dig a little deeper .
- - Kiefer is a guy of typicality. His personality is pretty much obvious with the way he talks and the way he reacts to things. He is not goofy, but he sometimes appears to be stupidly cute. Kiefer is flirtatious but not in a sense of seductiveness. He wouldn't try to seduce any person, because all he wants is a bit of fun. Kiefer is usually determined, protective of his friends and a party person. With the ups and downs of a teenager, he dislikes getting tonnes of homeworks and projects that are just there to test their responsibility. Kiefer isn't exactly a guy of brains and so his average marks are only Acceptables. With whatever compliment he gives, he never fails to be sincere and genuine all the time.

- - Father: Stefan Harris was born in the Americas. He was educated at Hogwarts Scotland (Gryffindor) throughout his whole life and practiced Quidditch there. However, he did not continue joining a professional team for some personal reasons within his family. As a father, he urges his children to bring out the best in them. He hates to see any mistakes being done but stays silent and forgives. He works as one of the heads of a company that can sell magical artifacts/items that can cost up to thousands of galleons. Stefan is currently forty two old.
- - Mother: Elena Harris (nee Dimitar) was a Bulgarian woman and was educated at Durmstrang Institute. Five years ago, Elena passed away because of a poisonous infection that made her organs deteriorate. She was only thirty seven when she died.
- - Younger brother : Keith Harris is currently twelve years old. As brothers, both almost have the same reckless personality that their father once had. But Keith is more adventurous than Kiefer, and has no intention to actually flirt with girls. Keith participates in a home study program to support his educational needs.

blood status,
- - Mixed Blood. Stefan Harris is a Pure Blood wizard whilst Elena Harris is a Mixed Blood witch.

blood type,
- - O flat.

area of residence,
- - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

- - For now neutral. But perhaps in the future years, Kiefer will side with who he thinks are worth his attention.

- - Canadian. Kiefer was born in the Americas.

- - Part Canadian and Bulgarian. And a little of French and Scottish.

the interesting secrets .
- - None.

hobbies and interests,
- - Kiefer swims almost every month. It's a hobby of his that he could not let go of anymore. It's also his exercise, to improve his body build. He plays Quidditch as well, seeing that the wind is a great thing to improve his mood.

additional skills,
- - He is bilingual. Kiefer can speak English and Bulgarian fluently. But Kiefer does not have the Bulgarian accent. More off an American accent if heard by other people.

the likes,
- - Quidditch, swimming, Italian food, bumming/lazing around, casual, pretty ladies, money, sleeping, reckless adventures, money, Care of Magical Creatures, exploding snaps.

the dislikes,
- - Insects, loud noises, muscle pains, competitions for the heart, cliche plots, people with no common sense, nosiness, clingy girls, fairy tales, tonnes homeworks and projects.

five adjectives,
- - Playful, coy, supportive, laid back, sincere.

the school and the magic .
<FONT font="Georgia"><SIZE size="50">
favorite place,
- - The lawn of Durmstrang. It never fails to soothe the mind.

the people he met,
- - males :
- - females : Quincy Ashe Cavell

- - For now, to be either a professional Quidditch player or swimmer.

best subject(s),
- - Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, Charms, the Dark Arts subject, Defence Against the Dark Arts.

worst subject(s),
- - Muggle Studies, Transfiguration, Herbology, Astronomy, History of Magic.

extracurricular activities,
- - Kiefer plays Quidditch. That's all he does for some extra work.

- - A monkey. A monkey is somewhat playful and it moves all the time. It's similar to Kiefer within his personality and everyday life actions.

- - to come, soon. -

mirror of erised,
- - With his mother gone, Kiefer would love to see himself have a mom. If his father marries a woman whom he loves dearly, Kiefer would gladly accept. It has been long ever since he has seen his father happy and maybe marrying someone would please his dad.

diary page,

When was the last time I even wrote here? It has been ages since I've even bothered to check this old thing out. I'm here in my childhood room, going through the things I've never bothered to look at after several years. Well, it's exciting I can say. There are trains which are odd. I don't remember playing with trains when I was a toddler. Perhaps they were Keith's, but I also don't remember him playing with trains. Seriously, my memory is messed up.
- Kiefer Harris. June 12, 2029.

the usual credits .
All the images that are in this development came from Tumblr. And the
code? Everything is by me ok?. I did it lazily so this is what came out. Hehe. ;D

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