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: Part-Goblin : Second Year Gryffindor : Mixed-Blood :
Full Name: Khione Claire Zielinski Hawthorne
Date of Birth: December 25, 2019
Current Age: Twelve Year Old
Basic Appearance: Long Blond Bright Hair,often wears wigs.
Big Wide eyes (Heterochromia iridum: right eye is ocean blue and left eye is hazel to brown.),
Around 3 feet and five inches tall (will grow up to 4 feet),pale white skin, petite, skinny,
Pointed ears, Rounded/Pointed Nose and Rosy Pink to Red Lips.
Personality: Likes to do crazy things, such as ghost hunting , collecting fakeblood and many more. She lives like there's no tomorrow, Khione believes that you have to live your life to the fullest this is why she takes on challenges and dares faster than you can blink your eye. Khione can be feisty but that's only to people who doesn't believe she can do things the way she said she could. She surely never gets bored with people always on the lookout for her next display of braveness or silliness according to some. Khione too is like a ball of energy, always on the go. She may look weak and defenseless but she's not, be aware that she'll likely drive you nuts with her randomness. Khione loves to go on ghost hunting due to her fascination of the supernatural. She also adored colorful wigs which she also collects. There is something about blood that makes her hyper, though she is only plays with fake blood. Slimy things as a go for her, anything odd and unique. She's very random, and she'll be ready to bungee jump any time. Most of the time she loves to daydream, then there's quidditch; a sport she adores. She loves flying, climbing up to a tree in short anything that isn't safe. This Gryffindor also likes to speak gibberish things, anything new really. Lastly, she quite a nature freak and loves to plant flowers and trees.
Mother: Kataryzna Elize Hawthorne née Zielinski
Half-Blood, Former Beauty Queen now a part-time Fashion Designer. Beauxbaton Graduate, 31 years old.
Father: Charles Dominick Hawthorne
Mixed-Blood, Half-Goblin, Accountant, Hogwarts Scotland Gryffindor Alumni, 36 Years Old.
Sister: Eupheme Dahlia Zielinski Hawthorne
Called "Ephy", Mixed Blood, Currently 4 Years Old, Part-Goblin.
Sundae,my first cat.
Mr. Whiskey,my other cat that I will bring to Hogwarts NZ.
Crayon,my newest Snow Owl.
Area of Residence: Warsaw,Poland
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Race: Part-Goblin
Heritage: Polish, Croatian and Scandinavian
Special Abilities: None as of yet.
Interests or Hobbies: Ghost Hunting, Getting lost, Collecting Dolls and Fake Blood, Playing with Fake Blood,
Jumping, Gardening, Painting, Singing in the shower and Swimming.
Additional Skills: Is good at hiding behind small bushes, quite logical, being a part-goblin and can blend to nature.
Is also fluent in Polish (Warsaw dialect), Slavic and Croatian.
Strengths: Anything related to nature, smallness and fearless.
Weaknesses: Bullies, Can be sometimes emotional, Family.
Describe your character in three words: Weird, Fearless, Friendly
Favourite place to be: Up in a tree or below the tree, Garden, Grassy Places.
Friends: To meet and gain some in HNZ perhaps.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: To be a Prefect, get high/passing grades, Graduate and to be in a Quidditch Team.
Best school subjects: Care of Magical Creatures or Hebology
Worst school subjects: Arithmancy
Extracurricular Activities: Will be joining Wild Patch Club, Heta Omega Sorority and Hopefully Quidditch
Graduation: After Seven Years
Plans for your future: Maybe be a Professor in Hogwarts NZ but still undecided.
Your Patronus: African golden cat
Your Patronus memory: Bonding and Laughing with my family at the same time chatting with my grandparents,
Lastly accepting that she's a freak of nature/part-goblin.
Boggart: Dementors, Giants and Ogres
Animagus: Persian Cat
Mirror of Erised: Seeing a prefect badge on her uniform as well as a team captain of Quidditch then surrounded by her friends.
A page from your diary:
Khione's Diary said:Dear Diary,
Why am I writing here again? Please do remind me! Oh wait! I wanted to right what happened yesterday, the one where Ephy spilled her cereal on the floor and Mr. Whiskey licked it. Mom didn't mind as long as Mr. Whiskey would finish it all up. Ephy was thrilled he even threw his spoon but it hit me. It hurt a bit but no worries I'm fine, Why is little Ephy growing why I'm not. My granpa told me I will reach four feet when I turn eighteen or something. I hope it's soon I can't wait to push of the ladder away from my bed. But it's not actually a ladder, more like a staircase leading to my high bed. Dad asked if he wanted to lower it down for me, but I didn't want him too. I like my bed high, it's as if I'm on top of the mountain. Oh well must cuddle back with Sundae before he gets jealous of Mr. Whiskey.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="#fff">Love Love Love,<i></i>
Khione Claire