Kevin Mcdowell

Kevin McDowell

New Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
The Basics

Character's Name: Kevin Sorath K. McDowell
Character's Birthdate: January 9, 2016
Hometown: Manchester, United Kingdom
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Educated At:
Durmstrang Institute

Playby: Tom Felton
Hair: Blonde (Kevin got the same color from his father)
Eyes: Blue (His eye color was from his German mother. If you dare to stare on Kevin's eyes you'll gonna love it!)
Height: 5'4
Style: A combination of rock and classy
Hairstyle: Well combed
Width: Medium
Likes: Friendly and kind
Dislikes: Boastful and very mean

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A Little Deeper
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Personality: Kevin was a kind of confident person. He's not shy and he loves to make friends. He's really kind and helpful and stays humble. Didn't want to become boastful and hates to encounter a person like that. His parents really raced him well.
Special Talents/Abilities: When he was four years old he started to play drums and guitars. He has a talent of being a Quidditch Seeker, his eyes were like from vampires. He can see an object that flies very quickly. And most of all, he's really good at playing chess even it's in a difficult level. At his age, he's clever.
History: Kevin's life wasn't that good as what the others have. He lived in a very rich and strict family and was the only one child. He always been prohibited by his parents not to focus from playing Quidditch. When he was seven, he was prohibited to play toys and video games so he can focus in his studies and to be a perfect drummer, if he wanted to. His parents didn't want him to go everywhere like going to his friend's house or to go everywhere with his friends like going to a concert.
His tragic passed cannot be erase anymore. He always been scolded since his 16 year old elder brother, Jeremy died when Kevin was four. He admitted that it was his fault when he joined to his brother's practice. Kevin was riding on a small broomstick while Jeremy was riding on his Firebolt. Kevin throwed the necklace away to check how Jeremy was good from being an excellent Seeker. The necklace was really important to his elder brother because he was about to give it to his girlfriend. Kevin didn't expect that Jeremy would panic from throwing that thing and got out of balance while following the falling necklace. He suddenly slipped off from his broomstick and fell 100 feet below the ground. His wand was the first to fell from his pocket that's why Jeremy unabled to save himself. Kevin was really shocked and really feel sorry from what he had done. It was an accident, but Kevin couldn't help but to blame himself all over again. His parents were really disapointed on what he have done, even though he was only four that day. It seems that the passed would remain forever from his parents' heart that's why they do not give some love nor attention for Kevin even though he was doing well as he grow older. But as a parent, they would give support for Kevin.
His school life was just fine. He's grades were really good and were straight A's. He's quiet in class and didn't like to make a mess like, shouting. At the age of 12, he became famous at his muggle school and always been admired by every girls in their school. There, he met his best friends, Ralph Green and Michael Bluefield. One day in their school, they saw an announcement about 'Battle of the Bands'. There he met his first crush, Tiriel Coleswood. And that girl became their lead vocalist after Kevin heared her singing. She become one of his bestfriends too. It took months before Kevin fell in love with her at a very young age. At the age of 13, Kevin admitted Tiriel that he admires her while giving a rose at fourteenth of February. Sadly, Tiriel admitted that he's not the one she admires. The one she admires was their other classmate. Kevin was broken hearted so he composed a song for Tiriel. It wasn't easy to forget her completely. But not for so long, Kevin already forgot her and back to normal as a young teenager until he got a letter from Durmstrang at the age of fourteen.
Family: Kevin's parents were both mixed bloods. His mother, Veronica Kleinscher was a pure German woman and studied at Beauxbatons Academy. She was working at the Ministry of Magic in a higher position. On the other hand, his father, George McDowell was a pure British man and studied at Durmstrang Institute. He's well disciplined and he wanted everything perfect in school. He's working at the Ministry of Magic. Same as Veronica, he's in the higher position too.
George and Veronica met in Hogwarts Scotland in 1994 when Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came in at Hogwarts when Triwizard Cup Tournament had begun. They were both eleven and became close friends at that year. They always meet in the Great Hall every meal time and in free time, they always meet at the garden. They've got a great time for each other until when the time came that, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang must to say goodbye to Hogwarts.
George and Veronica really missed each other until George decided to give a letter for Veronica using his own owl. They were exchanging letters on every letter arrives. In 1999, George told Veronica that, he's going to visit her in Germany. Veronica was excited about this and they met in Berlin. There, their frienship became stronger. They always go to the park and for sometimes, they always go to a concert. In 2000, at the age of 17, when Veronica was in a vacation in Great Britain, George asked her to meet him in London. There, George asked Veronica to be his girlfriend, and to his belief, Veronica said yes. They got a great time for each other before 4 years have passed that George asked her to marry him. And so they did.
The couple got two sons and it was Jeremy and Kevin. Jeremy was really good at Quidditch as a Seeker. His parents always attend to the tournament to watch him and he always win. Kevin on the other hand, was really good at playing drums since he was four and George and Veronica were really proud from having a son who was gifted from playing drums. They really love their two sons but since, Jeremy died, the happy family wasn't like that as Kevin feels now.

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