Kenneth Hickman-Vallender

Kenneth Hickman-Vallender

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" Maple and Essence of Silver Thistle


- Basic Kenny Information

- More Kenny Information

- History

- Family

- Wand

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The Basics
Character's Name: Kenenth Zacharias Hickman-Vallender
Nickname: Kenny
Name Meaning:
Kenneth: Handsome (Celteic/Gaelic)
Zacharias: Remembrance of the lord (Hebrew)
Playby name: Chord Overstreet
Character's Birthdate: 14th February 2007
Hometown: Oxford, London (England)
Current residence: New Zealand
Blood Status: Half blood
Blood Type: A+
Heritage: English.
Sexuality: Gay
Wand: English 15” Maple and Essence of Silver Thistle
School: Durmstrang
Occupation: Pub owner
Pets: A border collie called Bow and a husky called Merlin


Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’ 6”
Shirt Style: Plain or vest top with button up tops over them
Jacket Style: Aything
Trousers Style: Jeans
Hair-do: Longish and straight. Usually messy.
Shoes: Trainers
Dominant hand: right
Other Distinguishing Features: Normally has a smile on his face.


A Little Deeper
Five Words: Loyal, smart, caring, outgoing, talkative
Personality: Kenny’s a very nice boy. He was brought up with snobby uptight parents who were barely ever around so he had various nannies raising him and caring for him through his childhood. Kenny’s never liked his parents much and has always been more of a friends person. His friends are very important to him and he makes sure he is there for them just as much as (and sometimes more so) as they are for him.

Talents and likes
Magical talents: Herbology, charms
Other talents: Good dancer but never dances in front of people and says nothing about it to anyone, has an eye for fashion
Weakness: Trusts people too easily sometimes
Likes: Friends, choosing clothes, shopping
Dislikes: Bullys, liars, traitors
Best subject: Herbology
Worst subject: None
Favourite place in the Durmstrang grounds: Common room
Least favourite place in the Durmstrang grounds: Main hall
Patronus: St. Bernard
Boggart: Insects
Goals: Kenny has reached his one goal. He always wanted to graduate from school with good grades and buy a pub to run. The only other goals he has is to find the person he loves, adopt a son / daughter or two and do part time modelling. Fashion is one of his loves and he definitely has the body for modelling.
Bad habits: Kenny can sometimes trust people too easily and a few times he’s found himself trusting the wrong person
Loyalties: Friends

Sign: Aquarius
Element: Air
Ruling planet: Uranus
Symbol: The water bearer
Stone: Amethyst
Life Pursuit: To understand life’s mysteries
- Friendly and humanitarian
- Honest and loyal
- Original and inventive
- Independent and intellectual
- Intractable and contrary
- Perverse and unpredictable
- Unemotional and detached


Chinese Year
Personality: Occupying the last position in the Chinese Zodiac, the 12th, the Pig symbolizes such character traits as diligence, compassion, and generosity. Pigs enjoy life and because they are entertaining, others enjoy their company. Pigs are giving souls and reap much enjoyment when they’re helping others, but sometimes they give too much. Honesty is what Pigs give and it’s what they expect to receive in return.
Pigs seek peace and will do what is necessary to maintain it. This trait, while admirable, sometimes makes it easy for others to take advantage of Pigs. Pigs are always doing for others, helping anyway they can, but rarely will they ask others for help. This can overwhelm and stress them, but Pigs don’t mind.
When it comes to money, Pigs enjoy spending more than saving. They gravitate towards name brand items. Thriftiness happens only occasionally, but Pigs do know how to find great deals.
Health: Always seeking fun, Pigs often indulge more than they should. Excessive eating, drinking and smoking can cause sickness. Pigs aren’t very active and, combined with their excessive behaviors, cause them to gain weight. Pigs are social and being alone makes them unhappy. Pigs would benefit from adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Career: Supportive and giving, Pigs make great partners. They’re affectionate and sexual and prefer staying home to going out. They enjoy what they have, especially their home and family. Once they find the right partner, they’re typically committed for the long-term.
Relationships: Supportive and giving, Pigs make great partners. They’re affectionate and sexual and prefer staying home to going out. They enjoy what they have, especially their home and family. Once they find the right partner, they’re typically committed for the long-term.

Before Kenny was born.
Kenny’s parents were very stuck up through out their childhood. The only person even slightly like him was his gran on his mother’s side. She always cared for people and looked after them and was disappointed when her daughter became so up tight. Delilah and Jason didn’t meet until they were in their twenties. Jason got sent to hospital after falling down some stairs at work and spraining his ankle. Delilah was the doctor seeing him. It wasn’t exactly love at first sight but it was close. The two got talking while Delilah was seeing to his ankle and they ended up setting a date.

Kenny never enjoyed his childhood much. He was very spoilt and got everything he wanted from his parents (being their only child) but he never got to spend anytime with his parents as they were always off on holidays and stuff. He spent loads of time with his gran when he was very young but then she got too ill and couldn’t handle him anymore. Delilah hired a few different nannies up until he was eleven when he got sent to Durmstrang. Kenny became very similar to his favourite nannies. They were always the kind caring ones where as there were three or four that never let him do anything fun.

Kenny was happy when he got accepted at Durmstrang. It meant no more nannies. He could finally have some time to himself and get on with his school work without being ask whether he’s able to cope with it or not. Kenny, surprisingly, found it hard to make friends at Durmstrang. He managed to get a small group of friends but he was completely different to all of them.

The boys.
Kenny got into a group of friends. They were all boys. They were also all the opposite of him. While he was kind, caring and intelligent they were mouthy and made the wrong decisions. All the same, they were his friends and he wasn’t going to hurt their feelings.

Going gay.
Kenny had only ever once been kissed properly by a girl and it hadn’t gone well. Ken started wondering why he found it so hard to be around girls. That’s when he met Josh. Josh was a happy bisexual who had decided he liked Kenny. Ken didn’t know Josh was bisexual until Josh kissed him. He took him as a shock at the time but what shocked him even more was the fact he liked it. This brought him to the conclusion he was gay and ended up in a relationship with Josh.

Coming out of the closet.
Kenny had been too worried to tell his parents that he was gay. They were very judgemental people and they were usually very happy to show it. Josh persuaded him to tell them and they just turned their noses up at him. They called him childish and irresponsible even though he was sixteen at the time. This was when he decided his parents weren’t worth the trouble. He still spent time with them and talked to them but he didn’t feel like they were his mum and dad. They were just people that he lived with.

Kenny graduated from Durmstrang with flying grades. He’d always been good at getting the grades he wanted and this was just proof. He wasn’t going to be using any of these grades though. Kenny went back to England and bought a pub which he owns and runs. He loves he pub and finds it great fun running it. He gets along with everyone there and no one seems to care when they find out he’s gay.

Family Tree

Jason Vallender
Birthdate: 12th May 1981
Occupation: Lawyer
Blood type: Half blood
School: Durmstrang


Delilah Hickman-Vallender
Birthdate: 4th August 1982
Occupation: Doctor
Blood type: Half blood
School: Beauxbatons



English 15” Maple and Essence of Silver Thistle
The best word to describe the energy of this wood is "introspective."
It is not for those with flights of fancy, but rather for those who seek
to explore their own personal energy adn the "here and now". It is good
for blocking out emotional energy so that one may focus upon the task at hand.

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