Kennedy Smile

Kennedy Smile

Well-Known Member
Straight 15 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
The Basics
Character's Name: Kennedy Marquis Smile
Character's Birthdate: February 13, 2015
Hometown: Queenstown, New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Straight 15 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
-Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
-Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
-Wood: Ivy wands are best suited for social wizards and witches who adapt well in difficult situations and thrive. They also seem to have a knack for healing magic.
-Core: Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
-Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

Educated At: Homeschooled
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Hit Wizard
Hair: Close shave, black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 6 feet and 5 inches
Style: Kennedy likes to wear jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket. He always carries one with him because he does not like being cold. He is very picky when it comes to his shoes. They have to correspond with his current attire, and there are times when he changes shoes several times a day because he does not want them to get a bad smell. Kennedy is relaxed at home, he wears sweats and a plain shirt. He does not wear shoes in the house because he thinks that it is dirty.
Other Distinguishing Features: There is a scar on his left eye.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Kennedy likes things to be simple. He is very studious and quiet. This is because he feels ashamed about the times that he was uncontrollable and a nuisance to his family. He does not want to get in anyone's way. He is temperamental. There are times when he is unpredictable because he is more likely to act on his feelings than his intellect. Kennedy enjoys to learn things. He will not stop learning something until he understands it down to a science. He likes to make connections on how everything works together to make one outcome. He is protective of his family. Even though he and his brother do not talk often, Kennedy would do anything to keep his family safe. He feels like he has to make up for all the trouble he had put his family through. He is very close to his youngest sibling, Jazmine. They used to fight a lot, and he gave her the very scar over his eye, but he deserved it. It was a type of bonding for him. Kennedy admires all the work his sister put in to keep the family functioning in a system of a sort. He likes to have a routine, and he is very methodical and organized. Sometimes, his need for everything to be just right keeps him from opening up to people. He refuses to deal with people's dirty habits. Kennedy has always been hard to get along with, but he is more open to friendships. The fact that he received his magical schooling at home isolated him. He never knows the correct thing to do around others. Someone may fall in the street, and he would simply just hand them a bandaid for their bruises.

Kennedy likes long lasting relationships. He enjoys being able to have someone to talk to and spoil. He is willing to go out of his way for a girl that he loves. He is very dedicated and devoted when in a relationships. There are times when he gets jealous about how his significant other spends their time with others, but Kennedy is not one to voice those thoughts. tbc~

Special Talents/Abilities: Non-verbal magic
History: Kennedy Smile is the oldest child of Annalise and Lincoln Smile. He is a half-blood due to the fact that his father was a muggle. Kennedy was 12 when his father died. After his father's death, he became more possessive of his twin brother, Klaus. Kennedy, his brother, and father were extremely close. He did not want to lose Klaus too. He became paranoid. He felt that they were judging him, so he studied hard. His mother home-schooled him and Klaus. Klaus ended up going to Hogwarts New Zealand, and he was in Gryffindor. Kennedy tried to make his brother stay with him, but he was not able to. This made him very unstable emotionally. He and his brother had always been close, so he had never been lonely. Studying was the only way Kennedy was able to get his mind off of his loneliness.

He started to date a girl, Ruby Clow. At first, he kept her around because he needed someone to control, but Ruby changed him. She made him look at the world differently. Ruby had come from a horrible place, and Kennedy was lonely, and he needed help controlling his emotions. It was a give and take relationship. The two dated up until they were 19. They both decided to part ways. He matured in many ways while in his relationship with Ruby. He had learned to control his temper, and he became more open-minded. He realized that not everyone was looking at him or trying to bring him down. He became more dependable because Ruby would have episodes, and he always wanted to be there. When he starts something, he wants to see it through. Kennedy kept putting off applying because he wanted to be able to help Jazmine through her last years at Hogwarts New Zealand. His youngest sibling had found out that she her father was not Lincoln but a veela named Concord. Kennedy had also found out that his parents had been divorced since Jazmine's birth. He will always be grateful to his father for living together with his children, and he will forever be grateful for him treating and raising Jazmine as his own. With his mother's help, he has still been practicing and perfecting his skills in magic, and he learned some Earth and Pink magic because he felt like he needed more work to do. He is always looking for ways to better himself as a wizard and as a human being.


Annalise Smile
~ Annalise has always been the easiest on Kennedy. He is the most sensitive of the family. He wishes that she did not have to lie about the divorce and affair.</FONT></COLOR>
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Lincoln Smile
~ Kennedy admires his father for his ability to be the bigger person. He took care of Jazmine like his own, despite the divorce and the fact that she isn't his child. Kennedy is grateful his father did such a deed. His father is no longer living.

Klaus Smile
Twin Brother
Professional Athlete
~ Klaus and Kennedy used to be very close, but they are no longer close at all. Kennedy was homeschooled until his fourth year. Then, he transferred to Hogwarts, and he was placed into Gryffindor. Klaus is a homosexual.

Jazmine Della-Robbia
~ Jazmine was always the cheery one of the family. She was like the glue that kept everyone from falling apart after the death of Lincoln. Since finding out about her veela lineage, she has been very depressed. She is the closest to Kennedy now. Kennedy cares for his sister dearly, and he would do anything for her to be happy again.

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