Kellin Tuuri

Kellin Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
[ul][li] Full Name:
[ul][li]Kellin Leevi Kuuri[/li][/ul]</LI>
[li] First Name Meaning:
[li] First Name Origin:
[li] Middle Name Meaning:
[ul][li]Adhesion, joined to, crown, garland[/li][/ul]</LI>
[li] Middle Name Origin:
[li] Last Name Meaning:
[ul][li]Luck, Bear, Stone[/li][/ul]
[li] Last Name Origin:
[li] Nicknames:
[li] Date Of Birth:
[ul][li]Seventh of December, twenty thirteen[/li][/ul]
[li] Current Age:
[ul][li]Twenty, but likes to say he's nineteen[/li][/ul]
[li] Gender:
[li] Sexual Orientation:
[li] Place Of Birth:
[ul][li]Finland, the town of Kemi [/li][/ul]
[li] Current Area Of Residence:
[ul][li]New Zealand, the city of Christchurch[/li][/ul]
[li] Blood Status:
[ul][li]Mixed Blood.<SIZE size="50"> Part-Goblin Approved.[/li][/ul]
[li] Educated At:
[ul][li]Home schooled[/li][/ul]</LI>
[li] Marital Status:
[ul][li]Single, and not looking.[/li][/ul]
[li] Favourite Colour:
[li] Hair Colour:
[ul][li]Light brown[/li][/ul]
[li] Hair Length and Texture:
[ul][li]Cropped and reaching just beyond his ears. Kellin's hair is quite straight and rarely needs brushing because it is rather thin and rarely knots. Kellin likes his hair how it is, it takes very little to tame and he rarely gives it a second thought. However, he does make sure it covers his ears, which have a point. He is embarrassed by his ears and doesn't like people looking at them.[/li][/ul]
[li] Eye Colour:
[ul][li]Golden brown[/li][/ul]
[li] Height:
[ul][li]Just off four foot.[/li][/ul]
[li] Weight:
[li] Skin Tone and Description:
[ul][li]Kellin's skin is a pale olive colour, something he inherited from his mother's side of the family. Kellin's skin is soft, but can get a little dry when it's hot. Fortunately, he is lucky enough to not burn like his father. Instead, he tans.[/li][/ul]
[li] Good Habits:
[li]Has a great sense of humor[/li][/ul]
[li] Bad Habits:
[ul][li]Very loud
[li]Ridiculously dependent[/li][/ul]
[li] Favourite place to be:
[ul][li]Anywhere with people.[/li][/ul]
[li] Current Job:
[li] Heritage:
[ul][li]One quarter Swedish, one half Finnish, one quarter English[/li][/ul]
[li] Graduation:
[ul][li]Twenty Thirty[/li][/ul]
[li] Five Words To Describe Kellin:
[ul][li]Dependant, loud, spontaneous, understanding, childish[/li][/ul]
[li] Boggart:
[ul][li]A giant spider[/li][/ul]
[li] Likes:
[ul][li]Ice-cream, Shiny things[/li][/ul]
[li] Dislikes:
[ul][li]Serious people
[li]Being treated like an 'invalid'[/li][/ul]
[li] Fears:
[li] Goals:
[ul][li]To stay a week in every country on the planet.[/li][/ul]
[li] Your Animagus:
[ul][li]Kellin does not have one. He'd like to think it would be a dragon, but this is incredibly unlikely.[/li][/ul]
[li] Your Patronus:
[ul][li]Kellin's patronus is an eagle.[/li][/ul]
[li] Your Patronus memory:
[ul][li]Kellin's patronus memory was when he first went to Kenya with his friends. It was the first time he was allowed to do something without his mother looking over his shoulder.[/li][/ul]
[li] Dementor:
[ul][li]When Kellin was eleven, he was being stupid with his friends and went swimming in the nearby river. He was caught up in the stream and nearly lost his life. He was saved by his mother.[/li][/ul]
[li] History:
[ul][li]Kellin was the second child to Arvo and Estelle Tuuri. Born on the seventh of December, twenty thirteen at three in the afternoon, Kellin was noticeably smaller than most children. This was not unexpected by his parents, as his father was a part-goblin himself,and he had older siblings that also showed physical signs of being part-goblins. He was named Kellin after a friend his mother had in her youth and grew up as a happy child. Kellin grew up in the town of Kemi, Finland. With the large amount of water around him, Kellin grew an interest in swimming very early, though was never allowed to join other children in playing. He was protected as a child as his mother still felt the loss of her first. Kellin was raised at home and home schooled with other magical children nearby, though his half siblings were sent away to Durmstrang after his mother found it hard to live with them. These children quickly became his close friends and he cares for all of them equally, well, mostly. By the age of fourteen, Kellin had a large group of friends, and a larger than life personality, but was always a little shy of his appearance. It was not easy for him to be surrounded by his friends when they were all taller than him. There were occasions where he would be stepped on. However, his best friend would step in and make sure he'd be okay.
Kellin grew quite dependent on his friends. He did everything with them, though he liked to claim that he was independent. Although Kellin tries, he can never seem to do things by himself. He feels that he is too small to do things properly, and so he relies on his friends to help him out. Though he loves seeking the aid of his friends, he cannot stand his mother controlling his life. Kellin hates her meddling and constant worrying. He promised himself that he would leave Finland as soon as he could. When he turned seventeen, Kellin packed his wand and bags and set off for a travel around the world. After some coaxing, he managed to convince his closest friend, Henri Keto, to travel with him. To date, they have been travelling for two and a half years, verging on three. They have spent time in many different countries, and regularly returned to Finland to make sure Kellin's mother had not suffered a heart attack from worry. To date, she is alive and well. Kellin recently stopped off in New Zealand.[/li][/ul]
[li] Immediate Family:
[ul][li]Father: Arvo Ville Tuuri
[ul][li]Part-Goblin, 65, Home schooled
[li]Arvo was first married to a Finnish witch named Jonna Aro. The two split five years after his daughter Leena Tuuri was born, and he won full custody of their offspring. Some years later, he met and then married Estelle Elton. The two split after their son, Kalevi turned seven, and she won full custody of their children, and moved to England. Arvo took a third wife, a woman named Kata Ylitalo. They have four children together.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Half-Brother: Jaakko Into Tuuri
[ul]<LI>[li]Mixed blood, 39, Durmstrang
[ul]<LI>[li]Nephew: Jaskai Hesekiel Tuuri, 13
[li]Niece: Loviisa Jenni Tuuri, 7
[li]Nephew: Kai Matias Tuuri, 4[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Half-Sister: Elsa Hannele Saari
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 35, Durmstrang [ul]<LI>[li]Niece: Kaisa Kylli Tuuri, 14
[li]Nephew: Lars Lennart Saari, 9
[li] Nephew: Kalle Luukas Saari, 5
[li]Niece: Kaija Malin Saari, 1
[li]Niece: Lotta Cecilia Saari, 1[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Half-Sister: Aada Irma Rintala
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 32, Durmstrang
[ul][li]Nephew: Markus Anselmi Rintala, 8
[li]Nephew: Aatami Edvin Rintala, 3
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Half-Sister: Leena Marije Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 29, Durmstrang
[ul][li]Nephew: Evander Marko Tuuri, 13
[ul][li]Half-Brother: Mikael 'Mikko' Kari Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 14, Home-schooled.
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Half-Sister: Henriikka Josefiina Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 12, Home-schooled.
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Half-Brother: Antero Heikki Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 10, -
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Half-Brother: Elijas Jussi Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 10, -
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Mother: Estelle Olivia (Elton) Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 50, Hogwarts Scotland (Ravenclaw)
[/li][/ul][ul][li]Sister: Simone Taru Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, died at the age of seven.
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Sister: Maire Liisa Mikkola
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 23, Home Schooled
[ul]<LI>[li]Nephew:Miska Hesekiel Mikkola, 1
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Brother: Enzio Jorrki Tuuri
[ul][li]Mixed blood, 21, Hogwarts Scotland, Hufflepuff
[/li][/ul][/li][/ul][ul][li]Brother: Kalevi Roman Tuuri
[ul]<LI>[li]Mixed blood, 20, Hogwarts Scotland, Hufflepuff

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