Closed Keeping Up With Friends

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
With the semester wrapping up, Isaiah was busy with pretty much anything that had nothing to do with exams. His grades had never been good and he had managed to get them up a little last year so he was sure his dads didn't have anything to complain about. He just needed to keep his grades right were they were and he'd be sweet. Plus, there were so many other things that were way more important than exams anyways. Like the Yule Ball coming up, pranks he still had to work out and even the idea of hosting another hang out for his classmates after the break. And then there was hanging out with friends, which was equally as important. Having planned to meet with Kaia, Zay had headed over to the abandoned classroom and hopped onto a desk as he waited for his friend to arrive. He took a notebook out of his bag as he waited, scribbling down some plans he had for the remainder of the school year.
Kaia had spent a lot of the past time helping out her mom with creatures that she had at school, it was easy enough and at least, she wasn't all the time at the school and indoors. Also, it wasn't a secret that Kaia and professor Stark had a very close relationship and if Kaia would need to name her girl bestie, the first thought probably would be her mom. With boy bestie, it would be a way bigger problem, for a long time she had Ben, but since they had distanced from each other for some time, well, everything was difficult between them. Yet, she still tried to keep up with all her other friends and she was honestly excited for the planned meeting with Zay, it was always fun and Kaia hoped that this one will be as fun as all the other ones. "Please tell me we aren't going to study," she growled as she noticed Isaiah scribbling something in a notebook. "I am just from a CoMC classroom, I spent there more than three hours, I had enough of studying today," first, they didn't have a CoMC this semester, second, she totally wasn't studying there, she knew all those creatures already since her mom was a magizoologist for as long as Kaia remembered herself. Yet, she still said that since she was in a classroom for so long and it was enough for her to get tired of it.
Isaiah had been scribbling down various things as he waited for Kaia to arrive. The one at the top of his list was to figure out what to wear for the yule ball. Items below that included possible pranks, items he would need for those and things he would need to host a succesful class hang out like he had last year. Well, no. Not like he had last year. Way more succesful than it had been last year. And without Wes this time around since he hadn't exactly spoken to his friend after he had ratted them out. Which had sucked and had caused him to ignore the other boy ever since. "You do realize who you're talking to, right?" Zay laughed when Kaia barged in talking about studying. As if he'd ever voluntarily use his free time to study. "Nah, dude, I was just scribbling down some plans I have." He added with a grin. As far as friends went he had plenty, yet not all of them were as outgoing as Kaia was so he appreciated having her around to match his energy.
Kaia hopped on the table next to Zay's and laughed at his answer. "Of course, I do. That's why I don't like the thought of learning," she teased him, if she'd want to study, she'd honestly find another partner for that, Zay was an amazing friend and they would probably end up doing everything except for studying. "Huh, what plans? Like "I want to become the most wanted boy in the whole school" oh no, no "get a glowup before the fifth year starts" or maybe "hit the bludger into headmistress window"?" She jokingly offered a lot of plans knowing that probably none of them were in the list. She was simply messing around, knowing that Zay was that person who would absolutely love that she wasn't just existing with him in the same room.
Isaiah snorted at Kaia's response, a little curious if she had actually been thinking he was studying. If she had it would mean she didn't really know him at all and he was sure that wasn't the case. "Excuse me, I don't need any type of glow up." He scoffed jokingly when his friend started joking about things he might've been writing in his notebook. "I'm already hot." Zay added with a shrug, closing his notebook and stuffing it into his bag with little care. It was already falling apart anyways so why be careful with it. Hitting a bludger into the headmistress' window didn't sound like a solid plan either, although the idea of pranking the woman did make his thoughts run wild. Perhaps in a few years when he was close to graduating and she couldn't fully punish him for it anymore. "Nah, I was kind of planning another class hang out. Like the one last year? But better."
Kaia looked at him unsurely. "Are you sure?" she asked in a really doubting voice before starting to laugh. She was just messing around, she always did that when she knew that the person she was messing around with wasn't going to get mad or offended by it. "Alright, alright, you are, not even going to disagree with that fact," she admitted that Zay was hot, it was just the thing that so far she was used to him being her friend, and the fact that she may had started to put her thoughts down on someone else. Tho, she was fastly distracted with him starting to talk about what he actually was writing down. "Wait, another hang out? Really? Are you going to make it with Weston again? I don't think that those tables will get through another flood on them," Kaia fastly got invested in the theme, she found those hang outs pretty cool and if he was into thought of making them even better, Kaia was all in and was getting ready to offer her help as his right hand and assistant, she wanted to help him make a cool party or hangout to all their year. Next year they were probably going to all focus on their OWLs instead of each other.
Isaiah grinned when Kaia admitted that he was, in fact, hot. He knew he could be a little cocky from time to time so it was nice to hear someone else actually agree out loud. At least that meant he wasn't unfairly being confident. His face faltered slightly when she mentioned Weston though and he shook his head in response. "Nah, Wes and I aren't exactly talking." Zay said with a shrug. "So I guess I'm flying solo this time." He added, eyeing Kaia as he half expected her to offer her help right here and now. He liked to think they were quite similar in some ways, which would mean Kaia would love the attention of hosting as much as he did. "You wanna help?" He asked after a second of thinking about it and deciding that he could use some help. It'd be like playing second violin, sure, but she'd still get credit. "It's going to be way better than last year. I mean I'm already like five steps ahead by just making a list of stuff we'll need."
Kaia frowned in confusion when Zay said that he and Wes didn't talk anymore, Kaia thought they had always been inseperable, so hearing that they didn't talk anymore just didn't make sense to her. "Why?" Kaia often could be kinda insensitive but this time the confusion was right on her face. However, after the offer, she acted like she was considering the offer even tho she was just leading towards him offering it. "Of course I'm in! You should have counted me in immediately," she excitedly clapped hands and then he went in with his plans. She loved the spotlight and Zay was right when he thought that they were similar, they totally were. She loved being in a spotlight as much as he did. "Not bad, show me what you have in mind!" Kaia excitedly asked, hoping to see where they had to start. She put her legs up on the table, making herself more comfortable. "Are we going to let everyone know about the hangout through notes? Making a poster would just get attention of not only our year," she wanted to make sure that on this question they were on the same wave.

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